Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2007; 35: 706–712 Original Article
A prospective randomized treatment study comparing threetreatment options for chalazia: triamcinolone acetonideinjections, incision and curettage and treatment withhot compresses
Amynah Goawalla MRCOphth and Vickie Lee FRCOphth Central Eye Unit, ACAD Centre, Central Middlesex Hospital, London, UK ABSTRACT Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first prospective
randomized study comparing the three methods of chalazia
Background: Three methods of treating chalazia were
treatment. Results suggest that a single triamcinolone
compared: intralesional triamcinolone acetonide injections
acetonide injection followed by lid massage is almost as
(0.2 mL of 10 mg/mL), incision and curettage and advice
effective as incision and curettage in the treatment of cha-
regarding the application of hot compresses to the affected
lazia and with similar patient satisfaction and less pain and
Methods: This was a single centre randomized treatment
study. Patients with a chalazion underwent either of the
three treatment options. Chalazion resolution, pain, satisfac-tion and inconvenience experienced because of treatmentswere the outcomes assessed via a telephone interview at
inflammation. Cosmetically, they can be unsightly; occasion-
Results: 136 consecutive patients were enrolled into the
ally, if large enough they can obscure vision1 and rarely, they
study. At the 3-week follow up, the resolution rates in the
can lead to conjunctivitis or cellulitis.2 Patients are usually
triamcinolone acetonide injection and surgical treatment
initially advised to apply hot compresses (H/C) to the cyst
groups were not significantly different from each other at
with a wet flannel to encourage it to spontaneously drain.
84% (47/56) and 87% (39/45), respectively (P < 0.001), but
Previous studies have found a 25–50% resolution rate with
was significantly lower in the conservative treatment group
this conservative treatment.3,4 Failing this, they are treated
at 46% (16/35) (P < 0.001). Pain scores were higher in the
surgically by incision and curettage (I&C) under a local
surgical treatment group compared with the triamcinolone
anaesthetic injection. In the late 1970s, treatment with local-
injection group (P < 0.003). Inconvenience experienced by
ized steroid injections was first described.5 Since then, therehave been a few prospective interventional studies investi-
patients was reported as significantly less in the triamcino-
gating the efficacy, simplicity and safety of intralesional tri-
lone group compared with the conservative and surgical
amcinolone acetonide (TA) in the treatment of chalazia6–8
treatment groups (P < 0.001). Patient satisfaction scores
(Table 1). Local skin depigmentation has been reported fol-
were lower in the conservative treatment group compared
lowing transcutaneous injections but this adverse effect
with each of the other two groups which in turn, were
is minimized through transconjunctival injection.9–11 Ben
no different from each other regarding this outcome
Simon et al.8 suggested that patients preferred steroid injec-
tions to surgery. In addition, accidental globe penetration
Correspondence: Miss Vickie Lee, Ophthalmology Department, ACAD Centre, Central Middlesex Hospital, London NW10 7NS, UK. Email:
Received 4 March 2007; accepted 31 July 2007.
2007 The AuthorsJournal compilation 2007 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
A summary of previous studies investigating the efficacy of TA in the treatment of chalazia
89.6% (n = 43)54.2% with one injection25.4% with two injections
80% (n = 155)60% with one injection20% with two injections
has been reported as a result of a transcutaneous injection of
Inclusion and exclusion criteria for study patients
To date, there have been no randomized treatment
Male and female patients over 18 years of age of all ethnic groups
studies, comparing these three standard chalazia treatments
Patient with a palpable chalazion on any eyelid
which forms the main objective of our study. The secondary
Patients with multiple chalazia but only single one on each lid
objective was to compare patients’ preferences of the
Normal lid anatomy enabling lid eversion and transconjunctival
treatment options, documenting pain experienced during
and after each treatment, the amount of inconvenience the
patients perceived the treatments caused and their overall
Patients with chalazia which have atypical features (a recurring
level of satisfaction with the different treatments.
chalazion, abnormal surrounding lid tissue, associated loss oflashes)that may indicate suspicion of malignancy
Patients allergic to any of the agents being used in the
study (proxymethocaine, chloramphenicol, lignocaine, triamci-
This was a single centre randomized prospective interven-
tional study. A single investigator (AG) administered all the
TA injections and I&C. Ethics committee approval was
Patients without a palpable lid chalazion
obtained prior to commencement of the study. One hundred
Patients with multiple chalazia on one eyelid
and thirty-six adult patients were recruited into the study
Patients unable to give consent (even with the assistance of a
over a period of 8 months from August 2005 to March 2006.
Patients with a concurrent eyelid infection (cellulitis or
The final cohort consisted of 83 women and 53 men. The
inclusion and exclusion criteria for recruitment are set out inTable 2. Patients were consecutively assigned one of threemethods to treat their chalazia in a block randomizationfashion13 whereby blocks of five or 10 patients would con-
for 5 min after each ointment application. Occasionally, some
secutively undergo one of the three treatment options. These
resistance was felt on penetrating the cyst wall with the
were I&C under a local anaesthetic, a 0.2-mL transconjuctival
injection but in all cases, the TA was injected intralesionally.
injection of 10 mg/mL of TA into the cyst followed by adviceto massage the lid, or advice regarding H/C to the cyst with
Incision and curettage
A 1-mL subcutaneous injection of 2% lignocaine with a25 gauge needle was used to anaesthetize the eyelid and
Technique of TA Injection
the conjunctiva was anaesthetized with a drop of 0.5%
The conjunctiva was anaesthetized with a drop of 0.5%
proxymethocaine. The eyelid was everted and a lid clamp
proxymethocaine. The eyelid was everted and a 28 gauge
placed. A vertical incision through the tarsal plate into the
needle on a 1-mL insulin syringe was used to inject 0.2 mL of
meibomian gland was made and a curette inserted into
10 mg/mL TA (Adcortyl, E.R. Squibb & Sons Ltd, Uxbridge,
the chalazion to brake up the loculations and drain the
Middlesex, UK) transconjunctivally into the chalazion as
chalazion. Chloramphenicol ointment was then applied to
illustrated in Fig. 1. The eye was not padded after the proce-
the treated eye and it was double padded. The patient was
dure but the patient was given chloramphenicol ointment to
advised to keep the eye padded for at least 2 h and was given
apply to the treated eye three times daily for 5 days and was
chloramphenicol ointment to apply to the affected eye three
instructed to apply gentle digital massage over the chalazion
2007 The AuthorsJournal compilation 2007 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
Conservative treatment
followed up. The primary outcome measured was whether ornot the chalazion had completely resolved. Complete reso-
The patient was shown how to apply heat a H/C (a clean
lution was defined as no longer having a palpable lesion at
flannel dipped in hot water) to the affected lid and gently
the location of the original chalazion. Patients were asked to
massaging the lid to encourage the chalazion to spontane-
check and report over the telephone whether or not they
ously drain. They were instructed to spend 5–10 min apply-
could feel a lump when palpating over the lid. Although less
ing H/C to the chalazion three times daily for 5 days
reliable than physically following up patients, this method of
followed by chloramphenicol ointment which was given to
follow up was used because of the high attendance failure
rate at Central Eye Unit. Secondary outcomes measuredwere as follows:
Assessment of outcomes
The perceived level of pain experienced during and
Patients were followed up via a telephone questionnaire
(Table 3) 3 weeks after their treatment. The time frame and
The perceived level of inconvenience the treatment and
mode of follow up was decided upon based on the findings
and design of Simon et al.’s study in which the average time to
The overall level of satisfaction with the treatment
resolution of chalazia after one TA injection was 2.5 weeks.
(taking into account the success of the treatment, the
In this study patients’ visual acuities and intraocular pressures
pain the treatment caused, the time and inconvenience
(IOP) were also followed up, and no significant change in
the treatment took in terms of the burden of aftercare
IOP of visual acuities was found in patients as they were
and interruption to daily activities such as driving).
Telephone questionnaires were used because of high
failure rates of patients attending follow-up appointmentspreviously noted in our minor operations clinic. Fortunately,no patients were lost to follow up. We used a simplifiedversion of the 11-point Numerical Rating Scale14 wherebypatients were asked to rate the level of pain they experiencedduring the treatment they underwent for their chalazia andover the hours and days following the treatment. Patientswere asked to score their overall experience of pain on a scaleof 0 to 10 whereby 0 meant that no pain was experiencedwhatsoever and 10 equalled ‘the worst pain they had everexperienced’. For simplicity, a scale of 0 to 5 was used toscore questions two and three of the secondary outcomemeasures whereby 0 was equivalent to ‘no inconveniencecaused’ for question two, or ‘completely unsatisfied with the
Figure 1.
Transconjunctival injection of Triamcinolone into the
treatment’ for question three. Conversely, a score of 5 signi-
fied that the treatment and aftercare incurred ‘excessive
Follow-up telephone questionnairePlease circle the answer indicated by the patient over the telephoneQuestions1. Has your eyelid chalazion completely resolved?
2. On a scale of 0–10 how would you describe the pain you experienced during and after your treatment during the postoperative period
3. On a scale of 0–5, how burdensome was your treatment and aftercare in terms of causing you inconvenience? (For example, were you
able to drive or return to work straight afterwards? Did you have difficulty applying the ointment and/or massage to the treated eye athome? Did your treatment restrict you in any other way?)(Not burdensome at all)
4. On a scale of 0–5, how would you rate your overall level of satisfaction with the treatment you received? (You may want to consider
how successful the treatment was, how restrictive the treatment and aftercare was, how painful it was and whether you had significantbruising after the treatment.)(Completely dissatisfied)
Journal compilation 2007 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
Figure 2.
Patients were block randomised into one of three treatment
Follow up via telephone after 3 weeks to find out if eyelid cyst had completely resolved
If cyst had completely resolved then patient
If the cyst had not completely resolved then the
patient was offered a clinic appointment 3 weeks from the telephone call for a second treatment
Follow up via telephone after 3 weeks to find out if eyelid cyst has completely resolved
If the cyst had not completely resolved then
patients were referred to the oculoplastics clinic for further assessment and treatment from there
inconvenience to the patient’ (for question two) and ‘com-
treat all their chalazia. The rationale behind this is first, that
plete satisfaction with the treatment and aftercare’ (for ques-
treating chalazia in close proximity to one another might
introduce a confounding factor into the study, influencing
Patients who reported that their chalazion had com-
resolution outcomes. Second, patients with multiple chalazia
pletely resolved after their first treatment were discharged.
suitable for inclusion in the study had to receive the same
All the remaining patients (including those patients whose
treatment for all their chalazia, otherwise it would not have
chalazia had partially resolved) were offered a 3-week
been possible for them to score the secondary outcomes
follow-up appointment (6 weeks after their first treatment)
regarding inconvenience caused by their treatment and after-
for a repeat of their original treatment, apart from patients
care and their overall satisfaction with their treatment.
who had been assigned to conservative treatment. These
However, in order to enable an independent samples com-
patients were retreated by I&C at this second clinic appoint-
parison, even if a patient was treated for multiple chalazia,
ment and were followed up 3 weeks later via a second tele-
he or she was included as one sample in the cohort.
phone call (at 9 weeks). If the chalazion had still not resolved
Such patients therefore had to be excluded from the study
by this point, these patients were booked into an oculoplas-
if the outcomes of the treatments on different eyelids were
tics clinic for assessment and further management of the
chalazion. (See Fig. 2 for a summary of this treatmentpathway.)
Statistical analysis
There were four outcome variables, the primary outcome
Multiple chalazia
being whether the chalazia had resolved and three secondary
Patients with more than one chalazion on the same eyelid
outcomes (detailed as described earlier), namely: the
were excluded from the study but patients with more than
patient’s pain experience, the inconvenience caused to
one chalazion, each on different eyelids, were included in the
the patient and the patient’s overall satisfaction with the
study and were assigned to one of the three treatments to
2007 The AuthorsJournal compilation 2007 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
Overall differences between the three treatment groups
I&C, incision and curettage; IQR, interquartile range; TA, triamcinolone acetonide.
Whether the chalazia had resolved was measured as either
yes or no, and can be viewed as a categorical variable. The
Specific comparisons between pairs of groups
chi-squared test was used to compare if there was an overalldifference in the outcomes between the three groups. Sub-
sequently, the chi-squared test was also used to examine ifthere was a difference between any two treatment groups.
These subsequent analyses required further statistical tests,
and because several comparisons between groups were made
there was more chance of finding a difference between treat-ments due to chance. Therefore, this was accounted
Bold figures indicate statistically significant (P < 0.001). I&C,
for by performing a Bonferroni correction to the analysis
incision and curettage; TA, triamcinolone acetonide.
results. This involved multiplying the P-values resulting fromeach test by the number of comparisons made (three in thiscase).
in the I&C group after a second treatment and therefore none
The other three outcomes, patient pain, inconvenience
of these patients needed to be referred to the oculoplastics
and satisfaction, were measured on an ordinal scale. There-
clinic. All patients in the H/C group whose chalazia
fore, the Kruskal–Wallis test was used to compare the overall
remained unresolved at their telephone follow up (19/35)
difference in scores between the three groups. Subsequently,
were given follow-up appointments for I&C of their chalazia.
the Mann–Whitney test was used to compare between pairs
Seventeen of these 19 patients subsequently underwent suc-
of treatments. Again a Bonferroni correction was applied to
cessful I&C with complete resolution of their chalazia and
allow for the fact that several comparisons are made.
the remaining two were lost to follow up after referral to the
The significance of the results was determined from the
P-values which result from each analysis. A P-value of <0.05
Chalazion resolution rates and the median as well as inter-
was usually regarded as evidence of a statistically significant
quartile ranges of the other outcomes measured are summa-
rized in Table 4. Specific comparisons between pairs ofgroups were made using the chi-squared test for chalazionresolution and the Mann–Whitney test for all other
outcomes. These results are summarized in Table 5. The
Chalazion resolution
figures presented the Bonferroni-adjusted P-values for eachpairwise comparison.
The results showed a significant difference in chalazion reso-lution between H/C group and each of the other two groups,but no significant difference between the TA and I&C groups. After a single treatment session, the TA and I&C groups
Pain experienced during and after treatment
performed the best with 84% (47/56) and 87% (39/45) ofchalazia resolved in each group, respectively, compared with
There was a significant difference in pain between all pairs
only 46% (16/35) in the H/C group. Of the remaining 16%
of treatment groups. The pain scores were highest in the
(9/56) of patients whose first TA injection was unsuccessful,
I&C group with a median score of 7, followed by a median
a further three chalazia resolved after a second TA injection,
score of 6 in the TA group and lowest in the H/C group
increasing the overall resolution rate with TA to 89% (50/56)
with a median score of 0. There was a significant difference
in this treatment group. The remaining six patients in the TA
in pain scores reported by the I&C group compared
group were then treated successfully by I&C in the oculo-
with the TA group which was statistically significant
plastics clinic. The resolution rate increased to 100% (45/45)
Journal compilation 2007 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
Patient inconvenience
patients about inconvenience of treatment, the experiencethroughout the procedure and the subsequent recovery,
The results for inconvenience indicated that there was a
Numerical Rating Scores were used to measure these out-
significant difference between the TA group and each of the
comes as this method was found to be superior in a previ-
other two groups. The TA group had the lowest inconve-
ous study comparing it with the Visual Analogue Scale and
nience scores, with a median value of 2 in this group. There
the Verbal Rating Scale.14 The study deemed the Numerical
was no evidence of a significant difference in inconvenience
Rating Scale to be superior in measuring outcomes such
between the H/C and I&C groups. The median scores for
as pain in treatment evaluative trials because of its ease of
these two groups were 4 and 3, respectively.
scoring for patients, a numerical system being easy toanalyse and because it was found to yield consistent
Patient satisfaction
The transconjunctival route of TA injection was also
There was a significant difference in satisfaction between the
found to be safe as this route appears to avoid localized skin
H/C treatment group and each of the other two groups. The
depigmentation8,9 or inadvertent penetration of the globe.
H/C group had a median satisfaction score of 2, which was
Ho7 documented that two out of the 48 patients that under-
significantly lower than the TA and I&C groups, which both
went subcutaneous intralesional triamcinolone injection
were affected by localized skin depigmentation whereas inour study, none of the 56 patients that underwent this pro-
Adverse events
cedure suffered this adverse effect. Our cohort consisted of
None of the patients reported any adverse events such as skin
patients with a variety of skin pigmentations, of whom at
depigmentation, decreased vision from globe penetration
least 50% were Afro Caribbean or Asian. Therefore, this
or significant haemorrhage following either I&C or TA
study supports the notion that the transconjunctival route
of TA injection minimizes the risk of localized skindepigmentation. One possible explanation for this could bethat although the injection is aimed at being deposited
intralesionally, occasionally a small portion of TA may be
The results of this study suggest that a single transconjunc-
deposited by the needle on the way in or out of the injection
tival 0.2-mL injection of 10 mg/mL of TA followed by
repeated digital massage at home, has efficacy comparable
Previous studies investigating the efficacy of TA in the
with I&C in the treatment of chalazia and with similar patient
treatment of chalazia have used varying concentrations of
satisfaction and less pain and patient inconvenience.
the drug. Whereas in Ho’s study,7 the concentration of TA
Incision and curettage of chalazia is one of the most
used was 10 mg/mL, in Simon et al.’s study,8 a dilution of
common minor operations performed in ophthalmology
40 mg/mL was used injected. We opted to use the lower
departments and is often a ‘one-stop’ procedure on the day of
concentration of steroid in our study. The rationale for this is
the patient’s first outpatient visit. In practice we found that
that by using the minimal therapeutic concentration of TA,
many patients were not prepared to undergo an operative
we would minimize the risk of localized skin depigmentation
procedure the same day, or drove to the eye clinic so could
in a cohort which we expected to be multiethnic, reflecting
not have their eye padded afterwards and had to rebook their
the local population. Indeed, an even lower concentration of
appointment for the procedure with implications on resource
injected TA (5 mg/mL) has been reported as being efficacious
management. Moreover, chalazia tend to occur in a younger
in a previous smaller study.16 Further studies investigating
age group who may have a substantial psychological aversion
how the efficacy of intralesional triamcinolone varies with
to surgery (which involves an anaesthetic injection plus the
different concentrations are required to answer this impor-
surgical procedure) as opposed to an injection only. A Cana-
dian survey of ophthalmologists had suggested that cha-
The 46% baseline resolution rate in the conservative
lazion surgery should not be trivialized and should be treated
group was consistent with previous reports of chalazia reso-
with the same respect as any other ocular surgery.15 Previous
lution without medical or surgical intervention. Resolution
studies4–7 had suggested that TA injections, although effec-
of chalazia through this management option may indeed
tive frequently, needed to be repeated before complete cha-
depend on the chronicity of a chalazion before H/C are
lazion resolution is achieved. Multiple injections would
applied. To date, there are no published surveys investigating
affect the convenience of and pain induced by the treatment.
Conservative treatment with H/C is unlikely to induce pain
The use of antibiotic ointment containing steroid was not
but has a significantly lower resolution rate, and the treat-
investigated as one of the treatment options in this study.
ment may impact on the lifestyle of the typical younger
Although topical steroid ointment may theoretically pen-
busy/employed patient who may have difficulty in comply-
etrate the chalazia by infiltrating through the conjunctiva
into the tarsal plate, this would also inadvertently signifi-
We have attempted to quantify these elements by incor-
cantly increase the risk of raised IOP in a cohort of patients
porating this into our follow-up questionnaire in asking the
whose IOP was not specifically being followed up.17
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