Vladyslav and Olha Potyrailo - an example of a strong marriage and business union. They went to university together, started a family and started a business together. Their tandem has proved so durable and successful that their company "Zapovit" now produces approximately 50% of Ukraine-made medical furniture and bactericidal irradiators, with their products equipping the majority of Ukraine's medical and obstetric units.
What did you do before you only to do it well, but to do it better and way of thinking. If you think
started your own business?
than others. It was precisely in the within the conventional framework, medical equipment market that we you will not get far.
trepreneurial and marketing skills. saw great prospects and we decid- Like many, he used to travel back ed to stick with that business.
Even in "wild market" conditions, sen another other line of business made up for the lack of money. he applied marketing technology. and been successful in it. After all, When he was selling T-shirts, he competition in Ukraine is still quite ment repairs and are now a major tried to offer the customer a wide chaotic and far from what we read domestic manufacturer. How did range of products and introduced a about in foreign books on market- pricing scale, i.e. his black T-shirts ing. The only exceptions are espe- cially "saturated" markets, where ty and gray - 70. Meanwhile, Poles large amounts of capital are in play: to manufacture something new our-were standing next to him, selling alcohol, food. So, the key to success selves than it was to repair some-all T-shirt with identical graphics is the right attitude to business, thing old made by others, which was and all for the same price. Natu- know-how and hard work – and sometimes very difficult to fix. Our rally, buyers went to Vladislav! those are our strengths.
What, in your opinion, is the tion, we were guided by a growing
"right" attitude to business?
O.: A: people often mistakenly the market. In addition, manufactur- Where did the idea to open a perceive business as a pleasant pas-
business manufacturing medical time. In fact, unless you put your scale investment, given the low
equipment come from?
entire self into your business, all of complexity of the process and mod- Vladyslav: Having been through your skills and your soul, nothing est production volume at the initial will come of it. We had experience of stage. fices, I realized that I could start my investing in projects, which we man- own business. We chose two lines aged ourselves, and it was not suc- cessful. In addition, I used to think we decided to register them with the cal equipment. At a certain stage, ever, this is an illusion. To be suc- we realized that it would be better cessful in business, you need to have became our crucial competitive ad-to concentrate on one thing. Not certain talents, a certain acumen vantage in the domestic market.
Education: Kyiv Polytechnical Institute, Kyiv National
Economical University
Raising a daughter and expecting a second child Hobbies: traveling, scuba diving


(microsoft word - ib 82ulz -ulzeration der fingerendglieder bei sklerodermie\205)

SCLERODERMA LIGA e.V. Anlage zum Scleroderma INFOBRIEF Nr. 82Ulz Ulzerationen der Fingerendglieder bei Sklerodermie Die progressiv systemische Sklerodermie tritt weltweit in unterschiedlicher Häufigkeit (Prävalenz) auf: 7 - 489 Fälle pro 1 Million Einwohner und manifestiert sich v.a. bei Frauen (Verhältnis zu Männern 4:1) im Alter von 30.-50.Lbj. Typische Befunde im Blut sind in über 90%

Teaching staff A. Y. 2007-08 STAFF MEMBERS FIELD OF INTEREST E-MAIL ADRESS Gariglio Marisa (Coordinator) RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS Filosso PL, Rena O, Donati G, Casadio C, Ruffini E, Papalia E, Oliaro A, Maggi G. Bronchial carcinoid tumors: surgical management and long-term outcome. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg . 2002;123(2):303-9. Olina M, Cametti M, Gugli

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