Straight talk about…

Some things you need to know about…
Basic Eligibility
To give blood, you must be in generally good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and be at least 17 years of age.
Piercings/ Tattoos
Waiting time for:
You may be accepted as a blood donor if you have had a
Antibiotics—treatment complete.
body piercing, as long as it was done under sterile
Accutane, Proscar, Propecia—1 month.
Avodart—6 months.
Soriatane—3 years.
Donors who received a tattoo within the past 12 months may
Tegison---permanent deferral
donate if the procedure was performed in New Jersey in a
Most people on medications other than
New Jersey licensed establishment using single use
these are eligible to donate.
disposable equipment under aseptic conditions.
Most people with diabetes, and most people on medications other than those noted above, are eligible
to donate blood. For specific medical eligibility guidelines, call us at 1-800-688-0900.

Federal guidelines may exclude people who have lived in or traveled to or from certain countries
outside of the United States.

Before Donating
What to Expect When Donating
−Time Needed Plan to spend at
−Registration You must use your current address and phone number.
least an hour for registration,
If you are a student who lives at school, please use your school address.
donation and a rest period after the −Health Interview To protect you and the patients receiving your
blood, a trained professional will check your blood pressure, pulse and
−Eat Well Please eat and drink
hemoglobin level and ask you some questions in a confidential manner
something substantial within three
about your health history.
hours prior to donating.
−Check Medications If you are

−Donation While you can expect to be at the blood drive a little more
taking prescription medications,
than an hour, the actual donation takes about ten minutes.
call 800-933-Blood to make certain
−Refreshments You will be given something to eat and drink after
it is OK to donate.
donating, and asked to relax while visiting with fellow donors.
−Assess Your Health If you have
any cold or flu symptoms, you will
be unable to donate—you will need

After Donation
those blood cells to help fight off
−Drink Fluids
any infection that may be present.
Make sure you drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids in the
If you have any questions about
hours immediately following your blood donation—at least four eight-
other medical conditions and how
ounce glasses. Increase fluid intake for the next 48 hours.
they affect your status as an
−Avoid Strenuous Activity Plan to curtail strenuous exercise for
eligible blood donor you may call
the six hours immediately following your donation, especially any heavy
800-933-Blood to ask specific
use of the arm from which your blood was drawn.
questions about your health.
−Leave Bandage On Keep your bandage on and dry for six hours
−Just Relax If you feel a little
after donating.
nervous about donating, that is
−Feel Good About Yourself Your donation may save up to three
natural. Try to focus on the
lives. Be very proud of your simple act of kindness!
patients your donation will be
−Share the Good Feeling
helping. Remember, donating
Let friends and family members know
blood is relatively painless, and
how good it feels to help save a life and how simple donating blood is.
may help save lives.
Normally, donors can give blood every 56 days; plan to bring a friend
when you give again.

Contact us or learn more at
or call 800-933-Blood


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