Name __________________________________________________ Date ____________
Date of birth _____________________ Date of last eye exam ______________________
Referring Dr. ______________________________ Primary Care Physician __________________________
What is the chief complaint regarding your eyes?________________________________________________
List any medications you currently take (prescription and over-the-counter):___________________________
Do you have allergies to any medications? □ YES □ NO If YES, list the medications:__________________
Have you ever taken Mellaril (Thioridazine), Chloroquine, Plaquenil, or Tamoxifen?
List all major illnesses (glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, etc.) or injuries (concussion,
List any surgeries you have had (cataract, tonsils, appendix, etc.) _______________________________________
Do you currently have any of the problems below? If YES, please give details:
NO EXPLANATION OF PROBLEM GENERAL/CONSTITUTIONAL (Fever) (Weight loss) EARS, NOSE, THROAT (Sinus infections) (ear infection, chronic cough, dry mouth) CARDIOVASCULAR (Heart Attack) (High blood pressure) RESPIRATORY (Asthma) (Emphysema) GASTROINTESTINAL (Stomach ulcers) (Hepatitis) GENITAL, KIDNEY (Kidney stones) (Dialysis) MUSCLES, BONES, JOINTS (Arthritis) (Polymyalgia rheumatica) SKIN (Acne, warts, skin cancer) NEUROLOGICAL (Stroke) (Multiple sclerosis) ENDOCRINE (thyroid) Diabetes [how long?] BLOOD/LYMPH ( Cholesterol, anemia) (Taking blood thinners) INFECTIOUS DISEASE (Syphilis, TB, HIV) ALLERGIC/IMMUNOLOGIC (Lupus, Sjogrens) FAMILY HISTORY M=Mother, F=Father, S=Sibling, GP=Grandparents SOCIAL HISTORY
Current or prior occupation:__________________________________________________________________
Education (high school, vocational school, college degree):_________________________________________
Marital Status (married, divorced, single, widowed):_______________________________________________
Living Arrangements:_______________________________________________________________________Do you drive?
Do you have visual difficulty when driving?
□ YES □ NO If YES: occasional 1 per day 2-3/day 4+/day
□ YES □ NO If YES: occasional 1 per day 2-3/day 4+/day
Physician’s Signature:_____________________________________________ Date:____________________
Adalat Prasad vs Rooplal Jindal & Ors on 25 August, 2004N. Santosh Hegde, S.B. Sinha & A.K. MathurThis is an appeal by leave against the judgment of the High Court of Delhi at New Delhi in Criminal RevisionNo.127 of 1995 whereby the High Court allowed the said revision petition, setting aside the order of the trialcourt dated 28.1.1995 and remanded the matter to the Court of Magistrate f
P U E B L O C O U N T Y M E D I C A L T R E A T M E N T P R O T O C O L S PEDIATRIC RESP DISTRESS U P D A T E D : 3 / 0 8 / 2 0 1 2 W E B E R , M D D . W I L S O N , M D Specific information needed 1. Present symptoms -- sudden or gradual onset. 2. History of oral exposures -- toys, food, chemicals, etc. 3. Associated symptoms -- cough, fever, upper respiratory symptoms, r