
Recording Sheet
Use this sheet to record your answers to the riddles.
Which Drug Am I?
and in flavors bubble gum and grape.
I come in two different forms—one from the lab and the So when you’re in pain, don’t stay in the dark,Try me, and I guarantee that you’ll feel better fast,I’m a painkiller that really lasts.
The answer to this riddle is one of the words listed

Which Drug Am I?
When you were a baby, you got me as a shot;It may have hurt, but it did a lot.
It kept away bad diseases galoreLike polio, smallpox, and more.
These shots are also called vaccinations.
Some say they are one of the best creations.
The answer to this riddle is one of the words listed

Which Drug Am I?
These kinds of drugs are very bad for you;On top of that, they’re illegal, too.
Some of these drugs people smoke, These kinds of drugs make it harder to think;They affect your brain, which can really stink! The answer to this riddle is one of the words listed

Which Drug Am I?
You drink me every day;When you turn on the tap,I flow down the sink every which way.
I’ve made a big difference for each and every tooth;Cavities? No, not for this generation of youth!So keep this information in your mental file,Because I’m the secret to your white, healthy smile.
The answer to this riddle is one of the words listed

Which Drug Am I?
Whenever a germ gives you an infectionI might be the best selection.
I'm kind of funny, I've been told,Because sometimes I am made out of mold! The answer to this riddle is one of the words listed

Which Drug Am I?
I’m a kind of drug that is in some drinks;I, too, can make it harder to think.
I’m so strong that kids can’t drink me until they’re 21,And even adults should know when enough is enough andthen be done.
The answer to this riddle is one of the words listed

Which Drug Am I?
I am found in many things that are yummy to eat,Like chocolate, soda, and other treats.
Grownups drink me in coffee and tea,Now my name, kids, that is the key.
The answer to this riddle is one of the words listed

Which Drug Am I?
I am used as an insecticide.
In tobacco is where I hide.
I'm not the one that makes people choke,But I am the biggest reason people smoke.
The answer to this riddle is one of the words listed

Learn More About Drugs
On the following pages are a series of riddles giving more information about what each of these substances does to the body. You might want to use these riddles during the “Discussion Drug A: Aspirin or Tylenol
What Do I Do to the Body?
Now you know that I’m aspirin, but do you know what I do?If not, here is a clue.
I change the chemicals in your body, you see,And then pain and fever disappear for you and for me.
Aspirin or Tylenol makes swelling and pain go away. Aspirincan help prevent older people from having heart attacks andstrokes.
Drug B: Immunizations
What Do I Do to the Body?
Do you know what’s in that shot?The germs in the illness, believe it or not!Those germs can also be your friends.
Can you figure out how this story ends?Here is one last clue:Those tiny germs make your body work very hard, too.
For an immunization, the germs from the illness arechanged and then injected into the body, whichteaches the body’s own defense system to fight thedisease.
Drug C: Illegal drugs
What Do I Do to the Body?
Each kind of me changes the brain;Once the brain is changed it’s never quite the same.
Marijuana is one kind to smoke,And the white powder, cocaine, is also called coke.
Cocaine can make someone feel quite high;But watch out, that feeling does die.
It’s not hard to go over the top;Then someone will find it too hard to stop.
Marijuana and cocaine are two kinds of illegal drugs.
Marijuana affects learning and memory. It also affects thecerebellum, the part of the brain responsible for balanceand coordination. Both cocaine and marijuana turn on thepleasure center, part of the limbic system, making the bodycrave the substance.
Drug D: Fluoride
What Do I Do to the Body?
Now you know my name,But do you know how I earned my fame?I can harden your teeth and make them strong;Dentists love me because I keep kids away from the drill forso long.
Fluoride hardens and repairs enamel, the covering on teeth,and prevents cavities from forming.
Drug E: Antibiotics
What Do I Do to the Body?
I’m a special type of drug;I fight diseases that are caused by living bugs.
When you have strep throat and you feel really sick,I kill all the germs—I do the trick.
Pretty soon, you feel okay;Then I’ve done my job, and the bacteria have gone away.
Antibiotics kill the bacteria causing an infection.
Drug F: Alcohol
What Do I Do to the Body?
I do nothing good for the brain;In fact, I make thinking and studying a pain.
A bad thing I do is kill neurons forever;So drinking me, it doesn’t seem clever.
Alcohol keeps people from thinking clearly, slows down theability to respond to danger, makes people sleepy, and cankill neurons.
Drug G: Caffeine
What Do I Do to the Body?
I make it hard for people to sleep.
Instead, they shake, shiver, and leap.
That’s not all that I do;I also can make it harder to write words that are clear, fresh, Caffeine makes people feel more awake but less able towrite or draw well. It can cause headaches and evendizziness.
Drug H: Nicotine
What Do I Do to the Body?
Nicotine is my name;Getting people hooked is my game.
I don’t mean to make people smoke forever and ever,But I guess I’m just oh so clever.
Nicotine takes away people’s appetite, speeds up the heart,and changes the brain so that it thinks it needs nicotine towork normally.

Source: http://archive.commarts.net/healthyschoolsms/health_education/documents/riddles.pdf

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http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/poplog/src/master/S.pcwnt/teach/a. TEACH ATNSUM (ATN SUMMARY) Chris Mellish February 1983This file gives a short summary of a small subset of the ATN formalism. For more details and an introduction, see * ATNS and especially thereferences cited in it. This summary is necessarily simplified andcontains a core that is probably present in most ATN implementations,e

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