Hormonal and experiential correlates of maternal responsiveness during pregnancy and the puerperium in human mothers
Hormones and Behavior 31, 145 – 158 (1997) Article No. HB971376 Hormonal and Experiential Correlates of Maternal Responsiveness during Pregnancy and the Puerperium in Human Mothers
Alison S. FlemingDepartment of Psychology, University of Toronto, Erindale Campus,Mississauga, Ontario L5L 1C6, Canada
Diane RubleDepartment of Psychology, New York University, New York, New York 10012
Howard Krieger and P. Y. WongToronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2C4, CanadaTwo studies were undertaken (1) to determine whether tachment to the infant across pregnancy. (3) However, human mothers undergo a change in maternal respon- the pattern of change in the ratio of estradiol to pro- siveness during pregnancy before the birth of the baby, gesterone from early to late pregnancy was related to as shown for other mammalian species, and (2) to es- postpartum attachment feelings. (4) Finally, hormonal tablish whether a relation exists between changes in correlates of attachment feelings may reflect effects maternal feelings and attitudes and changes in hor- both on feelings of nurturance directly and, indirectly, mones. In both studies prospective first-time mothers on mothers’ feelings of well-being.
᭧ 1997 Academic Press completed an extensive set of questionnaires, cov- ering a broad range of issues, including a set of 76- to 100-item likert scales concerning attitudes toward
How new mothers care for their young is influ-
infants, childbirth, pregnancy, caretaking, and other
enced by a variety of social and situational factors —
interpersonal relationships. In the first cross-sectional
including their past experiences as infants (Suomi,
study, mothers completed the questionnaires at one
1990; Kraemer, 1992; Main, Kaplan, and Cassidy,
of seven time points, ranging from prior to pregnancy
1985; Fairbanks, 1989) and with infants (Pryce, 1993;
to 3 months postpartum. In the longitudinal study, questionnaires were completed repeatedly throughout
Ruppenthal, Arling, Harlow, Sackett, and Suomi,
this same time period. In addition, blood was taken at
1976; Fleming, Ruble, Flett, and Shaul, 1988; see
these same time points and assayed by RIA for plasma
Corter and Fleming, 1995), their life histories and
concentrations of the steroids, estradiol, progester-
stresses, and their present social and physical con-
one, testosterone, and cortisol. The primary findings
texts (see Corter and Fleming, 1995). Less obvious is
are (1) feelings of nurturance grow during pregnancy
the role of biological factors in mothering and the
and from pregnancy to postpartum; in the cross-sec-
process of becoming attached to one’s infant. How-
tional study, for most of the factors relating to infants
ever, biological factors clearly contribute to moth-
or mothering, pregnancy and postpartum responses
ering behavior in most other mammals that have
were more positive than prepregnancy responses; in
been studied, including a number of primates
the longitudinal study, many of these factors also showed elevations across pregnancy itself, as well as
(Pryce, 1993, 1995) and there is no reason to assume
further elevations with the birth of the infant. (2) Preg-
that humans are immune from these effects. nancy hormones were not related to the growth of at-
Among many mammals, mothers show heightened
0018-506X/97 $25.00Copyright ᭧ 1997 by Academic PressAll rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
responsivity to offspring during the latter part of preg-
not, however, occur in a vacuum. The mothers back-
nancy, before the young are born, culminating in a
ground experiences and experiences interacting with
complete integrated response at parturition (see Corter
the infant, in particular, also correlate with her feelings
and Fleming, 1991; Maestriepi and Wallen, 1995; Gib-
and attitudes and these may well accentuate, mask, or
ber, 1986). Although we do not yet known which pre-
interact with the hormonal correlates (Fleming, Ruble,
cise hormones mediate responsiveness during gesta-
tion, we know that the changes in hormones that occur
The present set of studies is an extension of this ap-
between mid- and late pregnancy or that accompany
proach to the analysis of hormone – environment inter-
parturition contribute to the rapid onset of nurturant
actions in the regulation of maternal responsiveness in
behavior that occurs with the birth of the young; in
new mothers. In the present paper we report results
general, the relevant pattern of hormonal changes in-
which reflect our interest in hormonal factors during
cludes a period with high levels of progesterone during
pregnancy and across the parturitional period and their
pregnancy followed by the decline of progesterone and
relation to mothers’ maternal attitudes. In another pa-
the associated rise in estrogen, prolactin, and oxytocin
per (Fleming, Steiner, and Corter, in preparation), we
(Rosenblatt, 1990; Bridges, 1990; Insel, 1990; Pryce,
evaluate hormonal changes during the postpartum pe-
1993; Pryce, Doebli, and Martin, 1993; see Pryce, Mar-
riod and their relation to mothers’ maternal behaviors.
Here we describe only a selected portion of two studies,
However, hormonal influences are expressed only if
one cross-sectional, the other longitudinal, each with
the social and situational factors are favorable. Thus,
its own extensive data set and both analyzed previously
among some primates (e.g., marmosets) mothers will
to address different questions (see Ruble, Brooks-Gunn,
often not care for their offspring if they have not had
Fleming, Fitzmaurice, Stangor, and Deutsch, 1990; Ru-
prior juvenile experience allomothering — that is, caring
ble, Fleming, Hackel, and Stangor, 1988). And in each
for someone else’s offspring (Pryce, 1993; Pryce, Doebli,
study we ask what is the evidence that reproductive
and Martin, 1993; see Pryce, Martin, and Skuse, 1995).
state or hormones are related to maternal feelings and
In another New World monkey (the red-bellied tama-
attitudes during pregnancy and the puerperium in new
rin) the effects of exogenous hormone replacement are
mothers. A second goal of these studies is to simultane-
also apparent only in previously experienced, multipar-
ously assess the relation to mothering of mother’s prior
ous animals (Pryce, Abbott, Hodges, and Martin, 1988).
experiences with infants; hence, we use hierarchical
Among pigtail macaques social dominance status deter-
multiple regression analyses to determine the variance
mines the amount of interest shown during pregnancy
in mothering explained by hormones and by previous
in ‘‘foster’’ infants (Maestriepieri and Wallen, 1995).
Even in rats in which hormonal effects are clear anddistinct, they cannot override or inhibit the effects of aprior experience cannibalizing young or the effects of
stress and overcrowding, etc. (see Fleming, Morgan,and Walsh, 1996).
The primary measure of maternal responsiveness in
Not surprisingly, few studies have explored the role
the present experiments was based on responses on
of hormones in the regulation of human parenting,
questionnaires. In addition, in the second, longitudinal
and those that have report the counterintuitive results
experiment, hormone concentrations were measured in
that associate the adrenal hormones rather than the
ovarian or placental steroids with parental respon-siveness (see Corter and Fleming, 1995; Fleming,Steiner, and Anderson, 1987). We found there was a
Measures: Questionnaires (Experiments 1 and 2)
strong linear correlation between circulating postpar-tum concentrations of the adrenal steroid, cortisol, andthe intensity of mothers’ close contact approach behav-
Women in both the cross-sectional and the longitudi-
iors while interacting with their infants on Day 3 post-
nal experiments completed questionnaires. The ques-
partum. This relation was further enhanced if mothers
tionnaire was quite large, requiring 1 – 112 hr to complete.
were also positively motivated toward infants, as ex-
It consisted of almost 1000 items addressing a broad
pressed in their pregnancy attitudes (Fleming, Steiner,
range of issues including physical symptoms and
and Anderson, 1987). These hormonal correlates do
moods, eating behavior and alcohol consumption, baby
temperament, demographics, and background, in addi-
tency across time, (see Fleming, Ruble, Flett, and Shaul,
tion to the maternal attitude items that represent the
1988; Fleming, Ruble, Flett, and Van Wagner, 1990).
Correlations between the CES and standardized mood
One measure, the Childbearing Attitudes Question-
scales (e.g., the MAACL (Zuckerman and Lubin, 1965)
naire (CAQ), consisted of a 76-item scale concerning
and BDI (Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, and Erbaugh,
attitudes toward the pregnancy and birth, self-esteem,
1961) are highly significant, ranging from 0.55 to 0.80
and other interpersonal relationships. The set of items
in different studies (Fleming et al., 1988, 1990).
involved 19 different issues important to infants andchildbirth, consisting of 3 – 6 items each, counterbal-anced for direction to minimize response bias. Partici-
pants completed this measure by responding to each
item on a 7-point scale ranging from disagree strongly
The attitude factors used in the present report were
derived from the set of attitude items by factor analysis
(Ruble, Brooks-Gunn, Fleming, Fitzmaurice, Stangor,and Deutsch, 1990; see also Ruble, Fleming, Hackel, and
Stangor, 1988). In one analysis, based on responses of all667 subjects, 14 factors were extracted through iterated
Subjects were recruited in a number of ways, includ-
principal axis factor analysis, followed by a promax
ing parent preparation, birthing, and exercise classes;
oblique rotation (see Ruble et al., 1990). Of these, four
newspaper and radio advertisements; and responses to
will be discussed in the present report. The other analy-
displays in the offices of obstetricians. Classes of vari-
sis was based on a smaller Toronto sample of 246
ous types were the most frequent source of subjects,
women (see Fleming, Ruble, Flett, and Shaul, 1988) who
and to provide some measure of comparability across
completed a 104-item questionnaire (including the orig-
phases, pregnant women were randomly assigned to
inal 76). In this analysis, the same basic factors were
pregnant or postpartum (i.e., arrangements were made
derived as in the larger analysis. However, in addition,
to contact them at 1 or 3 months postpartum). Because
4 new clusters or factors (based on the additional items
of the nature of the recruitment procedure, return rate
included in the questionnaire) were derived and the
was difficult to calculate precisely. Approximately 60%
item intercorrelations were subjected to a principal-
of the questionnaires sent to homes or left in doctors’
components factor analysis. Attitude clusters used in
offices or classes were returned. Clearly, a self-selection
the present set of studies assessed mothers’ feelings
factor was operating and, unfortunately, it was not pos-
of attachment or nurturance toward the growing fetus
sible to determine on what dimensions responders and
(fetus), attitudes toward preparing for the infant’s ar-
rival (preparation), feelings of identification with the
The cross-sectional sample was recruited from three
pregnancy (pregnancy id), feelings of nurturance to-
locations: Toronto, Seattle, and the greater New York
ward own infant postpartum (attachment), feelings of
area. The samples were recruited during the same time
nurturance toward infants in general (other infants),
period, which involved a term of approximately 2 years
feelings about caretaking activities (caretake), feelings
from 1981 to 1983. Approximately equal numbers of
of adequacy in the maternal role (maternal adequacy),
subjects in each childbearing phase participated at each
feelings toward the partner or spouse (relationship with
location.The two basic requirements for eligibility were
partner), and feelings toward their own mothers (rela-
that the woman was married (or cohabitating) and liv-
tionship with mother). The factors fetus and prepara-
ing with her husband (partner) at the time of the study
tion were assessed only during the pregnancy. The
and that the child was the woman’s first.
other attitude clusters were assessed at all time points.
The cross-sectional sample consisted of 667 women
To determine mood state, mood factors derived from
in 7 groups: (a) 113 women at 0 weeks who were plan-
the current experience scale (CES) were used. These
ning to conceive within 2 years (prepregnant); (b) 91
included factors that reflect feelings of anxiety, depres-
women 1 – 17 weeks in their first trimester; (c) 91
sion, well-being, fatigue, and physical discomfort.
women 18 – 27 weeks in their second trimester; (d) 73
These mood factors have been found to be reliable and
women 28 – 36 weeks in their third trimester; (e) 40
valid for the postpartum population and show consis-
women at 37 weeks to the end of pregnancy; (f ) 129
women in their first month postpartum; and (g) 129
As shown in Figs. 1A and 1B, a significant stage effect
women in their third postpartum month. The mean age
was found for fetus (F(3, 290) Å 10.4, P õ 0.001), preg-
for participants was 29, with a range of 18 to 42. The
nancy identification (F(4, 381) Å 2.6, P õ 0.036), prepa-
sample was 98% Caucasian and predominantly middle
ration for the baby (F(3, 290) Å 29, P õ 0.000), maternal
income, in social classes III, IV, and V (Hollingshead,
adequacy feelings (F(6, 464) Å 7.6, P õ 0.001), and care-
1965). Over 70% of the women were college graduates.
taking feelings (F(6, 464) Å 4.3, P õ 0.001). As can beseen in Figs. 1A and 1B, for most of the motheringfactors the nonpregnant group gave the lowest ratingsand the postpartum groups gave the highest ratings
with the pregnant groups between the two (differencesbetween nonpregnant and 12 weeks postpartum sig-
Participants took the questionnaires home with them
nificant for maternal adequacy, caretaking, and preg-
from class or from a physician’s office or they received
nancy id). When one compares the pregnant groups,
them by mail. They were asked to complete them at
an interesting pattern emerges. For the factor, fetus,
home and return them by mail within 2 weeks.
there occurred a precipitous increase in positive feel-
The wording of items for the different childbearing
ings between the first and the second trimesters (P õ
groups or stages varied slightly in order to be appro-
0.05) and a slight decline once again at the very end of
priate to each phase (e.g., ‘‘I expect to enjoy looking
pregnancy (P õ 0.05). For the factors, feelings about
pregnant’’; ‘‘I enjoy looking pregnant’’; and ‘‘I enjoyed
other children and caretaking, ratings across the three
looking pregnant’’). Since not all women filled out the
trimesters did not change appreciably, but there also
entire questionnaire at each time point and only a sub-
occurred a slight (albeit nonsignificant) decline in rat-
set of women gave blood for the radioimmunoassays
ings in the 2 to 4 weeks prior to the infant’s birth. In
different numbers of women are involved in different
contrast, preparations for the infant (preparation) in-
creased linearly across all the time points (comparisonsbetween each successive period, P õ 0.05) and maternaladequacy feelings (maternal adequacy) increased onlywith the birth of the infant (12 weeks postpartum ú
In contrast to the mothering factors, no systematic
pattern of change was seen in mothers’ relation with
The first question we addressed was the extent to
their mothers. However, there was a significant change
which feelings of nurturance and related feelings about
in mothers’ feelings about their spouses (relationship
infants and self as mother change across pregnancy. A
with partner; F(6, 464) Å 3.45, P õ 0.002) with the most
related issue was how specific are these changes? Do
positive feelings occurring during the second and third
they apply only to infants or do they apply to all social
trimesters and relatively more negative feelings prior
to pregnancy and at 12 weeks postpartum (different
Separate one-way ANOVAs (with seven stages,
from midpregnancy, P õ 0.05).
groups) were undertaken on attitudes that reflect ma-ternal feelings. The first set of ANOVAs compared allseven groups in their feelings about infants, pregnancy,
caretaking activities, and their own maternal adequacy. The second compared only the four pregnant groups
These results indicate large differences between non-
in their feelings toward the fetus and in preparations
pregnant and postpartum women in attitudes toward
being made for the baby. In addition, other social atti-
caretaking and own maternal adequacy, with little
tudes were assessed by comparing the seven groups in
change across pregnancy. These differences probably
their attitudes toward their spouses and their mothers.
reflect the differences between the groups in their actual
There were significant main effects of stage on all
experiences interacting with their infants and hence in
factors that related to own infants, infant care, or moth-
their comptence caring for infants (Ruble et al., 1990).
ering. In contrast, attitudes toward one’s own spouse,
Where there seemed to occur a real growth in respon-
toward mothers, or toward other (nonown) infants
siveness across pregnancy itself was in the attitude fac-
tors relating to mothers’ feelings about the fetus and
FIG. 1. Changes in maternal attitudes across pregnancy and the postpartum period in seven cross-sectional samples of first-time mothers. Scores reflect rating on a 7-point likert scales, ranging from negative (1) to positive (7).
preparation for the baby. Positive feelings about the
income, in social classes III, IV, and V (Hollingshead,
fetus increased primarily between the first and the sec-
1965) and 55% were college graduates.
ond trimesters, whereas preparation for the infant con-
There were no significant differences (by t test) on
tinued to intensity across the entire pregnancy. The
any of the dependent measures (e.g., age, education,
slight decline in positive feelings about the fetus as well
income, attitudes) between women who completed all
as that in feelings about other infants immediately prior
the questionnaires and those completing only some.
to the birth is interesting in light of a similar prepartum
There were also no significant demographic differences
dip in responsiveness in monkeys (Maestriepieri and
between those who gave blood and those who did not;
Wallen, 1995). Again, these effects seem not to be due to
in general, time constraints determined whether women
inhibitory effects of hormones. More likely, they reflect
did or did not give blood at any particular time point.
physical discomfort associated with the impending
Moreover, a number of assays were eliminated because
birth or with a heightened anxiety toward pregnancy
of breakdown of a refrigeration unit in which the plas-
These attitude changes are explored in greater detail
in the next longitudinal experiment, where the contri-
butions to attitude change of both hormones and expe-rience are also considered.
The same questionnaires were given to the longitudi-
nal sample as to the cross-sectional sample. In addition,the longitudinal sample also completed a childbirthquestionnaire on the first postpartum day. This child-
birth questionnaire contained questions relating to de-
mographics and background factors, birth events and
experiences (e.g., length of labor, use of anesthetic), la-
tency to first nurse or hold the infant, time spent nurs-
ing, time spent in the presence of the infant during thefirst postpartum hours and days, as well as the maternal
factor, feelings of attachment to the infant. Other atti-tude factors were not included in the childbirth ques-tionnaire. Subjects
The longitudinal sample came from Toronto only and
Hormonal Assays
participants were recruited by general practitioners orobstetricians who monitored them throughout the
Blood was drawn at each stage of pregnancy and
pregnancy and postpartum period. As with the cross-
postpartum by the general practitioner/obstetrician in
sectional sample, the two basic requirements for eligi-
the doctor’s office (during pregnancy) or in the hospital
bility were that the woman was married (or cohabitat-
(Day 1 postpartum). Blood was drawn from the antecu-
ing) and living with her husband (partner) at the time
bital vein using a 5-ml syringe. Bloods were centri-
of the study and that the child was the woman’s first.
fuged, aliquoted into cryovials, and stored at 080ЊC,
Women were recruited into, and remained through-
until assayed for cortisol, estradiol, testosterone, pro-
out, the longitudinal study, which involved question-
gesterone, and sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).
naires (n Å 38) and hormonal assessments (n Å 29) at
All hormones were assayed by radioimmunoassay. Es-
five to six time points from gestational weeks 0 – 16 (first
tradiol, testosterone, and SHBG kits were supplied by
trimester), 20 – 27 (second trimester), 28 – 35 (third tri-
DPC Corp. (Los Angeles, CA); progesterone kit was
mester), and (in some women) 36 – 42 (end) as well as
supplied by Johnson/Johnson (Toronto, Canada); and
on Day 4 postpartum and Week 6 postpartum. Since
cortisol was assayed by an in-house method (P. Y.
not all women filled out the entire questionnaire at each
Wong, A. V. Mee, and F. Ho, Clini. Chem. 25, 914 – 917,
time point and only a subset of women gave blood
1979). The sensitivities of the hormone assays for corti-
for RIA, different numbers of women are involved in
sol, estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone were 20
different analyses. The participants in sample had a
(nmol/L), 10 (pmol/L), 0.2 (nmol/L) and 0.1 (nmol/
mean age of 29, with a range of 18 to 36, and were
L), respectively. Between-assay precisions for cortisol,
over 80% Caucasian. They were predominantly middle
estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone were as fol-
lows: cortisol, 5.9% at 70 nmol/L and 7.1% at 580 nmol/
across the gestational period. Correlations computed
L; estradiol, 4.9% at 270 pmol/L and 5.5% at 1600 pmol/
between concentrations of the different hormones at
L; testosterone, 9.8% at 3.9 nmol/L and 5.4% at 22.4
two consecutive pregnancy periods were all highly sig-
nmol/L; and progesterone, 4.8% at 7.9 nmol/L and
nificant (P õ 0.05 to P õ 0.001). In contrast, there were
3.7% at 40 nmol/L. Recovery for cortisol, estradiol, tes-
no meaningful correlations between hormone levels at
tosterone, and progesterone was 92 – 103, 90 – 110, 93 –
points during pregnancy and hormone levels either 4
days or 6 weeks postpartum. Moreover, there were nosignificant relations between levels of any of the hor-mones during pregnancy or postpartum and any of thebirth events (type of delivery, duration of labor, type of
delivery, etc.). Analyses of circulating hormones duringpregnancy as a function of the gender of the child
showed a marginal difference between women giving
Changes in maternal attitudes across pregnancy.
birth to male and female offspring in the ratio of testos-
Within-group ANOVAs (including five or six time
terone to sex-hormone binding globulin (T/SHBG) at
points; three or four points during pregnancy, (in
the end of pregnancy. Mothers of males had marginally
some cases, 4 days postpartum) and 6 weeks postpar-
higher levels of circulating biologically active testoster-
tum) were undertaken on the same set of mothering
and social factors as described for the cross-sectional
Hormonal correlates: Correlations between hor- mones and maternal attitudes. In order to determine
For this small sample, there were a number of sig-
whether there is a significant relation between the dif-
nificant changes across pregnancy that were consistent
ferent hormones and maternal feelings, Pearson corre-
with the cross-sectional comparisons. A series of one-
lation coefficients were computed relating for each time
way ANOVAs, with repeated measures, were per-
point separately, levels of hormones (both total and
formed comparing women’s attitudes across the first
free) and the different maternal factors. To determine
three trimesters of pregnancy. These comparisons were
whether the hormones are related to other characteris-
recomputed including the 6-week time point. As shown
tics of the mother, correlations were also computed re-
in Figs. 2A – 2C, there was a significant growth across
lating the hormones to mothers’ anxiety, depression,
pregnancy in mother’s feelings of attachment to the
and well-being and to both past experience with infants
fetus/baby (F(2, 36) Å 6.23, P õ 0.005), feelings about
and postpartum experience. Only consistent (two or
caretaking activities (F(2, 38) Å 5.72, P õ 0.007), and
more time points) relations are reported.
preparations for the baby (F(2, 18) Å 6.89, P õ 0.006).
There were no significant correlations between any
Worries about the infant also subsided over this same
hormone (either total or free fractions) or hormone ra-
period (F(2, 34) Å 4.69, P õ 0.016). In contrast, there
tios and any of the maternal attitudes within any preg-
were no changes in women’s feelings about their part-
nancy period. Of particular interest was the observation
ners, their mothers, or other children.
that none of the hormones correlated with feelings of
Changes in hormones across pregnancy. Values of
attachment to the infant or fetus within the same preg-
the hormone concentrations were expressed both as to-
nancy time point or between hormones at one time and
tal concentrations of the different sex steroids (estradiol,
attachment feelings at the next time point. Moreover,
progesterone, and testosterone) and cortisol and as free
when change scores were computed for the different
(e.g., biologically active) values (the ratio of the total sex
hormones between successive pregnancy time points,
steroids to the sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)).
they showed no correlation with maternal attitudes at
Since, in other animals (Rosenblatt, 1990; Insel, 1990;
the later (i.e., the second of two consecutive) pregnancy
Bridges, 1990; Poindron and Levy, 1990), the steroids
estradiol and progesterone, and, especially, the ratio of
Reinforcing these results, when women were divided
these two hormones at the end of pregnancy, are known
by median split on different maternal attitudes at each
to be important for maternal behavior, in the present
of the pregnancy time points, indicating low versus
paper analyses were also done on the estradiol/proges-
high feelings of attachment to the fetus, etc. there were
no significant group differences in their different hor-
As shown in Figs. 3A and 3B there were very large
mone concentrations either at the same or at previous
and highly significant changes in all the hormones
FIG. 2. Changes in maternal attitudes across pregnancy in a longitudinal sample of first-time mothers. Scores reflect ratings on a 7-point likert scales, ranging from 1 (negative) to 7 (positive). Hormonal correlates: Correlations between hor-
õ 0.05). However, prior experience with infants did
mones and mood. In contrast, hormones were related
not relate to their relationship with their partners or
to mothers’ mood state. During the second trimester
and at the end of pregnancy, mothers with either highfree estradiol or high estradiol to progesterone ratios
experienced more negative mood (depression and anxi-ety) (second: r Å 0.72, n Å 10, P õ 0.001; r Å 0.55, n Å
Hormonal correlates of attachment. When moth-
19, P õ 0.014; third: r Å 0.40, n Å 17, P Å 0.05, 1 T and
ers’ immediate postpartum, as opposed to pregnancy,
r Å 0.52, n Å 16, P õ 0.039) and reduced well-being
feelings of attachment to the infant were considered, a
(second: r Å 00.55, n Å 19, P õ 0.01).
different pattern of results was found. As indicated un-
Prior experience correlates. In contrast, when
der Methods, the attachment factor is based on re-
mother’s prior experience with infants (assessed at 5
sponses to questionnaires and includes such items as
months of pregnancy) was correlated with maternal at-
‘‘I am amazed and thrilled when I look (think of) at my
titudes during pregnancy, a number of interesting rela-
baby,’’ and ‘‘I do not feel as close to my baby as I
tions were found. Mothers who had had more prior
expected.’’ Although there were no significant relations
childcare experience (with siblings or infants of friends
between postpartum feelings of attachment to the in-
or within the babysitting context) felt more positively
fant and concentrations of postpartum hormones, post-
during the second or third trimester of the pregnancy
partum attachment feelings were related to pregnancy
periods about caretaking (r Å 0.43, P õ 0.04), about
hormones. Mothers with high feelings of attachment
children, in general (r Å 0.75, n Å 23, P õ 0.001) and
during the early postpartum period had a low ratio of
about their own fetus (r Å 0.41, P õ 0.05). Already at
estrogen to progesterone concentrations at the first two
the beginning of pregnancy (first trimester), they also
pregnancy time points, generating correlations between
felt more adequate in the mothering role (r Å 0.39, P
postpartum attachment and E/P hormone ratios at 5
FIG. 2—Continued FIG. 3. Changes in plasma concentration of steroids across pregnancy and the postpartum period in a longitudinal sample of first-time mothers.
and 7 months of r Å 00.45 (n Å 21, P õ 0.04) and r Å
postpartum feelings of attachment to their infants (5
00.50 (n Å 20, P õ 0.02), respectively. These relations
months, 7 months, and 9 months, to 4 days postpartum,
seem to be due primarily to concentrations of estradiol
r Å 00.60, n Å 17, P õ 0.01; r Å 00.35, n Å 16, P Å
during pregnancy (both total and unbound), which
0.18; and r Å 00.35, n Å 17, P Å 0.16, respectively). Put
showed essentially the same inverse relation with post-
another way, mothers who maintained a higher E/P
partum attachment (for each of the pregnancy time
ratio over this time period (from pregnancy to postpar-
points hormones correlated with postpartum attach-
tum) tended to have higher attachment feelings post-
ment; e.g., total: rs Å 00.48 to 00.52, n Å 18 – 20, P õ
partum. Again, these relations to the E/P ratio were
0.018; unbound, r Å 00.34 to 00.56, n Å 18 – 20, P õ
due primarily to changes in estrogen levels. Mothers
who maintained relatively higher levels of estradiol
Moreover, consistent with the literature, mothers
over the parturitional period (less of a decline) experi-
who experienced a smaller decrease in the E/P ratio
enced marginally higher attachment feelings postpar-
from early pregnancy to day 4 postpartum had higher
tum (5 months: r Å 00.44, n Å 17, P Å 0.075; 7 months:
accounted for by hormones. Hierarchical regressionanalyses were undertaken on attachment postpartumin which first postpartum mood and then the changein the E/P ratio or E from pregnancy to postpartumwere entered. Separate analyses were done in whichwe entered, as predictors, change in hormones from 5,7, and 9 months of pregnancy to the postpartum period. Considering the change from 9 months of pregnancyto the postpartum, analyses showed that well-beingpostpartum accounted for 32% of the variance in attach-ment (F(1, 16) Å 7.8, P õ 0.01; R2 Å 0.327) but thatchange in the E/P ratio or in E levels made no signifi-
FIG. 4. Plasma estradiol/progesterone ratios during different
cant additional contributions (E/P: F(2, 14) Å 3.3, P Å
phases of pregnancy in women expressing high and low levels of
0.06; R2 Å 0.37; E: F(2, 15) Å 4.4, P õ 0.03, R2 Å 0.37).
attachment (by median split) to their infants during the first few
Using hormonal change from earlier pregnancy time-
points in the equation produced somewhat differentresults. For both the 5- and 7-month time periodschanges in the E/P ratio or in E alone made a significant
r Å 00.45, P Å 0.075; 9 months: r Å 00.32, n Å 18, P
additional contribution to attachment postpartum, after
Å 0.11). Progesterone concentrations per se appeared
the entry of postpartum well-being. Thus, the change in
E levels from 5 or 7 months of pregnancy to postpartum
The relation between postpartum attachment and
accounted for an additional 12 and 28% of the variance
changes in the E/P ratio between pregnancy time points,
in postpartum attachment, respectively. The overall
as opposed to across the parturitional period, were ana-
variance accounted for by both well-being and estradiol
lyzed. Mother’s postpartum attachment scores were di-
change from the 5- and 7-month time periods is 43%
vided by median split into high versus low postpartum
(F(2, 14) Å 5.2, P õ 0.02) and 48% (F(2, 13) Å 6.2, P õ
attachment scores, and ANOVAs were performed on
the change in the E/P ratio from the fifth to the ninth
Prior experience effects. The relation of prior expe-
months of pregnancy. This analysis showed a signifi-
rience to postpartum attachment was also evaluated.
cant interaction between postpartum attachment status
Surprisingly, prior experience caring for infants did not
(high vs low) 1 E/P ratio change (F(1, 17) Å 6.1, P õ .04.
correlate with attachment to own infant postpartum (r
As shown in Fig. 4 mothers expressing high attachment
Å 0.30, n Å 19, P Å 0.20). Other attitudes during preg-
underwent an increase from the early to late pregnancy
nancy were, however, predictive of postpartum feelings
in the E/P ratio whereas those with low attachment
of attachment. Interestingly, attitudes during the early
experienced a decrease in the E/P ratio over this same
pregnancy period were better predictors of Day 3 post-
partum attachment than attitudes expressed at 7 or 9
Mood correlates of attachment. Attachment post-
months of pregnancy. For instance, mothers who felt
partum was also related to mood postpartum. Mothers
more attached to their infants postpartum felt more
who felt more elated and happier postpartum also felt
attached to the fetus, had more positive feelings toward
more attached to their infants (r Å 0.57, n Å 17, P õ
other infants and liked caretaking activities more dur-
0.01). Finally, the E/P ratios and E from pregnancy (5,
ing the first trimester of the pregnancy (rs Å 0.47 – 0.51,
7, and 9 months) also correlated with mood postpartum
n Å 18–20, P õ 0.03–0.05). Moreover, these mothers
(E/P: 5 months, r Å 00.37, n Å 20, P Å 0.05, 1 t; 7
tended to have a better overall sense of well-being early
months, r Å 00.44, n Å 19, P Å 0.03, 1 t; 9 months: r
in the pregnancy (r Å 0.46, n Å 18, P õ 0.05). Finally,
Å 00.43, n Å 20, P õ 0.05; E: 5 months: r Å 00.28, n
there was no relation between either pre- or postpartum
Å 20, ns; 7 months: r Å 00.41, n Å 19, P Å 0.04, 1 t; 9
hormones and the amount of reported prior experience
months: r Å 00.44, n Å 21, P õ 0.05). Multiple regression analyses. Given these relations Hormone 1 experience correlates. Although prior
between hormones and postpartum mood we tested
experience with infants did not correlate with postpar-
the hypothesis that mother’s mood state postpartum in
tum attachment feelings, the possibility still exists that
fact accounts for much of the variance in attachment
hormonal effects would enhance the effects of experi-
ence on mothering. To test this, we undertook a series
more positive feelings during pregnancy and relatively
of multiple regression analyses in which we first en-
less positive feelings pre- and postpregnancy.
tered prior childcare experience, then hormones (either
The results of these studies suggest that the pattern
pregnancy E/P ratios based on total concentrations and
of change in maternal attitude factors across the preg-
total or unbound E levels during the different preg-
nancy period can best be explained, not by hormonal
nancy stages or change in hormone levels from the dif-
changes, but rather by changes in the women’s cogni-
ferent pregnancy time points to postpartum). The last
tions and expectations. For instance although in other
term entered into the equations was the hormone 1
species, the growth in responsiveness across pregnancy
experience interaction term. Experience per se did not
seems to be dependent on hormones (see Fleming and
predict attachment on Postpartum Day 4, whereas for
Corter, 1988; Corter and Fleming, 1995), in women we
a number of the analyses the hormones accounted for
find no relation between any of the hormones at any
a significant proportion of the variance; for example,
pregnancy time point and any of the maternal attitudes.
prior experience with infants accounted for 13% of the
We interpret the pregnancy-related elevation in posi-
variance in postpartum attachment feelings (not a sig-
tive feelings on a number of the maternal factors to be
nificant effect) and the E/P ratio change from early
due instead to the cognitive changes associated with
pregnancy to postpartum accounted for an additional
the knowledge of being pregnant and the associated
26% of the variance (a significant change) bringing the
demand characteristics (Fleming and Corter, 1988;
total variance accounted for to 39% (F(2, 13) Å 4.1, P
õ 0.03). However, in none of the analyses did the inter-
Also, the change in mothers’ positive feelings toward
action term make an additional contribution.
the fetus during the second trimester in both the cross-sectional and the longitudinal samples is consistentwith descriptive results reported by Leifer (1977, 1980)
that positive feelings at or around 20 weeks of gestationcoincides with the ‘‘quickening’’ or time of first percep-
The primary findings of these studies are (1) feelings
tion by mothers of the movement of the fetus. Leifer
of nurturance grow during pregnancy and from preg-
describes this as a time when the fetus is first perceived
nancy to postpartum and (2) although hormones play
as a distinct and unique individual, separate from the
no role in the growth of attachment feelings across
mother. Unfortunately, since we did not specifically ask
pregnancy, they may well contribute to postpartum
mothers when they first felt fetal movement, we cannot
nurturant feelings; mothers showing less of a decline
correlate time of onset of fetal movement and elevated
in the ratio of estradiol to progesterone or of estradiol
levels from pregnancy to the early postpartum period
Although mother’s postpartum feelings about the
reported the highest attachment feelings. Moreover,
newborn were not related to the amount of time she
mothers with higher postpartum attachment feelings
had spent with infants prior to the pregnancy, they
showed an increase in the E/P ratio from the fifth and
were positively related to her earlier feelings about in-
from the seventh month, to the ninth month of preg-
fants and infant-related issues and overall well-being
nancy, whereas those with lower postpartum attach-
during earlier stages of pregnancy. Whether these early
ment scores showed no change or a decrease in the
pregnancy attitudes actually reflect prepregnancy atti-
ratio over this same time period. Finally, (3) hormonal
tudes, we cannot tell from our longitudinal sample.
effects may act on feelings of nurturance directly and
However, the fact that there tends to be a high positive
by influencing mothers’ feelings of well-being.
correlation between attitude factors across different
Although there occurs across pregnancy a change in
stages of pregnancy suggests that they may in part. In
a number of maternal factors, different factors show
contrast, our cross-sectional samples clearly show that
different patterns of change. In the cross-sectional
first trimester mothers express more positive maternal
study, for most of the factors relating to infants or moth-
attitudes than do non pregnant mothers, suggesting
ering, pregnancy and postpartum responses were more
that something does indeed happen attitudinally with
positive than prepregnancy responses; in the longitudi-
pregnancy onset. Consistent with the decline in positive
nal study, many of these factors also showed elevations
maternal feelings toward the end of pregnancy, the re-
across the pregnancy itself as well as further elevations
lation between pregnancy attitudes and postpartum at-
with the birth of the infant. For the factor related to the
tachment drops out when attitudes later in pregnancy
partner or spouse, the opposite pattern was found, with
are correlated with postpartum feelings.
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In contrast to the absence of a strong hormonal corre-
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