
The reporting requirements outlined in the Economic Development Area Report form are derived from the Economic
Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act [20 ILCS 620et. seq.] For any problems regarding the preparation or
submission of the TIF Report forms, please call the Local Government Assistance Hotline at (877) 304-3899 or Bill
Nambo, at 312-814-0969.

The template for the FY 2013 Economic Development Area Report form (EconAreaSEC1_8_2013.xlsx) is available, in
a Microsoft Excel* spreadsheet format, on the Office of the Comptroller’s website. The template TIF Report form is
contained in a zipped^ (
file. To download this zipped file, go tand then: • Click on Economic Development Area Report Forms/Instructions • Click on the TIF Forms and Instructions for the correct FY that you need • Save the zipped template file

* If you do not have Microsoft Excel, most spreadsheet software programs can easily convert these files.
Open the zipped template that you saved and then drag the file(s) to the location (path) where you would like the Report
form template file (EconAreaSEC1_8_2013.xlsx) to be saved on your computer. Once you have extracted this file, you
will be able to access it from your computer.

Create Customized ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA Report form
First, open the Report template form and use your ‘Save As’ option to create separate Report forms for your
Economic Development project area designated by the municipality. Be sure to use a unique file name that clearly
identifies the District(s) and FY represented in the Report.
For example, if the City of AnyTown has an Economic Development Area District named Area 1 for FY 2013 then
they should use the template to create an Excel files (FY2013AnyTown_EconArea1_SEC1_8,)
Create Customized Worksheets within the Report forms
Open the customized REPORT form(s) that you have created for your Districts. Note that Sections 1 through 8 are
eight separate worksheets in the same file. These worksheets are located at the bottom of the spreadsheet as tabs. To
move from page to page, simply click on the tab that corresponds to the worksheet you wish to use. In order to
facilitate the review process, please answer each question on the Report form.
In addition, take note that if you answer ‘Yes’ to any of the questions in Section 2, it is necessary for you to
enclose the requested documentation as part of your Report. These attachments are to be in alpha order after
sections 1-8 of the report.

Tel.: (877) 304-3899 Fax: (312) 814-3117

How To Submit Your Completed Economic Development Area Report Form
An application is available on the Illinois State Comptroller’s website. This application, ‘Upload TIF Reports’ will
allow TIF Administrators to upload a single PDF-formatted Report for each of their Districts. All Administrators were
mailed the password and a ‘Quick Start’ inserts to help them use the new application. The ‘Quick Start insert is also
available online. Call our Local Government Assistance Hotline Phone Number (877) 304-3899 if you need help
using the new application.

This section should contain information about your municipality and the Administrator (the contact person on record at
Office of the Comptroller who has been designated as responsible for submitting reports on behalf of your municipality).
All Administrators must provide a valid e-mail address that can be used to contact them regarding the Districts
they are responsible for
. All Lines should be completed. This section must be signed by the designated
Administrator before your Report is submitted to the Office of the Comptroller.
NOTE: If a new Administrator has been designated, you MUST submit a letter, signed
by the Mayor or Village President, stating the new Administrator’s name and contact information or a receive date will not be given. This letter should be emailed to Bill Nambo atand not included in the upload of reports. SECTION 1

List each Economic Development Area (district) administered by the municipality, the date it was designated and (where
applicable) the date terminated. Redevelopment project name and date designated MUST be completed.
List the name of the Economic Development Area (district) this is the top line and MUST be completed.
In addition to this form, you are required to provide the attachments listed in Section 2, if any of these are checked yes, the
attachment MUST be included at the end of the TIF report in alpha order.
Attachment B (CEO Certification) must accompany each report.
Attachment C (Legal Counsel Opinion) must accompany each report.
Attachment M (Intergovernmental Agreements) requires a list ONLY, not the actual agreements.
In addition, take note that if you answer ‘Yes’ to any of the questions in Section 2, it is necessary for you to
enclose the requested documentation as part of your Report. These attachments are to be in alpha order at
the end of sections 1-8 of each report.

Input the revenue/receipt information for the cumulative column. The column titled “Cumulative*” is necessary to
determine a balance by source as required by statute. The column titled “Percent of Total” automatically calculates based
on each cumulative revenue source divided by the total cumulative revenues. If a surplus is calculated (see Section 3.3), it
will be assumed that the sources of the surplus will be prorated based on the percentage of cumulative revenues collected,
not based on current year revenue alone.
Complete Section 3.1 utilizing the basis of accounting presented in the certified audited financial statements. Therefore,
the reporting year information should be the same information as presented in the audited financial statements. The fund
balance at the beginning of the reporting period and all revenue/receipts information will need to be entered for the
reporting year. All other amounts will be calculated. In addition, expenditure/cash disbursement totals should be carried
over from Section 3.2A. Total Amount Designated also carries forward from section 3.3
*Cumulative totals MUST be entered for ANY column that has an amount in it.
List itemized expenditures from the special tax allocation fund by category of permissible redevelopment cost. Statutorily
permitted categories are set forth in the statute.
Permissible costs may be entered under each category of natural classification (i.e., legal services, engineering fees) or by
function/type of expenditure (i.e., salaries, contractual services).
The categories of permissible redevelopment costs are included in Permissible Redevelopment Cost [20 ILCS 620/4.7(3)
(1)]. Address questions on the categorization or permissibility of a particular cost to your municipality’s legal counsel or
1. Costs of studies, surveys, development of plans, and specifications, implementation and administration of the 2. Property assembly costs. 3. Costs of rehabilitation, reconstruction/repair, or remodeling of existing public or private buildings. 4. Costs of the construction of public works or improvements. 5. Financing costs. 6. Approved capital costs. 7. Relocation costs. 8. Costs of job training. 9. Interest cost incurred by a redeveloper related to the construction, renovation or rehabilitation of a SECTION 3.3
1. Description of Debt Obligations
Does the municipality have any outstanding bonds, notes or other obligations for this redevelopment project area?
• If NO, enter “NA” under Description of Obligation and move to Question 2.
• If YES, for each bond issue, note or other obligation include a description and state the amount of the fund
balance designated for the subsequent reporting periods.  NOTE: The amount designated can be shown up to the total amount of principal and interest due on any debt
obligations in future years. It is not limited to the current portion of principal and interest.
Description of Project Costs to be paid
Did the redevelopment project area have any redevelopment project costs during or prior to the reporting period (other
than obligations listed above) for projects consistent with the redevelopment plan that remain unpaid?
• If YES, list with amount(s) designated, then enter total
• If NO, enter “NA” under Description of Redevelopment Project Costs to be Paid and “zero” in Total Amount
Designated for Project Costs.
NOTE: Future project costs can include unexecuted portions of contracts as well as projects planned but not yet

Total Amount Designated for Obligations and Total Amount Designated for Project Costs are added together and
then subtracted from Fund Balance, End of Reporting Period. Record the Surplus / (Deficit). If the resulting amount
is a surplus, the municipality may be required to disburse the surplus to overlapping taxing districts.
Please complete one full description per property purchased. If needed, additional lines for property can be added to the bottom of the page. SECTION 5
Section 5 seeks information regarding both public and private investments in this redevelopment project area, actually
undertaken to date after November 1, 1999 and estimated to be undertaken during the year following the current reporting
fiscal year. The form then calculates the ratio of private to public investment. Please provide the information on a
project-by-project basis. At the top of this page, please checks off EITHER NO projects were undertaken by the
Municipality or if you DO have projects then you MUST put the total numbers of projects listed. Section 5 provides
Pages 1-3 to accommodate up to 25 projects. Page one MUST BE INCLUDED with the TIF report, even if there are NO
projects listed. Pages 2-3 should be included IF projects are listed. Please NOTE if you do have projects listed then the
name of the project MUST be filled in. The name is typed directly below the title (e.g. only Project 1: etc.).
Although the completion of these sections is optional, the data provided can be most useful in analyzing the success of
Economic Development Area Report when measured against other reporting districts.
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3.1
Section 3.2 A
Section 3.3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6-8
Attachment A
Attachment I If applicable Attachment J If applicable Attachment K Attach if cumulative deposits EQUAL or GREATER than $100,000 are made Attach if cumulative deposits of INCREMENTAL REVENUE of $100,000 are made Attach LIST only if this applies, not the actual agreements. (Spreadsheet available upon request)


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Headache Questionnaire Patient Name:_________________________ Date Seen:____________________________ Please answer the following questions regarding your headaches: A. Headache Onset 1) My headaches started _____ years ago at _____ years of age. 2) Any associated head injury? Yes/No 3) Loss of Consciousness? Yes/No 4) Any history of infection around your brain or spinal cord? Yes/No

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