Microsoft word - davening times for shabbos tetzaveh & purim 5773.docx

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Davening Times for Shabbos Tetzaveh & Purim 13 Adar 5773 – 23 February 2013
@ Lubavitch of Edgware
Thursday - Taanis Esther
Shabbos Morning – Parshas Zachor
4:25am Fast Begins
8:30am Tanya Shiur with Rabbi Leivi Sudak 9:30am Shacharis Followed by Farbrengen
(Awaiting Sponsor)
6:03pm Fast Ends
Shabbos Evening
4:20pm Mincha Followed by Seudah Shlishis with a
Friday Evening
Sicha Shiur (Sponsors Welcome)
Candle Lighting 5:10pm
6:21pm Shabbos Ends
5:50pm Kabolas Shabbos (Earliest Nacht 6:02pm)
6:45pm Main Megillah including special
No Sicha Shiur with Rabbi Zalman Sudak this
Children’s reading
8:00pm-9:00pm Animal Magic Show
8:00pm-11:00pm Megillah Readings every hour
on the hour
Sunday – Ki Sisa - PURIM
7:00am Early Megillah Reading
8:00am Shacharis with MAIN Megillah Reading at 9:00am 8:00pm Gemora Shiur
9:00am-4:00pm Megillah every hour on the hour
4:45pm Purim Meal - Prebooking Essential
Monday – Shushan Purim
8:15pm Shulchan Aruch Shiur
No Mommy & Me This week. For Info Call 07930 559 230
8:00pm JLI,
Living with Integrity (part 4)
Days In Chabad (Shabbos):
16 Adar 5709 / 1949 the
Candle Lighting 5:23pm
Friediker Rebbe becomes an
American Citizen
This year we once again have the opportunity to allow you
8:45am Torah Or Shiur with Rabbi G Lieberman
to give Mishloach Manos to Israeli Soldiers. The Mishloach
8:00pm Chassidus Shiur
Manos cost £3 - you can either donate online by visiting or you can call the office
Communal Purim Seuda, Limited places, available by pre-booking ONLY
Please call Sara 07930 559 230 to book
Please help cover the Shul’s Purim Expenses (Marquee, food, entertainment etc), please contact Rabbi Zalman
Sudak at the office with your contributions, thank you
Collect for Lubavitch of Edgware this Purim and get rewarded
Each Boy or Girl who collects for Lubavitch of Edgware this Purim will receive a token of appreciation;
anyone who raises more than £50.00 will be entered into a raffle for a £25.00 gift voucher
Contact Rabbi Zalman Sudak by Wednesday to register, and for your “Collection bucket” or “Tzedoko Box”
Once again Lubavitch of Edgware will be having Megillah readings every hour; from 8pm - 11pm and the
main reading at 6:45pm on Motzei Shabbos. Sunday Purim there will be readings from 9am - 4pm and an
early reading 7:00am. Come join us for THE ANIMAL MAGIC SHOW Motzei Shabbos from 8-9pm


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