BIO-DATA Name Dr C L Yadava Father s Name Late Sri Karan Date of Birth 02-01-1957 Nationality Indian Present Status Professor ( Chemistry ) Scale of Pay Rs. 16400-22400 Address for correspondence ( office ) Deptt of Applied Sciences & Humanities Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, sultanpur-228118 UP INDIA Email [email protected] Residence Type IV / 7 KNIT, Sultanpur-228118 UP Contact No. 05362- 226883 ( R ) Mobile 9451207081 Permanent Address Village – Aharpur , Post – Jamunian District- Jaunpur, UP Educational Qualifications
1977 B.Sc. Chemistry , Zoology , Botany, BHU, Varanasi 1979 M.Sc. Chemistry ( Inorganic Chemistry ) , Chemistry Deptt, BHU, Varanasi 1983 Ph.D. Chemistry ( Coordination chemistry ), Chemistry Deptt, BHU, Varanasi Reasearch Experience Six Years ( During this period worked as ) 1. Junior research fellow : BHU fellowship (1 year ) 2. Senior research fellow: CSIR. Fellowship, New Delhi (3 year ) 3. Post Doctorate fellow : UGC , New Delhi ( 1year ) 4. Research Associate: UGC, New Delhi ( 1 year ) Title of the Ph. D. Thesis : “ Stereo-chemistry of coordination compounds of
Metal ( II ) salts with some Nitrogen and Oxygen
Teaching Experience > 24 years as under 1.Under Graduate
( i ) B.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry Since Feb23, 1987 to Nov.30, 2000 ( ii ) B.Tech. Engg. Chemistry since Nov30, 2000 (iii) B.Tech. Env & Ecology since 2006-07 ( iv) B. Tech 7th Sem Introduction to Biotechnology Since August 2011 2. Post graduate
( i ) M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry Since Feb23, 1987 to Nov.30, 2000 ( 13 years 09 months ) ( ii ) M.C.A. Environmental Science & Ethics since 2008-09 ( 1 year ) Research Publications. In all 44 Research Papers are Published in the Journals of National & International Repute. These are- 1. Structural Information on Cobalt ( II ) , Nickel ( II ) , Copper (II ), Zinc ( II ) , Silver ( I ) and Cadmium ( II ) Nitrate complexes with Hexamethylenetetramine from their Magnetic moments, Electronic and Infra-red spectra J. Molecular Structure, 68, 333 ( 1980 ) 2. Hexamethylenetetramine complexes with manganese( II ), Cobalt( II ), Nickel( II ), Copper( II ), Zinc( II ), and Cadmium( II ) Thiocyanates. Spectrochimica Acta, 37 A, 407 ( 1981 ) 3. Structural Information on Manganese( II ) Chloride, Thiocyanate, Acetate and Sulphate complexes with 2, 2’–Bipyridyl, 4, 4’- Bipyridyl and their Dioxides from their Magnetic Moments, Electronic & Infrared Spectra. J. Molecular structure, 74, 143 ( 1981 ) 4. Bidentate – bridged Hexamethylenetetramine complexes with Mercury( II ) Chloride, Bromide and Cyanide. Current Science, 50, 317 ( 1981 ) 5. 2, 2’- Bipyridyl and 4, 4’-bipyridyl complexes with Manganese( II ), Cobalt( II ), Nick(II ) Copper( II ), Zinc( II ) and Cadmium( II ) Acetates. Indian J. chemistry., 20 A, 1127 ( 1981 ) 6. Structural Information on Nickel ( II ) and zinc ( II ) Acetate complexes with Hexamethylenetetramine. Current Science, 50, 1017 ( 1981 )
7. Structural Information on the Transition Metal ( II ) Sulphate complexes with Hexamethylenetetramine ( A potentially Tetradentate Ligand ) from their Magnetic Moments, Electronic and Infrared spectra. J. Molecular Structural, 81, 229 ( 1982 ) 8. Structural Information on the Co-ordination compounds formed by Manganese( II ) , Cobalt( II ) , Nickel( II ) , Zinc( II ) , Cadmium( II ) and Mercury( II ) Thiocynates with 4-cyanopyridine N-oxide from their Magnetic Moments, Electronic and Infrared Spectra. J. Molecular Structure, 81, 235 ( 1982 ) 9. Tetradentate Behaviour of Hexamethylenetetramine. J. Molecular Structure 81, 289 ( 1982 ) 10. Neutral four–coordinate Tetrahedral Manganese ( II ) species Involving coordinated chloro- and thiocyanato- Groups. J. Coordination chemistry, 12, 59 ( 1982 ) 11. Electron Spin Resonance and Optical Absorption Studies on some Manganese( II ) complexes with 2, 2’- Bipyridyl, 4, 4’- Bipyridyl and their Dioxides. Polyhedron, 1, 327 ( 1982 ) 12. Monomeric Tetranuclear Three – coordinate Mercury( II ). Indian J. Chemistry, 21 A, 938 ( 1982 ) 13. Electron Spin Resonance and Photoacoustic Spectral studies on Manganese( II ) and Copper( II ) Sulphate and Thio-cynate complexes with Hexamethylenetetramine. J. Molecular Structure, 96 , 181 ( 1982 ) 14. An Example of Hg – NCS Bonding. Inorganic Chimica Acta Lett., 76, 1 ( 1983 ) 15. Structural Information on the Coordination compounds formed by manganese( II ) , Cobalt( II ), Nickel(II ) , zinc( II ) , Cadmium( II ) and Mercury( II ) Thiocynates with 2-, 3-, and 4- Benzoylpyridines from their Magnetic Moments, Electronic and Infrared Spectra. J. Molecular Structural, 98, 175 ( 1983 ) 16. Electro Spin Resonance Studies on some Manganese( II ) complexes. J. Molecular Structure, 98, 103 ( 1983 ) 17. Infrared Spectral Evidence for Mono-, Bi-, and Tetra-dentate Behaviour of Hexamethylenetetramine. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sciences ( chemical sciences ) 92, 59 ( 1983 ) 18. Synthesis and characterization of Neutral, four Coordinate, Tetrahedral Manganese( II ) complexes Involving Co-ordinated Chloro-, and Thiocyanato- Groups in the Solid state. Syn. React. Inorg. Metal-Org. Chem. , 16, 105 ( 1986 )
19. Some Tetrahedral Co-ordination Polymers of Zinc( II ), Cadmium( II ) and Mercury( II ) Involving 4- Aminomethylpyridine. J. Macromolecular Science- Chemistry A 23, 831 ( 1986 ) 20. Coordination polymers of Cobalt( II ) Involving 4, 4’- Bipyridyl and its Dioxide. Trans. Met. Chem., 11, 295 ( 1986 ) 21. Neutral, Monomeric, Tetrahedral Mn( II ) Species Involving Coordinated Chloro- and Thiocyanato- Groups. Indian J. Chem., 25 A, 186 ( 1986 ) 22. A Neutral, Monomeric Tetrahedral Manganese( II ) Species Involving Coordinated Halogeno group. Nat. Acad. Sci. Lett., 9, 317 ( 1986 ) 23. Synthesis and Characterization of Uranyl Acetate complexes with some Potentially Bidentate Ligands. Indian J. Chem., 26 A, 792 ( 1987 ) 24. Some Coordination Polymers of Mercury( II ). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., India, 38 A, 221 ( 1988 ) 25. Some Three Coordinate Complexes of Cadmium( II ) Indian J. Chem., 27 A, 166 ( 1988 ) 26. Synthesis and Characterization of Pyrazinamide Complexes with Some Uranyl Salts. Indian J. Chem., 27 A, 171 ( 1988 ) 27. Synthesis of Some Metal( II ) Sulphate Complexes by Thermal Decomposion. Nat. Acad. Sci. Lett., 10, 137 ( 1986 ) 28. Synthesis and Characterization of a Neutral, Monomeric, Dinuclear Tetrahedral Manganese( II ) Species. Indian J. Chem., 27 A, 169 ( 1988 ) 29. 4-Cyanoaniline complexes with Some Transition Metal( II ) halides. Trans. Met. Chem., 13, 140 ( 1988 ) 30. Synthesis and Characterization of Copper( II ) Chloride and Bromide complexes with 2-, 3- and 4- cyanoanilines. Nat. Acad. Sci. Lett., II, 115 ( 1988 ) 31. Some Neutral Three- Coordinate Complexes of Mercury( II ). Syn. React. Inorg. Metal-Org. Chem., 18, 433 ( 1988 )
32. Synthesis and Characterization of Bis - ( 2- Pyridyl N – oxide ) disulphide Complexes with Some Uranyl salts. Syn. React. Inorg. Metal – Org. chem. 18, 953 ( 1988 ) 33. Synthesis and Characterisation of a Ten – coordinated Uranium( VI ) Complex. Indian J. Chem., 28 A, 167 ( 1989 ) 34. Coordination Polymers of Some Uranyl Salts Involving 4, 4’ – Bipyridyl , 4,4’- Bipyridyl N, N’- Dioxide, 1,3- Bis- ( 4- Pyridyl ) Propane and Hexamethylenetetramine. Asian J. Chem., 1, 195 ( 1989 ) 35. Neutral Three - Coordinate Complexes of Mercury( II ) Involving Coordinated Cyano Groups. Asian J. Chem., 1, 384 ( 1989 ) 36. Some Neutral Thee- Coordinate Complexes of Mercury( II ) Halides and Pseudohalides with N- methylnicotinamide. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sciences ( Chemical Sciences ) 101, 449 ( 1989 ) 37. Mercury( II )Thiocyanate Complexes with Some Bidentate Ligands. Asian J. Chem., 2, 180 ( 1990 ) 38. Synthesis and Characterization of Copper( II ) Sulphate Complexes with 2 - , 3 – and 4 – Cyano-Pyridines and Anilines. Asian J. Chem., 2, 229 ( 1990 ) 39. Neutal Three – Coordinate Complexes of Mercury( II ) Involving Coordinated Thiocyanato Groups. Syn. React. Metal- Org. chem., 20, 243 ( 1990 ) 40. Synthesis and Characterization of Silver( I ) Nitrate Complexes with 2- , 3- and 4- Cyano-Pyridines and Anilines. Syn. React. Metal-Org. Chem., 20, 489 ( 1990 ) 41. Neutral Three Coordinate Complexes of mercury( II ) Cyanide with Quinoline and Isoquinoline. Nat. Acad. Sci. Lett., 13, 23 ( 1990 ) 42. X- Ray Diffraction Studies on Isonicotinonitrile-1-oxide Complexes with Manganese( II ) Chloride, Bromide and Thiocyanate. Crystal Research and Technology, 25 / 7, 169 ( 1990 ) 43. X- Ray Diffraction Studies on Hexamethylenetetramine complexes with cobalt( II ) and Nickel( II ) Thiocyanates. Crystal Research and Technology, 25, K- 256 ( 1990 )
44. Neutral , Four – Coordinated Tetrahedral Manganese( II ) Species Involving Coordinated Chloro- , Bromo – and Thiocyanato Groups. J. Sci. Res. ( B. H. U. ) Platinum Jubilee special Issue, 41 C, 65 ( 1991 ) Administrative Experiences : 1. Have been member of Admission committees of different classes. ( In the Previous Instt. ) 2. Have also worked as Astt. Supdt. of the annual Examination of Dr . R. M. L. Avadh Univ. FZB ( While in Previous Instt ). 3. Have been the member of Central Office Purchase Committee in 1991- 92 ( In the Previous Institution ). 4. Member of Science Forum in the year 1997 ( In the Previous Instt. ) 5. Was Selected Principal of HS Degree College Kanpur by UP Higher Education Services Commission Allahabad. However, did not join the Post as I did not get LWP( Leave Without Pay ) at that time. 6. Have been Officer- In Charge of Chemistry Laboratory for about Three years. 7. Have also worked as Acting Head of the Deptt several times in the Absence of my Previous Head of the Deptt. 8. Have also worked as Observer as well as Nodal Officer in the UP SEAT of UPTU, Lucknow ( 2002 & 2004 ) 9. Have also worked as Dy Head Examiner ( Central Evaluation ) of Theory Paper ( Chemistry ) in the year 2005 of UPTU, Lucknow. 10. Have also worked as a member of Inspection Team appointed by Hon. VC of UPTU, Lucknow to Grant Extension of Affiliation to some of the Pharmacy Colleges for the last few years ( 2004, 05,& 2006 ). 11. Have been HOD of APSH for three years ( Since Aug 14, 2003- Aug 14,2006 ). 12. Was a Member of the Implementation of the Reform cell constituted by director KNIT,Sultanpur to keep a constant track on the progress made towards reforms ( TEQIP ) 13. Was a Member of the Team conducting Auditing Quality of Education, Training and Services Unit Constituted by the Director of KNIT, Sultanpur. 14. Have also been Officer In-Charge of Central Library of the Institute in the Session 2007-08.
15. Have been HOD of APSH for a month ( 1-08-2008 to 30-8-20 Other Activities : Attended / completed the following 1. National workshop on computer aided Instructions in Chemistry from 7- 14 October at the Department of Chemistry , Banaras Hindu university, Varanasi. 2. Participated Successfully in the Orientation Programme from June 20, 1988 to 17 July, 1988 at the Academic Staff College Gorakhpur Univ. Gorakhpur. 3. Have Successfully Completed VIth Refresher Programme in Chemistry for college and University teachers from 7th march to 30th march 1996 from the Academic staff college of Univ. of Allahabad. 4. Attended the course on Industrial safety & Hazards management held from June 13, 2001 to June 27, 2001 in the Deptt. of Chemical Engineering In the Quality Improvement Programme Centre, University of Roorkee, Roorkee. 5. Attended an Orientation Programme for Academic Counsellors held on 14. 3. Indira Gandhi National Open university Regional Centre, Lucknow 6. Participated in K. N. Singh Memorial First National Conference on Challenges in Management of higher Education on Feb. 28-29-2004 Organised by KNIPSS and Sponsored by UGC, ICSSR and Planning Commission. 7. Participated in a National Seminar on Environmental Imbalances : Hazards & our Role. Organized by the Deptt.of Chemistry on 20th March 2004 at Babu Banarasi Das National Institute of Technology & Management, lucknow. 8. Participated in the National Symposium on “ Organic synthesis : New dimensions held in the Deptt of Chemistry, BHU, Varanasi, during march 06- 07- 2005. 9. Participated in the Workshop on 19. 03. 2005 to 20. 03. 2005 on Science & Technology Terminology by the Commission for Scientific & Technical Terminology, Govt of India at IET, Lucknow. 10. Participated in a Workshop on “ Quality Control Techniques in Chemical and Allied Industries” Under the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme ( TEQIP ) of the World Bank Project held during 28th – 30th September , 2005 at HBTI, Kanpur. 11. Have participated in a Workshop on Computer NET WORKING organized by Computer Science & Engg. Deptt. of KNIT, Sultanpur Under the World Bank Assisted Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme ( TEQIP ) on 18th & 19th Nov2005.
12. Have participated in the Workshop on Environmental Studies ( Curriculum Development conducted by CED of the Institute on Jan 23, 2006 Under TEQIP of W.B. Also delivered a Special Lecture Entitled “ HAZARDOUS EFFECT OF METAL POLLUTION : PERSPECTIVE & CONSEQUENCES”. 13. Have participated in K. N. Singh Memorial Second National Seminar on Quality Enhancement in Higher & Technical Education” organized by KNIPSS & KNIT, Sultanpur,UP on 04-03-2006 and 05-03-2006. 14. Have participated in the MANAGEMENT CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT TRAINING FOR MIDDLE LEVEL FACULTY organized by EFFECTIVE QUALITY UPGRADATION ASSISTANCE for TECHNICAL EDUCATION New Delhi from 8TH to 12th December , 2008 at KNIT, Sultanpur. 15. Have als participated in DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION organized by EFFECTIVE QUALITY UPGRADATION ASSISTANCE for TECHNICAL EDUCATION from 27th to 29th December, 2008 at KNIT, Sultanpur. 16. Have attended and successfully completed PEDAGOGY TRAINING from 12th to 17th January, 2009 organised by EFFECTIVE QUALITY UPGRADATION for TECHNICAL EDUCATION New Delhi at KNIT, SultanpurUP. 17. Attended a workshop on Teaching, Research,administrative & professional growth of faculty at the Institution on 18.05. 2011 at KNIT, Sultanpur
BIBLIOGRAPHIE DEMEURE Claude, Marketing , 4e édition, Paris, Sirey, 2003. ADAMI, Guide de la négociation des contrats d’artistes , Paris, Adami, 2005. DUDIGNAC Charlotte, MAUGER François, La Musique assiégée : d’une industrie en crise à APCE, Entreprendre dans le domaine musical , la musique équitable , Montreuil, L’Échappée, Paris, APCE, col . « Les fiches professionn
Alopecia Areata ¿Qué es la alopecia areata? La alopecia areata es un enfermedad frecuente que causa la pérdida del pelo de la cabeza y de otras áreas del cuerpo. Generalmente se empieza en forma de pequeñas placas redondas que pueden ser solitarias o múltiples afectando al cuero cabelludo. ¿A quién afecta la alopecia areata? Según un reciente estudio, la proporción de