Natural health guide

1.) Pure Omega 3 oils-- these are the good protective oils called (high density lipids.) They are extremely protective to the coronary arteries and the arteries of the brain. Eskimos eat a diet very high in Omega-3 oil from salmon. Even though Eskimos eat whale fat and pure blubber the worst kind of hard fat, they have the lowest incidents of heart attacks and strokes of any group of people in the world. Omega-3 not only breaks down cholesterol like a natural solvent but it is a great natural anti- inflammatory agent. In the scientific community we have recently learned that inflammation of the arteries of the heart is the number one cause of heart attacks. More than 50% of all people who have had heart attacks had cholesterol in the low range, so just having low cholesterol does not mean a person is safe by any stretch of the imagination. 2.) Chinese Red Rice yeast has been used in China for several thousand years to drastically lower cholesterol, it is also a powerful anti-oxidant which also protects the heart and brain from oxidation of the bad fats which makes fats stick together. Thousands of years ago the Chinese did not know about cholesterol, they simply knew that red rice yeast offered lasting protection to the heart. Chinese red Rice Yeast has naturally occurring statins in it- which lowers cholesterol, without hurting the liver the way prescription drugs such as Lipitor and Zocor do. In fact in rare cases these classifications of drugs can destroy the liver completely and also have the side affect of causing neuromuscular degenerative disease. 3.) Guggul- Guggul is an ancient plant which grows in India. It has been used for thousands of years with no harmful side effects Henry decided to take Guggul because it can lower total cholesterol by as much as 38%. Human beings make cholesterol in the liver, 85% of all the cholesterol in the blood is made in the liver, and it then travels to the intestines. Guggul is a sticky resin, the cholesterol in the intestines sticks to the Guggul and is then expelled via the daily bowel movement. Guggul must be biochemically standardized to 2.5% Guggulsterones Z and E to be effective enough to make a true physiological intervention. I have searched for many years to find a reliable biotechnology company which makes supplements to the highest standard possible. I only use this one company I mentioned earlier on in the introduction part of this newsletter, as they have proven to produce the most active bioavailability of their supplements and Nutraceuticals. Bioavailability is the percentage of the supplement that actually reaches the cellular level of you body, the company I use has a bioavailability rating between 96.8% to 98.7% the next best company I could find only came up to 62% and most companies you find in even the best health food stores are less then 50% 4.) Vinpocetine- Henry also started on Vinpocetine which is derived from the Periwinkle flower. Vinpocetine used to be by prescription only, but it is so safe and can be extracted in so many ways that the BIG PHARMACEUTICAL Industry gave up on trying to control its use. Vinpocetine is a natural blood thinner and makes it so clots are harder to form and less likely to aggregate against the artery walls. Vinpocetine also has shown some ability to create a new vascular network especially to the peripheral areas of the brain, when combined with 24% Gingkoflavones. It is a super anti-oxidant for protection in the heart and brain, decreases the risk of strokes and heart attacks and is a very powerful memory enhancer. Some researchers have found Vinpocetine can increase memory up to 30% thereby making it a great preventative against all neurodegenerative diseases which effect memory. In Henry’s case he wanted to have all of these benefits, especially the blood thinning aspect. It is so safe the FDA now allows it to be sold without any prescription. He also wanted to get the competitive edge by having a better memory, which is very useful in business. Henry now remembers a persons name the first time he hears it mentioned, which is very impressive to another individual in social and business settings. It sets you apart from the crowd. Let’s face it, how many people at a big party remember everyone’s name upon a first meeting? Henry does; and it impresses people so much, they feel Henry must be a very smart, smarter then the average person and that gives him a competitive edge, which wins him new business associates every week; not a bad side effect in fact it’s a great side effect which anyone can have. Caveat!!! Please do not go out and buy Vinpocitine and start taking it unless you are fully educated. First, most brands are not pure and most brands have a low bioavailability to the cellular level so you throw out more then 50% of your hard earned money. Vinpocitine must be produced under the most exacting and intricate standards. I can make the purest Vinpocitine in the world available to you for just a few dollars more then the heath food store variety. 5.) Vitamin E Succinate and Alpha Lipoic Acid- In a landmark study reported in the Lancet Journal of Medicine, the most famous British medical journal, thousands of people were given 1600IU of Vitamin E daily for several years. Several thousand other people were given a placebo. The final report showed the group taking the vitamin E was 70% less likely to have a heart attack, even if they had high cholesterol as opposes to the group that received the placebo. This eye opening study was reported on CNN. How does Vitamin E provide so much protection for the heart? Remember this only holds true at the 1600IU dose per day. Some people have asked me if this is too high a dose? According to massive scientific investigation 1600IU of vitamin E a day is completely safe and effective for the vast majority of people but not if you have certain medical conditions. That is why it is important not to self prescribe or allow a health food store salesman or woman to determine your supplementation treatment protocol. Everything I am discussing in this newsletter is meant to be used only under the supervision of a well trained health care provider and should never be used if your primary care physician tells you not to. If you do not agree with your doctor get a second opinion which is your right, but never go on a program if your primary M.D. tells you not to do it-- unless you change doctors and get approval from your new primary care physician. The above mentioned last four sentences is something the law requires I must tell you. Vitamin E is a very powerful anti-oxidant which has the ability to stop cholesterol and other hard fats from perioxidation, in other words it stops the fats from becoming rancid. When fats become rancid in the blood they get very sticky and will clump together causing great danger to the arteries of the heart, vitamin E stops this from happening. Vitamin E also has the ability to heal damaged heart muscle to some extent. Why use vitamin E succinate? Because it has all the benefits of all other forms of vitamin E and has proven to be the form of vitamin E which is a potent novel anti- tumor agent with high selectivity in targeting colon tumor cells and causing cellular apoptosis of the tumor cell. In other words it causes cellular death of colon tumor cells in studies done on mice in march of 2002 and reported in the prestigious Clin Cancer Res. a peer reviewed scientific journal. Since colon cancer is on the rise in America, I strongly advise the use of vitamin E succinate to all clients and made sure Henry had access to this type of vitamin E. 6.) Alpha Lipoic Acid - Alpha Lipoic Acid can do everything vitamin E can do and much more. As an anti-oxidant, Alpha Lipoic Acid is 600 times stronger then vitamin E, so when you combine them, you are giving yourself massive protection for your heart and the entire cardiovascular system. Alpha Lipoic Acid also extends the lifecycle of Vitamin E in that it stops Vitamin E from breaking down sooner then it normally would. Lipoic Acid is also a wonderful systemic Anti-Inflammatory agent; that is to say, it provides a very high level of protection from inflammation throughout your entire body; it also makes your skin younger. There is great evidence to suggest that Alpha Lipoic Acid can protect the human body from cancer especially when used with Selenium. Never take more then 200 mcg. of Selenium per day unless your primary care physician tells you to do so. 7.) Proanthocyanidins - This natural group of biochemicals is found in red wine grapes, grape seed extract, and pine bark. It is a super powerful anti-oxidant which provides specific protection to the heart and coronary arteries. These highly protective biochemical’s gave rise to the saying “The French Paradox.” The French eat a diet very high in saturated BAD fats, rich cream and butter sauces, plenty of pastries IE, French cream puffs, yet they have a very low rate of coronary artery disease. What is the paradox? The French drink several glasses of red wine each day thus giving them the potent heart protection of Proanthocyanidins. I suggested if I were Henry I would take 2 capsules with every meal. 8.) English Hawthorne - also known in the scientific community as Vitexin. Hawthorne is a true tonic for the heart muscle, as well as being capable of normalizing the rhythm of the human heart. It does this by strengthening the electrical system of the heart and by balancing the crucial electrolytes which make the heart have a normal regular beat; these electrolytes are calcium, potassium and magnesium. To this very day even the pharmaceutical industry with their billions in research dollars; have not been able to produce a better anti-arrhythmia formulation for the heart. Arrhythmias can be fatal, we all experience them in our lifetime it feels like a hard heartbeat or like two beats of the heart very quickly; usually they just go away, but men and women over fifty, may take Hawthorne for prevention purposes. Hawthorne must be concentrated and standardized to 4.5 to 5.5 Vitexin per each 250mg in order to have a physiological protective effect on the heart. It also makes the heart more efficient in that each beat is a stronger beat thus more blood volume is pumped through the arteries of the whole body per stroke beat, thus less overall work for the heart over it’s entire lifetime. I strongly believe, and there is much scientific evidence indicating the benefits of taking Hawthorne can add years of vitality to a person’s cardiovascular system. 1.) 10.) CoQ10 - Coenzyme Q 10 plays an important role in mitochondrial electron transport, the biochemical pathway in cellular respiration from which (ATP) is derived and thus metabolic energy is derived. Since nearly all cellular activities are dependent upon energy, CoQ10 is essential for the proper health of all human cells, tissues and organs. CoQ10 is found in greatest abundance within the heart muscle. Illness, viruses and bacteria can all interfere with the hearts ability to get enough CoQ10 for all the energy it requires. Providing Nutraceutically pure CoQ10 can restore the correct balance to the hearts energy system. It makes the heart stronger and more youthful which is why many cardiologists are now prescribing it for their patients. There are literally thousands of peer reviewed research studies world wide which prove the restorative and protective properties of CoQ10 that is why main stream medical doctors have started to use it so abundantly.
2.) Ultra Preventive X
-- is the leading Multi- Vitamin Mineral and Antioxidant
with 66 concentrated and powerful bioactive sub-components to prevent
disease, give you energy, boost your immune system, and add vigor and
stamina to your life.
Gluco-Mend -- has been proven to prevent adult type 2 diabetes and reverse
it if you have it currently, it can reduce your need for insulin by over 50% if
you have type one diabetes.
ImmunoPro -- builds up your body to fight off diseases; it detoxifies the
human body better then any fast and much more safely. ImmunoPro is the
world most perfect bioactive protein with all live substrates such as gamma
globulin, Lactoferrin and all 28 human tissue growth factors to regenerate
each type of tissue and organ. Combined with HGH human growth hormone
we can regenerate any heal almost any degenerative problems.
Super Sublingual CoQ10 200mgs -- melts under the tongue and goes right
into the blood providing energy immediately to every cell of the body, you will
feel like a champion taking this one of a kind Nutraceutical, energy to burn all
day long!
Cardio Edge - have cholesterol problems? take care of it the natural way.
Combined with Chinese Red Rice Yeast, DHA cold water fish oils and Guggle
from India, I have reduced cholesterol by up to 160 points depending on dose
with absolutely no dangerous medications which have terrible side effects. I
had one man go from 350 to 170 after 3 months.
7-Keto - want to lose weight? 7 Keto is the answer. It is thermogenic, burns
fat and has been proven in clinical studies.
Male X Booster - power up your sex drive some people like it better then
Viagra, all natural herbs combined by master herbalists.
AHCC -- A blend of powerful highest quality Asian mushrooms builds up
white blood cells and NK cells Natural Killer cells that fight cancer, bacteria
and all viruses.
UltimateGold Anabolic Booster -- A blend of powerful highest quality Asian
mushrooms builds up white blood cells and NK cells Natural Killer cells that
fight cancer, bacteria and all viruses.
UltimateGold Nitro-Gain -- with Advanced Nitrogen Retention Technology
Maximize your anabolic potential by preventing nitrogen loss. It works by
increasing the amount of nitrogen you retain from eating from eating sources
of protein. by inceasing nitrogen retention you will automatically be able to
add more muscle. Are you always in a state of anabolism? What about when
you're sweating gallons trying to get the last few percentage points of fat off?
What about working out in 100 degree temperatures trying to hone your game
to perfection? You're losing something that is going to drastically cut-down on
your ability to gain strength, muscle and recovery after the workout and
ultimately interfere with your performance in your sport. Nitrogen is escaping
from every pore of your body. of the essential components of
the anabolic process.
UltimateGold Moomiyo -- Although Moomiyo has been used in the folk
medicine of different countries for almost two thousand years, there are still
many legends involving its mysterious origin. In Russia, serious research has
been conducted on Mumie (moomiyo) since 1910. The research has become
even more intense in the last three decades. This research was supported
through government financing and conducted at major laboratories within the
national science and medicine academies of Kirgysia, Tajikistan and
Uzbekistan, the areas of moomiyo's origin.

The word Protein means “first substance”. Our first protein food was found in our
mother’s milk. Milk is the only food designed specifically to optimally sustain the
life of a mammal. In fact, the root word for nutrition means to suckle. As a
species, we would not have survived if not for the nutrition and protection
mother’s milk offers.
Whey is one of the two protein groups found in milk. It is a liquid complex
consisting of a wide range of proteins. The other protein group is casein, which
curds are made from and then processed into cheese.
Whey is an original complete protein food and is considered number one for
building and regenerating our bodies and maintaining a strong immune system.
Our entire metabolic process relies on the intake of complete protein. We cycle
proteins into amino acids constantly.
Hippocrates, the Greek physician of the 5th century B.C., the “father of
medicine”, stated that the body has an inner adaptive or healing power. To
strengthen this healing power, he prescribed serum (liquid whey) to his patients.
It was true non-denatured, native whey. It provided full biological activity and
numerous health benefits.
All commercial whey proteins available now are derived from extensively
processed milk and incomparable to the vitality in that 2500 year-old prescription.
It is appropriate to review some important definitions of terms used:
Native Protein: The naturally occurring conformation of a protein. Unaltered by
heat, chemicals, enzyme action or processing. (Native is the same structure and
proportion as in the original substance.)
Denatured: To cause the tertiary structure of (a protein) to unfold, as with heat,
alkali, or acid, so that some of its original properties, especially its biological
activity, are diminished or eliminated. (It means damaged.)
Undenatured: To undamage. (A term that is used without discretion in the
industry and is misleading. It is not possible for a protein to be undenatured.)
Non-denatured: The same structure and proportion as in the original substance with full biological activity. (Never damaged.) Presently, the various commercial methods of processing whey do not improve or even maintain the fragile immune modulating and regenerative components or the biological activity that was originally in the milk. They all originate from the manufacturing of cheese and are by-products. There are three commercial production methods, which comprise the majority of available whey proteins. They are isolates (the most popular), ion-exchange and hydrolyzed forms. They are all ultrafiltered, cross-flow filtered or microfiltered via elaborate patented methods developed by large dairies. The milk used in these three methods undergoes major processing that involves high heat (163 degrees F) and drastic acidification of the whey to produce curds for manufacturing cheese. These steps denature (damage) the proteins. What is then required is extensive filtration to remove the many denatured proteins in order to produce the highest percentage of protein. Unfortunately the fragile vital protein components, which determine the biological activity of the protein, are not retained. The terms undenatured and cold-process are prevalent with these commercial products, but once a protein is denatured it is not possible to undenature it. The key point in regard to the quality and effectiveness of whey is that the full range of biological activity and proportion of the protein components be preserved in their original native form as nature provided. Only whey that is not involved in cheese manufacture can achieve that goal. Additionally, the health of the milking cows and quality of the milk is the foundation of this type of product. Non-denatured whey protein has the highest biological value of any protein. It is a complete protein, unlike soy, and provides all the essential amino acids in the correct balance. The five major active proteins of whey are lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, bovine serum albumin, alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin. There are many whey products available; therefore it is highly advisable to have in writing from the manufacturer, the treatment of the cows, the entire processing the milk undergoes and if cheese is part of the original production. Also request a written laboratory analysis that lists the percentage values for each individual protein. An analysis that groups two or more proteins together with a percentage number is very questionable and worthless to a discriminating professional or consumer. Covalent Bonded Cysteine (the non-denatured form), is the critical amino acid required for the all-important intracellular production of the antioxidant glutathione (GSH). Glutathione is our body’s master antioxidant and is responsible for numerous defense and repair functions and is an effective antiaging substance. Glutathione is best utilized when we produce it internally. Cysteine is very scarce in our modern diet and therefore glutathione production is limited and deficiency is prevalent. If cysteine undergoes any heating or processing, as all commercial
whey products do, it is denatured and converted to cystine. Covalent-bonded
cysteine, active peptides, anabolic growth factors and enzymes are also present
in non-denatured native whey, as there is no processing to denature them.
The public is now becoming more aware of the value of quality protein and is
choosing whey protein for many good reasons. Not only does non-denatured
whey have a wide range of immune-enhancing properties, it also has the ability
to act as an antioxidant, antihypertensive, antitumor, antiviral and antibacterial. A
number of clinical trials have successfully been performed using whey as an
antimicrobial agent and in the treatment of cancer, HIV, hepatitis B & C,
cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. It has a major role in red blood cell
production, support in chemotherapy treatment, safe binding and detoxification of
heavy metals, wound healing, growth of new muscle, weight regulation and the
support of numerous immune functions. It is used by populations that have
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia, Hepatitis, Cancer, HIV/AIDS,
Respiratory disease, cognitive disorder from nutritional compromise and for any
sports performance improvement.


ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY, Apr. 2002, p. 1080–10850066-4804/02/$04.00ϩ0 DOI: 10.1128/AAC.46.4.1080–1085.2002Copyright © 2002, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. Oxazolidinone Antibiotics Target the P Site onHiroyuki Aoki,1 Lizhu Ke,1 Susan M. Poppe,2 Toni J. Poel,3 Elizabeth A. Weaver,3Robert C. Gadwood,3 Richard C. Thomas,3 Dean L. Shinabarger,2 and M.

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