Pediatric Diabetes 2007: 8 (Suppl. 6): 24–33
Journal compilation # 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard
Can we prevent diabetic ketoacidosis inchildren?
Bismuth E, Laffel L. Can we prevent diabetic ketoacidosis in children?
Pediatric Diabetes 2007: 8 (Suppl. 6): 24–33.
Abstract: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is an acute potentially life-
threatening complication of diabetes affecting more than 100,000 persons
annually in the United States. Although major advances have improved
diabetes care, DKA remains the leading cause of hospitalization,morbidity, and death in youth with type 1 diabetes (T1D). As the majority
of patients presenting with DKA have established diabetes, it is important
to address outpatient educational approaches directed at sick-daymanagement and early identification and treatment of impending DKA.
Teaching and reinforcement of sick-day rules involves improved self-care
Lori Laffel, MD, MPHSection on Genetics and Epidemiology
with consistent self-monitoring of blood glucose and ketones, and timely
administration of supplemental insulin and fluids. DKA as an initial
manifestation of T1D may be less amendable to prevention except with an
increased awareness by the lay and medical communities of the symptoms
of diabetes and surveillance in high-risk populations potentially identified
by family history or genetic susceptibility. New technologies that can detect
the blood ketone 3b-hydroxybutyrate (3b-OHB) instead of traditional
urine ketones appears to provide opportunity for early identification and
treatment of impending DKA leading to reduced need for hospitalization
Despite major advances in the care of diabetes,
mately 50% of all deaths in individuals with diabetes
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) remains a leading cause
younger than 24 yr old (5, 6). Cerebral edema is an
of hospitalization and the leading cause of morbidity
uncommon but serious complication of DKA associ-
and death in children and adolescents with type 1 dia-
ated with morbidity and mortality. Estimates of the
betes (T1D). There are over 150 000 annual episodes
incidence of cerebral edema in DKA range from 0.4 to
of DKA in the USA. The average cost of treating
3.1% (5), and recent reports from Britain and the USA
a single episode of DKA in the USA is about $11 000;
have shown a mortality rate of 21–24%, and sig-
the cost of all episodes combined represents about 25%
nificant neurologic sequelae in 21–35% (6, 7). Cerebral
of the total spent on the care of patients with T1D (1).
edema accounts for 60–90% of all DKA-related
The overall incidence of DKA varies with definition,
age, and sex, ranging from 4.6 to 13.4 episodes per
It is important to try to prevent DKA in order to
1000 persons with diabetes per year in the USA (2).
reduce morbidity and mortality associated with severe
The majority of DKA cases have previously diag-
metabolic decompensation. This prevention can be ac-
nosed diabetes and it is estimated that 50% of hospital
complished through appropriate education, improved
admissions for DKA could be prevented with im-
self-care and adherence, and consistent self-monitoring
proved outpatient treatment and better adherence to
of blood glucose and ketones. DKA as an initial
manifestation of T1D is less amenable to prevention,
Complications related to DKA are the most
other than through surveillance in youth with a
common cause of death in children, teenagers, and
positive family history of diabetes, and increased
young adults with diabetes, accounting for approxi-
public awareness of the symptoms of diabetes.
T1D in youth worldwide, especially in the very young(19). In a recent study of incidence trends in childhood
DKA is a serious complication of diabetes that is
diabetes across Europe, the 0- to 4-yr age group
associated with considerable mortality and morbidity.
displayed the highest annual increase (4.8%) (20).
Although the mortality rate in adults diminished from44% in the 1930s to 16% in the 1970s (9) and to 3–5%in the 1980–1990s (10), the recent rates in pediatric
patients have been relatively stable at about 1% or less
The incidence of DKA in adolescent patients enrolled
(6, 11). In the context of evolving T1D, DKA is
in the DCCT was 2.8 per 100 patient-years in the
frequently an indicator of a delay in the recognition of
intensive treatment group (n ¼ 92) vs. 4.7 per 100
the symptoms of diabetes, whereas in the context of
patient-years in the conventional therapy group
established diabetes, DKA is often indicative of either
(n ¼ 103) (21). In a more recent study, incidence of
insulin omission or suboptimally managed intercur-
DKA in children and adolescents with T1D was found
rent stress episodes. The latter offer opportunities for
to be 8 per 100 patient-years (22). The incidence of
enhanced diabetes education toward DKA preven-
DKA in established diabetes is higher in females,
tion. Given the intensity of public awareness cam-
peaks in early teenage years, and rarely occurs in
paigns as to the significance of diabetic symptoms and
anyone diagnosed for less than 2 yr. Individuals with
the increased effort expended in improving glycemic
earlier age of onset and lower socioeconomic back-
control after the Diabetes Control and Complications
grounds seem to be at increased risk, along with
Trial (DCCT), it might be anticipated that episodes of
individuals who had psychopathology before diabetes
DKA in children and adolescents with T1D would
onset. Research reveals several consistent themes that
have decreased over the last two decades. However,
enable us to identify individuals at potential risk for
data from Ontario between 1991 and 1999, revealed
recurrent DKA, with about 20% of individuals
that DKA admissions remained stable (4).
accounting for 80% of the hospital admissions forDKA in one report (23).
In Europe, Australia and North America, some 15–
70% of all newly diagnosed children with diabetes
present with DKA (12, 13). Thus, there is widegeographic variation in the frequency of DKA at
DKA at diagnosis is more common in younger
onset of diabetes; rates inversely correlate with the
children (,5 yr of age) and in children whose families
regional incidence of T1D, likely as a result of more
do not have ready access to medical care for social or
experienced physicians recognizing symptoms of dia-
economic reasons (22, 24). Lack of health insurance is
betes (8). Most commonly, rates of DKA at diagnosis
associated with higher rates (and greater severity) of
are 25–30% (14–16). In addition, rates of DKA vary
DKA at diagnosis, presumably because uninsured
according to age at diagnosis of diabetes, with as
persons delay seeking timely medical care (22). Lower
many as 44% of youth ,6 yr of age presenting in
income and lower parental educational achievement
DKA in one study (17) and 30% presenting with
(father’s work, education of parents) were also
acidosis and/or coma in another report (18). Recently,
associated with higher risk of DKA (25). History of
DKA, defined by blood bicarbonate ,15 mmol/L
parental depression and diminished parental anxiety,
and/or pH , 7.25 (7.3 if arterial or capillary), was
possibly due to lower parental awareness of symptoms
found in 23.3% of a carefully analyzed US cohort (16).
in offspring, may also increase DKA risk at onset (26).
The prevalence of DKA decreased significantly with
As expected, a lower frequency of DKA at T1D
age from 36% in children ,5 yr of age to 16% in those
diagnosis was evident in children with a family history
.14 yr, but it did not differ significantly by sex or
ethnicity (16). Indeed, in the younger child who mayalso have a more rapid rate of beta cell loss, it is more
difficult to obtain a classic history of polyuria, poly-dipsia, and nocturia. Thus, infants and toddlers with
Children whose insulin is administrated by a respon-
impending DKA may go undiagnosed, thereby in-
sible adult rarely have episodes of DKA; 75% of
creasing their duration of symptoms, leading to more
episodes of DKA after diagnosis are associated with
severe dehydration and acidosis at presentation. For
insulin omission or treatment error. The remainder
example, a dramatic 220% increase in DKA admis-
are a result of inadequate insulin therapy during
sions was observed in the 0- to 4-yr age group between
intercurrent illness (11). In a cohort of 1243 children
1991 and 1999 in Ontario (4). This trend is concern-
with T1D followed prospectively for 4 yr in the
ing, and supports the increase in the occurrence of
Denver area, the incidence of DKA was 8 per 100
Pediatric Diabetes 2007: 8 (Suppl. 6): 24–33
person-years and increased with age in girls. In
area, the incidence of DKA in new-onset cases aged
younger children, the risk of DKA increased with
6–14 yr decreased from 78% in 1987–1991 to 12.5%
higher A1c and higher reported insulin dose. In older
in 1991–1997 with no cases reported after 1992. In the
children, the risk of DKA increased with higher A1c,
control region nearby, which received no information,
higher reported insulin dose, underinsurance, and the
83% of new cases presented with DKA (33). This de-
presence of psychiatric disorders (22). Eating disor-
monstrates that by means of an aggressive but rela-
ders, relatively common in young women with T1D,
tively inexpensive information campaign, it is possible
also contribute to impaired metabolic control, leading
to reduce the incidence of DKA at onset. In another
center, where tips about early symptoms of diabetes
There is consistent evidence for psychosocial risk
were provided to local pediatricians, a reduction from
factors as predictive of recurrent DKA. Individuals
86 to 26% of DKA at diagnosis was observed (3).
from families low in warmth and support, where there
A diagnosis of DKA may be delayed in new-onset
are high levels of unresolved family conflict and a
cases, especially in younger children, who may first be
distinct lack of parental involvement in the adolescent’s
diagnosed with pneumonia, reactive airway disease, or
diabetes care, seem to be typical of this population (28).
bronchiolitis. Indeed, a recent study revealed that
Objective assessment of insulin management behavior
among youth diagnosed with T1D, children ,3 yr old
through prescription data from Scotland indicated that
and those presenting in DKA had more medical
28% of young adults (aged 15–25 yr) with T1D do not
encounters in the week prior to diagnosis compared
refill a sufficient amount of prescribed insulin to follow
with those without DKA, suggesting missed opportu-
their treatment regimen. This behavior, indicating
nities to prevent DKA (34). Follow-up studies suggest
under-insulinization, predicts admission for DKA (29).
that DKA is more frequent (24, 35), and more severe
Individuals using continuous subcutaneous insulin
(24), when missed at initial patient encounters. In New
infusion (CSII) are potentially at increased risk for
England, anecdotal reports include three deaths in
DKA following unrecognized interruption in insulin
youth from undiagnosed diabetes in 2003–2004.
delivery and inadequate monitoring (30). Population-
Earlier diagnosis through immunologic and genetic
based and retrospective clinical studies report a rela-
screening of high-risk children, such as in the Diabetes
tively low rate of DKA with pump therapy, but
Prevention Trial (DPT)-1, decreased DKA incidence at
a higher rate with CSII compared with injection
diabetes onset (36). A high level of awareness in those
therapy, at least in some countries (30). Recent data
with positive family history of T1D also reduces the
among 1041 pediatric patients using insulin pumps in
occurrence of DKA at diagnosis (24). In a recent study,
Europe revealed a risk of DKA of 6.6 per 100 patient-
children with a positive family history of T1D presented
years (31). In a Swedish population-based study, the
50% less often in DKA at diagnosis than those without
incidence of DKA among pump users was 3.5 per 100
a family history of T1D (29 vs. 60%) (24). In addition,
patient-years compared with 1.7 per 100 patient-years
the DPT-1 revealed that a rising A1c even within the
among patients treated with insulin injections (32).
reference range, may predict the diagnosis of T1D, thus
In general, the risk of DKA appears relatively low in
offering another means to avert an episode of DKA at
research settings, among adherent patients, and in
patients with sufficient family support (30).
DKA in established diabetes is most often the result ofinappropriate management of intercurrent illness/
stress or accidental or deliberate omission of insulin
Professional and public awareness of early signs and
(Table 1). Patient and family training of sick-day
symptoms of diabetes in children and adolescents is
management can provide the education needed to
required to decrease the incidence of DKA in patients
prevent or treat severe hyperglycemia and ketosis.
with new-onset diabetes; a high index of suspicion
Studies of the effects of such comprehensive diabetes
of symptomatology may lead to earlier diagnosis.
management programs and telephone help lines report
Although such strategies are intuitively obvious, pro-
a reduction in the rates of DKA from 15–60 to 5–5.9
grams to decrease DKA at onset need to be designed
per 100 patient-years (11). It is likely that both
and evaluated in diverse populations and age groups
diabetes sick-day education and 24-h telephone help
(11). In a program in Parma, Italy, schools and doctors’
lines reduce the occurrence of DKA; however, studies
offices were provided with colorful posters with
have not evaluated the unique contribution of each
practical messages about diabetes, and local pediatri-
approach to decreasing the rates of DKA. Therefore,
cians were instructed on the use of glucose meters.
episodes of DKA after diagnosis could be reduced if
Parents and pediatricians received a toll-free number to
all children with diabetes and their families receive
facilitate contact with the diabetes unit. In the study
comprehensive, ongoing diabetes education along
Pediatric Diabetes 2007: 8 (Suppl. 6): 24–33
Table 1. Triggers for hyperglycemia, ketosis, and diabetic
therapy involving intensive home-based psychother-
apy appears to reduce DKA admissions compared tostandard care for youth in poor control (41, 42).
Emotional stressErrors in insulin administration
Testing for ketones remains critical to the prevention
of DKA, yet knowledge and practice of ketone testing
Intentional manipulation of insulin dosing
are usually deficient. Diabetes education requires not
only initial teaching of diabetes management to
Myocardial infarctionMedications (e.g. steroids)
prevent metabolic decompensation but also ongoing
reinforcement. Unfortunately, sick-day management
is usually taught in a state of good health when
practice of these principles is not needed. Thus,patients and families may have forgotten sick-day man-agement by the time illness ensues. Sick-day manage-
with access to a 24-h diabetes telephone help line (3,
ment requires the patient to check blood glucose and
11). Sick-day rules should be reinforced periodically,
especially at the start of the school year and during fluseason when illness is more common. For patientsreceiving CSII, DKA may be avoidable with frequent
monitoring of blood glucose along with urine/bloodketones, followed by appropriate intervention when
Although glucose is the preferred metabolic fuel,
needed (8). In Norway, the nationwide incidence of
alternative fuel sources, such as free fatty acids
DKA (approximately 4 per 100 patient-years) did not
(FFAs) and ketones from fat breakdown, can be
change despite an increase in CSII use from 5% in
used if glucose is unavailable. In DKA, because of
an absolute or relative lack of insulin, the insulin-
Patients who experience multiple episodes or Ôre-
dependent tissues are unable to metabolize glucose
current’ DKA are more problematic. Insulin omission
normally. The regulation of fatty acid breakdown is
has been identified as the major factor in most of these
influenced by several hormones, in particular insulin,
cases. There is often a trigger for insulin omission and
glucagon, and epinephrine. Low insulin levels along
a psychiatric social worker or clinical psychologist
with high levels of counter-regulatory hormones (low
should be consulted to investigate any psychosocial
ratio of insulin/glucagon) cause an increase in lipo-
reasons contributing to development of DKA. Insulin
lysis, mobilizing FFAs, and promoting ketogenesis.
omission may be preventable with multidisciplinary
After transport into hepatic mitochondria, FFAs are
support providing education, psychosocial evaluation,
converted into acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA), which can
and treatment combined with adult supervision of
be used for energy synthesis in the tricarboxylic acid
insulin administration. When responsible adults ad-
cycle if adequate oxaloacetate is present. When oxalo-
ministered insulin, episodes of DKA dropped by 90%
acetate is being used for gluconeogenesis (as in DKA),
(38). The DKA prevention program in Los Angeles,
the acetyl-CoA is instead used for synthesis of ketones.
which included teaching patients and families the
Acetoacetate (AcAc) is the primary product of b-
early warning signs of DKA, providing sick-day
oxidation; 3b-hydroxybutyrate (3b-OHB) results from
management guidelines, and availability of a 24-h
the reduction of AcAc; and acetone results from the
health-care team, reduced the rate of recurrent DKA
spontaneous decarboxylation of AcAc. Ordinarily,
from 12 events per 100 patient-years to 4 events per
AcAc and 3b-OHB exist in equimolar concentrations
100 patient-years in 1998 (3). Again, this study did not
in the blood. During DKA, however, the reduced
evaluate the unique contribution of the individual
redox potential in the hepatic mitochondria favors the
components of the DKA prevention program. Dedi-
formation of 3b-OHB and the 3b-OHB to AcAc ratio
cated outpatient diabetes treatment teams directed at
increases from 1:1 to 6:1, reaching as high as 10:1
adult patients can also result in significant decreases in
in some individuals. In contrast, with recovery from
DKA-associated readmissions and A1c values in
DKA, the ratio again falls with conversion of 3b-OHB
ketosis-prone patient populations (39). When these
efforts fail, attempts to prevent recurrent DKAmandate more aggressive approaches such as out-of-
home placement away from dysfunctional familiesand even use of insulin pump therapy to provide
For several decades, the only way to measure ketones
consistent basal insulin delivery (3, 40). Multisystemic
was testing the urine with a dipstick test such as
Pediatric Diabetes 2007: 8 (Suppl. 6): 24–33
KetostixÒ (Bayer Diagnostics, USA) or with acetest
suggestive of DKA are present. A few years ago, the
tablets. KetostixÒ measures urinary AcAc, which
ADA statement noted that ÔCurrently available urine
reacts with nitroprusside to produce a purple-colored
ketone tests are not reliable and blood ketone testing
complex. Nitroprusside does not react with 3b-OHB,
methods are now reliable for diagnosis and monitor-
the predominant ketone body in DKA. Urine strips
ing treatment of ketoacidosis’ (45).
containing glycine in addition to nitroprusside can
Published reports on blood ketone monitoring have
appeared from clinical research and from inpatient
Urine ketone testing has limitations for several
and outpatient settings. Elevations in blood 3b-OHB
reasons. Urine ketone measurements do not accu-
and urine ketones have been monitored prospectively
rately reflect current conditions if the urine has been
during investigations in which CSII with lispro or
in the bladder for several hours (e.g. overnight) before
regular insulin was discontinued under controlled
testing. Similarly, if bottled strips are used and the
conditions (46–48). After 5–6 h following discontin-
bottle was first opened more than 6 months earlier (it
uation of CSII, moderate ketones generally appeared
is recommended that the date be written on the bottle
in the urine and blood 3b-OHB rose from 0.1–
when first opened), the strips can lose their accuracy.
0.2 mmol/L to 1–1.2 mmol/L. Monitoring blood
Urine ketone results can also be affected by medi-
ketones would likely allow the earlier detection of
cations, giving false-positive results in the presence of
ketosis when levels exceed 0.5 mmol/L, before keto-
drugs containing sulfhydryl groups, like captopril.
nuria becomes evident, allowing for earlier interven-
Also, obtaining a urine sample is sometimes problem-
tion. Patients on CSII, in whom ketosis can appear
atic with very young children, teenagers, and people
rapidly in cases of pump failure or catheter occlusion,
who are unable to void or who are too ill or exhausted
Measuring 3b-OHB in a hyperglycemic patient in
The inability of the nitroprusside test to detect
the acute setting can expedite diagnosis and treatment
3b-OHB and an increasing belief that blood levels of
as a point-of-care tool in an emergency department
3b-OHB might prove useful in the management
(50). In this setting, sensitivity and specificity of the
and prevention of DKA prompted the development
capillary 3b-OHB measurements in determining DKA
of rapid enzymatic methods for the quantification of
were 72 and 82% (vs. 66 and 78% for urine ketone
3b-OHB in small-volume blood samples. The first of
dipstick), respectively (51). In another study, among
these systems was marketed by GDS Diagnostic
50 patients who had 3b-OHB measurements in an
(Elkart, IN, USA), which provided a bench-top
emergency room when fingerstick glucose exceeded
analyzer for use in clinical laboratories and physician
11 mmol/L (200 mg/dL), 3b-OHB level of .3 mmol/L
offices. The GDS System determines 3b-OHB levels
had a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 88% for
on a drop of blood (25 mL) in about 2 min, with
a detection range between 0 and 2 mmol/L (44). More
In the outpatient setting, blood ketone monitoring
recently, a hand-held device has been developed that
may improve self-care management during hypergly-
allows the determination of 3b-OHB from capillary
cemia, sick days, and for symptoms suggestive of
blood in 10 s (initially 30 s) at home or at the patient’s
DKA; however, patient adherence needs to be
bedside. This system for the precise quantification of
evaluated. Among healthy outpatients in suboptimal
3b-OHB levels on a fingerstick blood specimen (2 mL)
glycemic control, measurements of blood 3b-OHB can
has been introduced by MediSense/Abbott Labora-
help distinguish ketotic patients from those with
tories (Precision XtraÒ/OptiumÒ) (Abbott Diabetes
hyperglycemia alone (53). For sick-day management,
Care, Alameda, CA) and is available for clinical
the efficacy of blood 3b-OHB monitoring was
practice. Accuracy testing against a reference labora-
evaluated in a 6-month two-centre, prospective,
tory instrument demonstrates a high correlation
randomized clinical trial comparing blood 3b-OHB
(r ¼ 0.94) with a measurement range between 0 and
monitoring (Precision XtraTM) with traditional urine
6 mmol/L. Elevated ketones levels, called hyperketo-
ketone testing. We enrolled 123 children and adoles-
cents who were randomized, according to pump statusand A1c, to receive the Precision XtraTM system orurine ketone strips for ketone monitoring. Partic-
ipants continued routine diabetes care throughout thestudy, which included 24-h access to an on-call
physician (54). Participants received sick-day guide-
The ADA previously recommended that all people
lines within logbooks specific for each group. Rec-
with diabetes should test their urine for ketones
ommendations were based on blood glucose results
during periods of acute illness or stress, when blood
and either blood 3b-OHB or urine ketone measure-
glucose levels are consistently in excess of 16.6 mmol/L
ments (see Tables 2 and 3). Adherence to ketone
(300 mg/dL), during pregnancy, or when symptoms
monitoring during sick days was 90.8% for partic-
Pediatric Diabetes 2007: 8 (Suppl. 6): 24–33
Table 2. Supplemental insulin dosages based on blood glucose and urine ketone results
Omit fast-acting analog or regular insulin
Decrease intermediate or long-acting insulin by 20%
Decrease intermediate or long-acting insulin
by 20%; contact health care team,especially with vomiting
Note: % refers to percentage of total daily dosage (TDD) given as fast-acting analog or regular insulin. TDD is calculatedby adding up all the insulin administered on a usual day, including the fast-acting analog or regular insulin and theintermediate/long-acting insulin. Do not include supplements added to the usual dose because of unexpectedhyperglycemia. In calculating the TDD when sliding scales are used, select the sliding scale dose for blood glucose ofabout 8.3 mmol/L (150 mg/dL). Blood glucose and urine ketones should be monitored every 2–4 h. Supplemental insulinboosters are repeated every 2–3 h with the fast-acting analog or every 3–4 h with regular insulin. If hyperglycemia or urineketones do not improve after two supplemental dosages, the health-care team should be contacted. Pump basal ratesshould be increased by 20–50% during illness along with additional bolus doses. If blood glucose level is ,4.4 mmol/Land there is decreased po intake, omit the fast-acting analog or regular insulin and decrease intermediate/long-actinginsulin by 20%. Contact health-care team, especially if there is vomiting. The range of dosage adjustments accounts forthe need for clinical judgment based upon clinical status and anticipated oral intake of food and fluids.
ipants checking blood ketones, compared with 60.3%
13.9 mmol/l), when ketone monitoring occurred in
for those checking urine ketones. There was no
only 34% of each group. Thus, the common occur-
difference in monitoring frequency between groups
rence of hyperglycemia in youth with diabetes was
during periods of hyperglycemia alone (blood glucose
often an insufficient motivation to test for ketones inthe absence of illness. In this study, the need foremergency department assessment and treatment or
Table 3. Algorithms for supplemental fast-acting analogor regular insulin dosages incorporating blood 3b-hydroxy-
urgent hospitalization was 50% lower in the blood
ketone group compared with the urine ketone group,38 episodes per 100 patient-years compared to 75 per
100 patient-years, respectively. At study’s end, 70% of
those checking ketones reported that they preferred to
check blood versus urine ketones (54). Thus, blood
ketone monitoring seems to be well accepted in
Hyperketonemia appears to be common in the
setting of uncontrolled diabetes (55). Further studies
are needed to confirm the impact of blood ketone
Note: % refers to percentage of total daily dosage (TDD)
given as fast-acting analog or regular insulin. TDD iscalculated by adding up all the insulin administered on
a usual day, including the fast-acting analog or regularinsulin and the intermediate/long-acting insulin. Do not
Patient and parent education remains the cornerstone
include supplements added to the usual dose because ofunexpected hyperglycemia. In calculating the TDD when
for sick-day management and prevention of metabolic
sliding scales are used, select the sliding scale dose for
decompensation in youth with T1D. New technologies
blood glucose of about 8.3 mmol/L (150 mg/dL). Blood
like a handheld blood ketone meter can improve self-
glucose and ketones should be monitored every 2–4 h.
care management. It provides a method to detect
Supplemental insulin boosters are repeated every 2–3 hwith the fast-acting analog or every 3–4 h with regular
metabolic disturbance and correct it if appropriate
insulin. If hyperglycemia or blood ketones do not improve
guidelines are followed. First, patients, family, and
after two supplemental dosages, the health-care team
general practitioners should be aware of the triggers
should be contacted. Pump basal rates increased by 20–
for hyperglycemia, ketosis, and DKA (Table 1). For
50% during illness along with additional bolus doses. If
example, substance abuse may trigger DKA through
blood glucose level should be ,4.4 mmol/L and there isdecreased po intake, omit the fast-acting analog or regular
non-adherence and comorbidities such as reactive
insulin and decrease intermediate/long-acting insulin by
airway disease and inflammatory bowel disease may
20%. Contact health-care team, especially if there is
warrant systemic steroid treatment, which may pro-
vomiting. The range of dosage adjustments accounts for
mote metabolic decompensation in the absence of
the need for clinical judgment based upon the clinicalstatus and anticipated oral intake of food and fluids.
supplemental insulin. Next, algorithms for management
Pediatric Diabetes 2007: 8 (Suppl. 6): 24–33
of hyperglycemia and sick days should be explained
children and adolescents with T1D, usually at diagnosis
and reinforced repeatedly. Before routine acceptance
with reinforcement at the time of illness. These
of ketone monitoring is realized, it is necessary that all
guidelines should be instituted with illness, ketonuria,
patients with T1D check their glucose levels fre-
or hyperketonemia, when blood glucose values are
quently. In a 1-year prospective study enrolling 300
elevated (.13.8 mmol/L – 250 mg/dL – on two con-
youth with T1D (7–16 yr old) in our centre, we found
secutive readings), or with symptoms of DKA, such as
that 24% of the patients checked their blood glucose
nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain (54, 57) (Fig. 1).
twice daily or less often (56). Further, glycemic
The cornerstone of sick-day management includes:
control improves significantly as the frequency ofblood glucose monitoring increases. Indeed, blood
(i) Never omit insulin: Insulin must always be
glucose monitoring frequency was the sole modifiable
administered during illness, even at times when
predictor of glycemic control in this study (56). Thus,
eating is markedly diminished as infection induces
through increased blood monitoring of glucose and
insulin resistance, often necessitating increased or
ketones, we have significant opportunity to improve
supplemental doses of insulin. The additional or
supplemental dose is needed to manage thehyperglycemia and ketosis. Supplemental insulindosages generally consist of 10–20% of the total
daily insulin dose administrated every 2–3 h if
The most common reason for families to report
given as fast-acting analog insulin or every 3–4 h if
elevated ketone levels is an infection or illness; another
given as regular insulin, based on both the blood
frequent cause is failure of insulin delivery resulting
glucose and ketone results, using algorithms.
from a pump mishap (pump failure, catheter kinking
(ii) Ongoing self-blood-glucose monitoring with adult
or slipping out, etc.). Insulin omission is also
supervision at least every 2–4 h, occasionally every
a common cause for ketosis. Ketones are checked
1–2 h, and with results recorded in a log book.
more commonly in association with illness than with
(iii) Monitoring for ketosis every 2–4 h with results
hyperglycemia alone (54). The objective of sick-day
management in T1D is to minimize metabolic
(iv) Continuation of monitoring and supplemental
imbalance, avoid severe hypoglycemia with gastroin-
testinal illness, and prevent unchecked hyperglycemia
(v) Increased intake of salty fluids to combat
and ketosis leading to DKA. Sick-day guidelines are
dehydration associated with hyperglycemia and
taught to all families and, as age appropriate, to
possible fever. The blood glucose level determines
- Call the health care team foradvice when the blood ketone level
until ketone levels are < 0.6mmol/L(see table 2)
Fig. 1. Flow chart for ketone checking and treatment of illness or infection [adapted from Burdick et al., Practical Diabetology, 2004 (43)].
Pediatric Diabetes 2007: 8 (Suppl. 6): 24–33
whether sugar-containing or sugar-free fluids
mean cost per admission was lowest for DKA
should be consumed (usually sugar-free fluids if
precipitated by non-compliance in established T1D
blood glucose .10 mmol/L (180 mg/dL), sugar-
patients than for patients with new onset diabetes
containing fluids if blood glucose 10 mmol/L).
or acute illness; nonetheless, this category remains re-
(vi) Treatment of any underlying illness.
sponsible for the greatest portion of the economic
(vii) Anti-emetics if severe vomiting prevents ad-
burden of DKA (1). Furthermore, patients with DKA
equate fluid intake, and mental status does not
resulting from insulin omission or those with recurrent
DKA could potentially increase the costs of hospital-
(viii) Frequent contact with the health-care team to
ization if length of stay were increased for ongoing
psychosocial assessment and management. New tech-nologies like blood ketone monitoring and real-time
If illness persists more than a few hours, emergency
continuous glucose sensing may provide opportunities
to prevent or reduce the occurrence of DKA with
Tables 2 and 3 provide specific guidelines based on
potential cost savings in those patients and families
urine ketone or blood ketone levels. Patient/families
willing to utilize such new approaches.
should contact their health-care team if blood ketonelevels persist above 1 mmol/L or urine ketones remain
LL has acted as a paid consultant and has receivedinvestigator-initiated funding from Abbott Diabetes
Care. EB has declared no conflicts of interest.
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