
https://sites.google.com/site/jcastillosite Residency: Santiago, ChileDate of birth: 30.11.1973 ACADEMIC BACKGROUND
Doctoral studies - Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Humboldt University, Germany. Dissertation topic: “The legitimacy of economic inequality. An empirical approach to the case of Chile”.
Thesis oral defense: 02.02.2010, final grade (Gesamtprädikat): “summa cum laude”.
Master degree in Public Management - Potsdam University, Germany.
Master thesis topic: “Performance appraisal in public sectororganizations”.
Psychologist, “Licenciado” degree - Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile.
Degree thesis topic: “Belief in a just world and attitudes of intolerance and discrimination”.
(www.isjp.de) – Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University, Berlin.
Lecturer of the seminar “Empirical Social Research” – Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University, Berlin.
Lecturer of the seminar “Social Development and Public Policy” – School of Psychology, Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile.
Associated researcher in social research methods and capacity building programs for people living under poverty conditions - Applied Social Studies Consultants, Valparaiso, Chile.
Lecturer of the course “Social problems analysis” - School of Psychology, Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile.
Vice Director of social development programs - National Foundation for Overcoming Poverty, Valparaiso / Santiago, Chile.
Social projects manager, “Service for the country (servicio pais)” program - Municipality of Hijuelas, Chile.
Student assistant in Social Psychology – School of Psychology, Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile.
Juan Carlos Castillo
Teaching assistant scholarship, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences.
Dissertation fellowship, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences.
Qualification scholarship, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences.
KAAD Doctoral Scholarship (Catholic Academic Exchange Service).
Best of the class award, Potsdam University, Germany.
DSE Master Scholarship (German Foundation for International Development).
English : advanced knowledge (master and doctoral theses written in English).
German : advanced knowledge (Oberstufe).
36th Spring Seminar: “Topics in Advanced Categorical Data Analysis (CDA)”. Lecturers: Professor Linda M. Collins, Penn State University; Dr. Stephanie T. Lanza, Penn State University, Professor Allan McCutcheon, University of Nebraska. February 26 - March 9 (2007) in Köln, Zentrales Archiv für Empirische Sozialforschung.
Workshop “Latent Variable Modeling with Mplus”. Lecturers: Professors Bengt & Linda Muthén. September 10 – 12 (2007), School of Economics, University of Florence.
37th Spring Seminar “Generalized Latent Variable Modeling”. Lecturer: Prof. Jeroen Vermunt, Tilburg University. March 10 – 14, (2008) Köln , Zentrales Archiv für Empirische Sozialforschung.
2005 / 2008: implementation and analysis of the International Social Justice Project survey in Chile. Department of Empirical Research Methods, Institute of social sciences, Humboldt University.
2007: design and analysis of factorial survey “Justice of earnings in Chile”, in cooperation with the University Academia de Humanismo Cristiano.
2008: analysis and report of the survey “Productive support in the Brandenburg Region”. Centre of Empirical Social Research (CES) Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University.
2009: supervision and data base administration for the panel survey of the “Deutches Jugend Institut”. Centre of Empirical Social Research (CES) Institute of social sciences, Humboldt University.
Juan Carlos Castillo
2009: analysis of the survey “Legal Justice in Israel”, in cooperation with Professor Arye Rattner (Haifa University, Israel).
2009: survey design and codification for the research project “Hybrid identities”. Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University.
2009 -2010: elaboration of final research report of the “International Social Justice Project” for the Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft. Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University.
: descriptive and multivariate analysis.
: data management, descriptive and multivariate analysis, exploratory factor analysis, multilevel models (program xtmixed).
: confirmatory factor analysis, path models, MIMIC models, multilevel models and multilevel structural equations.
Castillo, J. (2009). Perception and Legitimacy of Economic Inequality in Chile. Paper presented at the 5th ECPR General Conference (Sept. 10-12). Potsdam: Potsdam University.
Schneider, S., & Castillo, J. (2009). The Legitimacy of Social Inequality in Comparative Perspective: Do People and Countries Differ in their Poverty Attributions? Paper presented at the 21st World Congress of Political Science – IPSA (July 12-16). Santiago de Chile: Universidad de Chile.
Castillo, J. (2009). What are Just Salaries for Different Occupations in Chile? A Factorial Survey Approach. Paper presented at the 21st World Congress of Political Science – IPSA (July 12-16). Santiago de Chile: Universidad de Chile.
Castillo, J. (2009). Consensus and Legitimacy of Earnings Inequality. Presentation at the International Social Justice Project meeting (May 6-10). Haifa: Haifa University.
Castillo, J. (2009). ¿Consenso o Conflicto acerca de la Distribución? La Legitimación de la Desigualdad Económica en Chile en Perspectiva Comparada. Paper presented at the 2nd Latin American Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (April 22-24). Lima: Universidad Católica.
Castillo, J. (2008). Legitimación de la Desigualdad Económica en Chile. Presentation at the Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano (December 10th), Santiago de Chile.
Castillo, J., & Schneider, S. (2008). The Legitimacy of the Distributive System: A Comparison of Germany and Chile. Paper presented at the 31st Conference of the International Society of Political Psychology - ISPP (Paris, July 9-12). International Social Justice Project - Working Paper N°161, Berlin: Humboldt University.
Castillo, J., Mühleck, K., & Wegener, B. (2008). The Empirical Approach to the Study of Social Justice: A Research Agenda for Latin America. Paper presented at the Conference "Intra- and inter- generational Transmission of Inequality" (Feb. 28-29). Mexico: Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean of United Nations Development Program (RBLAC-UNDP).
Juan Carlos Castillo
Castillo, J., Gerlitz, J., & Schrenker, M. (2008). Perception and Legitimacy of Income Inequality in International Comparison. Paper presented at the APSA Annual Conference (Aug. 28-31). Boston: Conference Center.
Castillo, J. (2008). On the Justice of Occupational Earnings in Chile: A Factorial Survey Analysis. Presentation at the 12th Conference of the International Society for Justice Research (August 14-17). Adelaide: Flinders University.
Castillo, J. (2007). Explanations of Poverty: A Comparison of Germany, the Czech Republic and Chile. Presentation at the International Social Justice Project meeting (April 27-28). Budapest: Social Sciences Faculty, Eötvös Loránd University.
Castillo, J. (2007). Legitimation and Justice Ideologies in Contexts of Extreme Economic Inequalities. Paper presented at the 30th Conference of the International Society of Political Psychology (Portland, July 4-7). International Social Justice Project - Working Paper N°125, Berlin: Humboldt University.
Castillo, J. (2007). Justice Ideologies and Attributions of Poverty in Comparative Perspective. Presentation at the Conference "Law and Society in the 21st Century" (July 15-28). Berlin: Humboldt University.
Castillo, J. (2006). Justice Ideologies in Highly Unequal Contexts. The Case of Chile in Comparative Perspective. Poster presented at the 11th Conference of the International Society for Justice Research (August 2-5). Berlin: Humboldt University.
Castillo, J. (2009). ¿Cuál es la Brecha Salarial Justa? Opinión Pública y Legitimación de la Desigualdad Económica en Chile. Estudios Públicos, (113), 237-266. Schneider, S., & Castillo, J. (2007). Internal and External Attributions of Poverty - Germany 1991/ 2006. International Social Justice Project - Working Paper N°132, Berlin: Humboldt University.
Castillo, J., & Schneider, S. (2007). Internal and External Attributions of Poverty and Wealth. International Social Justice Project - Working Paper N°131, Berlin: Humboldt University. Castillo, J., & Asun, D. (2002). Creencias en la Justicia en el Mundo: Un Estudio Preliminar en Relación a Actitudes de Intolerancia y Discriminación. In D. Paez (Ed.), Psicología Social. Buenos Aires: Prentice Hall.

Source: http://mideuc.cl/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/CVJuanCarlosCastillo_english.pdf


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