Saw palmetto available in:softgel capsules: 100 count (160 mg

Ultimate Nutrition
Saw Palmetto

Roughly one-half of the male population suffers from enlarged prostate, also referred to
as benign prostate hyperplasia, or BPH. Its symptoms range from inflammation
(prostatitis) to swelling of the prostate, and painful and frequent urination. The most
common medical remedy for BPH is surgical removal of the prostate, which can lead to
impotence, incontinence and increased risk of heart disease.
Prostate is enlarged by the action of dihydrotestosterone, DHT, which is a metabolite of
the primary male hormone testosterone. The conversion of testosterone to DHT is
facilitated by the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. Recently, the drug Proscar has been
approved, which essentially functions by inhibiting the action of this enzyme. The long-
term side effects of Proscar, however, are not known.
Nature provides several remedies for the management of BPH, among which saw
palmetto berries (Serenoa repens) have been found to be most effective. Saw Palmetto
was traditionally used by American Indians as a remedy for increased frequency of
urination during the night, atrophy of the testes, impotence, inflammation of the
prostate and decreased libido in men. These beneficial effects of saw palmetto have
been thoroughly corroborated by various studies carried out both in the United States
and Europe.
Saw palmetto berries comprise of a volatile oil, which contains a variety of fatty acids,
and is high in phytosterols. These ingredients not only control the conversion of
testosterone to DHT but also block its binding to the prostate cells, which reduce the
levels of inflammation and minimize the risk of prostate enlargement. Importantly, saw
palmetto also has anti-estrogenic and anti-androgenic effects in addition to anti-
inflammatory properties. Saw palmetto, thus, is one of Nature's best and safest remedies
to promote male health, and increased vigor and vitality.
Ultimate Nutrition's 100% Premium Saw Palmetto Berries contains standardized extract
with fatty acid content in exactly the right amount to help promote health both in men
over 50 years of age and also younger male athletes who may contract inflammation or
experience transient impairment in their libidinal drive.


Mattei et al., "Serenoa repens Extract in the Medical Treatment of Benign Prostate
Hyperplasia," Urologia: 55, 547, 1988
Braeckman, J., "The Extract of Serenoa repens in the Treatment of Benign Prostate
Hyperplasia: A Multi-Center Open Study," Curr Ther. Res.: 55, 776, 1994
Bach, D. & Ebeling, L., "Long-Term Drug Treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia:
Results of a Prospective 3-Year Multi-Center Study Using Sabal Extract ID889,"
Phytomed.: 3, 105, 1996
Champlault et al., "A Double-Blind Trial of an Extract of the Plant Serenoa repens in
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia," Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol.: 18, 461, 1984
Duvia et al., "Advances in the Phytotherapy of Prostatic Hypertrophy," Med. Praxis: 4,
143, 1983
Buck, A., "Phytotherapy for the Prostate," Br. J. Urol.: 78, 325, 1996
Lowe, F. & Ku, J., "Phytotherapy in Treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia: A
Critical Review," Urology: 48, 12, 1996
Tasca et al., "Treatment of Obstructive Symptomatology Caused by Prostatic Adenoma
with an Extract of Serenoa repens: Double-Blind Clinical Study vs. Placebo," Minerva
Urol. Nefrol.: 37, 87, 1985
Greca, P. & Volpi, R., "Experience with a New Drug in the Medical Treatment of
Prostate Adenoma," Urologia: 52, 532, 1985
1 How Quickly Does Saw Palmetto Work?
Saw palmetto berries may become effective with discernible benefits short periods of
time. In some cases, it may be as short as six to eight weeks.
2 What Are the Side effects of Saw Palmetto?
No side effects of saw palmetto have been reported in any of the studies other than mild
gastrointestinal irritation, which resolves of its own accord in a few days after the start
of the regimen.
3 What is Recommended Dosage of Saw Palmetto?
Many different preparations of saw palmetto are on the market, some of which are
standardized to phytosterols whereas other are standardized to fatty acids. It is best to
do research to obtain the product that best describes the content of various active
ingredients. Routinely, a twice-daily dose of 160 milligram of saw palmetto extract
standardized to 85% fatty acids and sterols is recommended. From this, the amounts
necessary for optimal beneficial effects can be calculated, given the percent
standardization of any product.
4 Does Saw Palmetto Enhance Libido?
Yes, over time, saw palmetto has the potential of promoting healthy libido by triggering
healthy biochemical processes in the prostate.


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