Microsoft word - 10a online cdi bootcamp module 10 exercises - answers.docx

Module 10: Diseases of the Neurological System
1. An eighty-six-year-old with 20-year history of Type I DM and significant peripheral vascular disease presents for an open approach carotid endarterectomy for carotid stenosis. Patient has surgical history of fem-pop bypass graft and CABG. His CHF is maintained on Lasix. a. What is the PDX? Carotid Stenosis
b. What is the procedure? Carotid Endarterectomy
c. MCC/CC: None at this time
d. Assign the DRG: 039 Extracranial Procedures without CC/MCC
e. Is there a query opportunity? Yes; type/acuity of CHF
f. If so, what is the query DRG? DRG 038 Extracranial Procedures with
CC (no documentation/indication of acute CHF)
Note: CHF – the type, probably chronic, is a CC. Unspecified CHF (428.0)
is not a CC or MCC. Carotid Stenosis (433.10); Carotid Endarterectomy
(38.12); Type/acuity of CHF – (428.xx)

2. A sixty-five-year-old with Type I diabetes presents with new onset mental status changes. CT of head shows cerebrovascular atherosclerosis. Symptoms resolve within eight hours. Patient discharged with “CVA ruled out.” a. What is the PDX? Mental Status Changes
b. What is the procedure? Head CT (not a qualifying OR procedure)
c. MCC/CC: None
d. Assign the DRG: DRG 948 Signs and Symptoms without MCC
e. Is there a query opportunity? Clinical significance of the CT findings –
validate cerebrovascular atherosclerosis?
f. If so, what is the query DRG? DRG 072 Non-specific Cerebrovascular
Disorders without CC/MCC
Note: Mental status changes (780.97); Cerebrovascular atherosclerosis
(437.0); “Mental status change” = “altered mental status”

3. A patient fell from a ladder at home and was found unconscious at the scene.
EMS report notes response from time of call was 35 minutes and the patient was
still unconscious on their arrival. The hospital was 20 minutes away, and the
patient regained consciousness shortly after arrival at the ER. CT reveals
subdural hematoma, documented by physician in Progress Notes.
a. What is the PDX? Subdural hematoma
b. What is the procedure? None
c. MCC/CC: None
d. Assign the DRG: 087 Traumatic Stupor and Coma without CC/MCC
e. Is there a query opportunity? Yes – have the attending MD validate the
loss of consciousness and the length of time (only in EMS report at
this time)

f. If so, what is the query DRG? If LOC is < 1 hour Æ DRG 087; if LOC
is > 1 hour or of unspecified duration Æ DRG 084

Note: There is a code range for hematoma, brain
by specific site
following injury or non-traumatic
with or without open wound, and
the level of consciousness
o unspecified
o no loss
o brief < 1 hour
o moderate = 1-24 hours
o prolonged > 24 hours
o or “with loss of unspecified duration”
For this example, the PDx code is (852.20) subdural hematoma following
injury, w/o mention of open intracranial wound, unspecified state of
Also, the patient was unconscious as documented, but the time needs to be
validated in order to choose the most specific code and the MS-DRG. This
example has a total of 55 minutes, but also needs to be verified and for the
total time.

4. A patient with a history of hypertension was admitted through the ED with symptoms of facial drooping and blurry vision. Symptoms began at 10:00 AM. The patient was evaluated in the ED at 11:45 AM and admitted to the neurology floor for continued work-up. The ED CT was negative for infarct or hemorrhage. The patient was discharged home the next evening at which time the symptoms were resolving. The physician’s impression in the final progress note: “TIA”. a. What might you clarify with the physician in a post-discharge query? Was this a suspected stroke (based on the length of symptoms and the
physician’s definition of stroke vs. TIA)?

Note: Recommend to check the definition and parameters of what
constitutes a stroke with your hospital’s stroke committee.

5. Sylvia, a long-time diabetic, was brought to the ED after a “sinking spell” she experienced while shopping at the mall. She is known to be non-compliant with her diet and at her last doctor visit complained of alternating numbness and “pins and needles” in her feet. Her bedside glucose levels range from 215-375. Her physician increases her oral anti-diabetic medication and discharges her home. The physician’s impression is “syncope”. a. What is the PDx? Syncope
b. What is the current DRG assignment? DRG 312 Syncope
c. Is there a query opportunity? Yes; if the syncope was due to her diabetes
and if diabetic autonomic neuropathy was confirmed as the cause of
the symptoms.

d. What is a potential DRG? DRG 074 Cranial and Peripheral Nerve
disorders without MCC

Note: Syncope (780.2); With query: PDx: Diabetes with neurological
manifestations, type II or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled

(250.60) – defaults to type 2, not stated as uncontrolled; Secondary:
Peripheral autonomic neuropathy in disorders classified elsewhere (337.1);
If the syncope was due to her diabetes without mention of neuropathy, the
accurate MS-DRG
ÆDiabetes – 639 (w/o CC/MCC).
6. A six-year-old girl was brought into the ED by EMS after answering a 9-1-1 call for seizures. Upon arrival her rectal temperature was 104.6o F. The mother states that the child hadn’t been feeling well and that “a virus was going around” at school. The child was admitted to the pediatric floor and antipyretics administered. Blood and throat cultures were drawn but came back negative. The child was discharged home after 48 hours. Final impression: “febrile seizures”. a. What is the PDx? Febrile seizures
b. What is the current DRG assignment? DRG 101
c. Is there a query opportunity? Yes – possible viral infection
d. What is (are) potential DRG(s)? DRG 866 Viral Illness without MCC

Note: Viral infection, unspecified (viral syndrome) (079.99). If documented
as "Possible” viral syndrome or “rule/out” viral syndrome, must be
mentioned at the time of discharge in order to code this diagnosis.
Refer to Coding Clinic 3rd Qtr 2005 and 4th Qtr 2006 for explanation of
simple and complex febrile seizures. Febrile seizures without any further
documentation defaults to “simple”, code 780.31, (which lasts for about 10
minutes and does not recur within 24 hours). There is no other
documentation to explain “complex” febrile seizures, which lasts longer than
15 minutes, is localized to one part of the body, or recurs within 24 hours.
Febrile seizures may indicate an infection of the nervous system such as an
abscess, meningitis, or encephalitis, but most of these seizures are triggered
by a viral infection such as pneumonia, URI, pharyngitis, or otitis media.
Both codes are included in the DRG 101.

7. Bob, an 82-year-old male is brought to the ED by his son for complaints of confusion and increasing inability to care for himself. He was diagnosed 10 years ago with Parksinson’s disease. Bob has been living independently but recently his son states that when he visits his father is poorly-groomed, and that spoiled food is piled up in the kitchen and living room. Bob is admitted with a diagnosis of “altered mental status”. a. What is the current PDx? Altered Mental Status
b. What is the current DRG assignment? DRG 948 Signs and Symptoms
without MCC
c. Is there a query opportunity? Yes; Parkinson’s dementia
d. With appropriate clarification, what is the potential DRG assignment? DRG 057 Degenerative Nervous System Disorders without MCC

Note: MD must link the AMS to the Parkinson’s disease and as document as

8. Myra, a 68-year-old female, is admitted to the medical floor due to continued weight loss. Her PMH history includes hypertension, stroke (6 months ago) and CAD. The diagnostic work-up includes a bedside speech and swallow evaluation. Based on the outcomes of the bedside evaluation a video swallow evaluation is performed that shows that Myra has severe progressive dysphagia and chokes on most food consistencies. The dietitian is consulted to provide diet and supplement recommendations and social services are contacted to arrange outpatient speech therapy. The physician’s discharge diagnoses were as follows: 1) weight loss; 2) dysphagia; 3) history of CVA; 4) hypertension; 5) CAD. a. What is the current PDx? Weight loss
b. What is the current DRG assignment? DRG 641 Nutritional and
Miscellaneous Metabolic Disorders without MCC
c. Is there a query opportunity? Dysphagia as a late effect of stroke and
possibly malnutrition (would have to analyze the rest of the record
to see if the patient meets criteria for malnutrition, and if so, what

d. With appropriate clarification, what is the potential DRG assignment? DRG 057 Degenerative Nervous system Disorders without MCC

Note: Weight loss (783.21); PDx: Dysphagia as a late effect of stroke
(438.82); would also add an additional code to identify the type of
dysphagia, if known (787.20-787.29)

9. A patient who was recently diagnosed with a probable malignant neoplasm of the brain is admitted for surgical excision of the tumor. During the procedure a Gliadel® wafer is inserted in the tumor bed. What is the medical PDx? Probable malignant neoplasm of the

b. What is the medical DRG? DRG 055 Nervous System Neoplasms
without MCC
What is the procedure? Craniotomy with insertion of Implantation
of chemotherapeutic agent

d. What is the surgical DRG assignment? DRG 023 Craniotomy with
Major Device Implant/Acute Complex Central Nervous System
Principal Diagnosis with MCC or Chemo Implant

Note: Insertion of Gliadel wafer (00.10) (brain wafer chemotherapy);
Excision of the tumor (code 01.59). (The DRG would be 027 without the
insertion of the wafer).
**Verify the morphology of the neoplasm. Recommend before coding any
“malignant” neoplasm, verify the pathology report and the physician’s
documentation. Even though coding guidelines state that “possible”
malignant neoplasm of the brain is documented at the time of discharge, one
would not want to label that patient with having “cancer” when they indeed
may not have the diagnosis confirmed.

10. A patient is admitted for a percutaneous angioplasty of the right carotid artery for carotid stenosis. PMH includes hypertension, atherosclerosis, CAD, diabetes and What is the medical PDx? Carotid Stenosis
b. What is the medical DRG? DRG 068 Nonspecific Cerebrovascular
Accident and Precerebral Occlusion without Infarction without

Is there a query opportunity? Yes; type/chronicity of CHF (possible
CC), type/control of diabetes, type of hypertension (benign,

d. What is the procedure? PTA of carotid artery
With appropriate clarification, what are potential DRGs? DRG 039
Extracranial Procedures without CC/MCC; IF the type of CHF
can be specified in the documentation
ÆDRG 038
Notes: Carotid artery stenosis – unilateral w/o cerebral infarction (433.10);
PTA of carotid artery (00.61); CHF – specified as to type, either documenting
“chronic” or “unspecified” would be a CC;


Geriatrics 22/1/98

5. Fromm E. The Art of Loving . London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. oral hypoglycaemic agents. As most of our patientsare relatively old, their control is generally loose toprevent hypoglycaemic complications. Unexpected Life-Threatening Drug Interaction: Often, the classic side-effects of appetite sup- Hypoglycaemia secondary to Anti- Helicobacter pression, nausea and vomiting due to

REFLEXIONES SOBRE LA SA LUD Un anterior número de esta revista se ocupó de la educación, el tema de este número es la salud. Aplicar políticas sociales que mejoren la salud es a la vez más sencil o y más complicado que hacerlo en educación. Es más sencil o porque una buena salud colectiva en lo corporal (la salud mental es otra cosa) puede obtenerse aplicando unas pocas medidas que son

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