Problemas globales de salud de impacto local
II. The economic and social consequences of type 2 diabetes University of Sydney, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, Australia.
Recibido en su versión modificada: 16 de julio de 2009
La diabetes tipo 2 involucra la interacción de genes y del ambiente,
Type 2 diabetes involves the interplay of multiple genes and the
y está ocurriendo en grupos de edad más jóvenes. El tamizaje
environment and is currently observed among younger age groups.
universal no es costo-efectivo y es preferible identificar a las
Universal screening is not a cost-effective strategy since it is preferable
personas en riesgo según una escala de riesgo. La diabetes ha
to identify at risk groups based on at risk scores. Diabetes is now an
alcanzado proporciones epidémicas, con una prevalencia global
epidemic with an estimated 2007 global prevalence among adults of
estimada en 2007 de 246 millones de adultos; para 2025 se
246 million; by 2025 it will increase to 380 million. For Mexico the
incrementará a 380 millones. En México, la apreciación para 2007
2007 estimated prevalence among adults was 6.1 million and the
en adultos fue de 6.1 millones y la proyección para 2025 fue de 10.8
2025 projections will be of 10.8 million.
millones. La diabetes es responsable mundialmente de 3.8 millones
Diabetes is globally responsible for 3.8 million deaths, which
de muertes, que excede las atribuidas a VIH/sida y paludismo
exceeds those attributed to HIV/AIDS and malaria combined and
juntos, y de 55.6 millones de años de vida perdidos. Los costos
for 55.6 million life years lost. The direct health care costs of people
directos de atención médica de las personas con diabetes son
with diabetes are generally 2-3 fold greater than for those without
generalmente dos a tres veces más que para aquellas sin diabetes,
the disease and 4-8 fold more if diabetes complications are present.
y cuatro a ocho más si hay complicaciones. Entre 2003 y 2005, la
The impact of diabetes on Mexico illustrates an increase of 26% in
diabetes en México muestra un aumento de 26 % en costos de
health care expenditures between the years 2003 -2005. Many of
atención médica. El financiamiento internacional para la acción
these costs were out-of-pocket expenses. International funding for
global en enfermedades no transmisibles continúa siendo bajo y es
global action on non-communicable diseases remains very low; in
casi inexistente en países en desarrollo. La diabetes es una de las
the developing world it is virtually non-existent. Diabetes is one of
causas más importantes en el mundo de gastos en atención médica,
the world’s most important causes of health-care expenditure,
mortalidad, morbilidad y pérdida de desarrollo económico, con
mortality, morbidity and lost economic growth with profound
implicaciones sociales y económicas graves.
Diabetes tipo 2, impacto económico, impacto social,
Type 2 diabetes, economic consequences, social
Type 1 diabetes The term diabetes mellitus encompasses a group of Type 1 diabetes is the predominant form of diabetes affecting
disorders which are all marked by a raised blood glucose
childhood.1 It does occur in adulthood but less so and the
level.1 Whilst the diagnosis is based on the elevated glucose
evidence is that the age of onset is decreasing. It is marked
level, diabetes is complex and involves changes in the body’s
by a deficiency of insulin, the pancreatic hormone needed to
metabolism not only of glucose but also of fat and protein. The
control glucose metabolism. In children this form of diabetes
3 main types of diabetes are type 1, type 2 and gestational
is increasing at the rate of 3 % per annum, with a greater rise
diabetes (GDM) and these account for over 95 % of diabetes.1
in those under the age of 6.1 The aetiology of type 1 diabetes
All three forms of diabetes are increasing but the greatest rise
is still not fully understood but it involves interplay between
is in type 2 diabetes which has now reached epidemic
genetic risk factors, mainly affecting the immune system,
and environmental triggers. A simplistic explanation is that
* Correspondencia y solicitud de sobretiros: Dr. Martin Silink. Institute of Endocrinology and Diabetes, University of Sydney. The Children´s Hospitalat Westmead, Locked Bag 4001, Westmead, NSW,2145, Australia. Tel. 00 (612) 9845-3172. Correo electrónico [email protected] / [email protected]Gac Méd Méx Vol. 145 No. 4, 2009
an environmental trigger (for example a virus or chemical in
(healthy diet, loss of weight in those overweight, increased
the food) is perceived as foreign in an individual having the
physical activity) but failing that, oral medication to reduce
genetic predisposition and results in an unfocused immune
insulin resistance (eg metformin) or increase insulin secretion
response which, by mistake, is also directed at the insulin
(eg sulphonamides) are introduced to control the disease.4
producing cells of the pancreas, destroying them and resulting
Newer drugs are being developed (eg incretin therapy to
in insulin deficiency. Type 1 diabetes is therefore classified
increase insulin secretion and stimulate regrowth of insulin
as an auto-immune disease and typically presents over a few
producing cells or thiazolidinediones to reduce glucose
weeks with weight loss, lethargy, production of large volumes
resistance) but these remain expensive and usually if
of urine, dehydration and the development of life-threatening
metformin and the sulphonamides are insufficient then the
derangement of the body’s chemistry (acidosis). Insulin
next line of treatment is the introduction of insulin injections.4
therapy lowers the elevated glucose levels and corrects the
Type 2 diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular disease
acidosis. It can only be given by injection and is not only life-
and therefore control of blood pressure and cholesterol are
saving but is needed life-long. Good control of the disease is
as important as controlling glucose levels.4
essential to reduce the risk of developing blindness, kidneyfailure and nerve disease2 as well as cardiovascular disease(heart attacks, strokes and amputations). Gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes is diabetes diagnosed for the first time
Type 2 diabetes
during pregnancy. The hormones of pregnancy cause insulinresistance and often this form of diabetes disappears after
Type 2 diabetes is even more complex to understand but
delivery of the baby. Women who have had gestational
also involves the interplay of many genes (different to those
diabetes have an increased risk (as high as 30-70 %) of
responsible for the risks of type 1 diabetes) and the
subsequently developing type 2 diabetes. In Asia the
environment. A strong family history of diabetes is frequent
incidence of gestational diabetes has increased dramatically
and many ethnic groups are at greater risk of type 2
with 10-15 % of all pregnancies affected. Many countries now
diabetes (virtually all indigenous populations, Asians, South-
recommend routine screening of all pregnancies at 28-30
East Asians, Pacific Islanders, African and Hispanic peoples)
weeks with a 75 gram oral glucose test and if abnormal,
(refs in 1). In this form of diabetes the environmental risk
institute dietary and lifestyle changes and when necessary
factors are linked to changes in the foods eaten (more
insulin therapy. The problems related to gestational diabetes
energy-dense), an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, increases
are significant and can affect the health of the foetus and the
in body weight and probably social factors such as stress,
mother. There is a higher risk of abortions, stillbirths, foetal
lack of job satisfaction and poverty. These together with
abnormalities and the need for Caesarean Sections. The
multiple genetic risk factors lead to the body becoming
baby has a greater risk of being born either small for
resistant to the effectiveness of insulin in lowering blood
gestational age with a low birth weight or macrosomic (high
glucose levels (ie insulin resistance). Normal aging
birth weight, typically > 4 kg) and be at risk of developing
contributes to insulin resistance and until relatively recently
severely low blood glucose levels in the newborn period.
type 2 diabetes was regarded as a disease of the elderly.
Subsequently these individuals are at increased risk of
However, over the past 50 years type 2 diabetes is occurring
developing insulin resistance, obesity and type 2 diabetes.
in younger and younger age groups and is increasingly
Breast feeding should be encouraged and obesity avoided by
being seen in adolescents and even children.3 With time the
discouraging over-feeding with nutrient-rich formulae,
pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to overcome
especially of the low-birth weight babies.
the prolonged and increasing resistance to insulin andeventually, due to the combination of insulin resistance anddeveloping insulin deficiency, glucose levels rise and
The diabetes epidemic globally
changes in lipid levels occur. For many years the glucose
and in Mexico
abnormalities may only be detectable by elevated fastingblood glucose or after an oral glucose tolerance test and the
The data are robust now and indicate that diabetes has truly
clinical features remain very subtle. Often type 2 diabetes
assumed epidemic proportions. The IDF Diabetes Atlas (3rd
may only declare itself as lethargy and an increased risk of
edition) estimated that in 2007 the global prevalence of
bacterial or yeast infections (monilia). Subsequently other
diabetes among adults was 246 million, representing 6% of
symptoms such as thirst, passage of large quantities of
the adult population with annual projected rises of 7 million
so that by 2025 the numbers would have risen to 380 million
Universal screening for type 2 diabetes is not cost-
or 7 % of the adult population.1 For Mexico the 2007 estimates
effective and not recommended.4 It is preferable to identify
and the projections for 2025 are indicated in table 1.
people at risk according to a risk score featuring age, gender,
It can be seen that in Mexico the 2007 estimated prevalence
family history, increased body weight or waist circumference,
of diabetes among adults was 9.4 % (6.1 million) and that by
ethnic background and family history. Initially treatment is
far the predominant diabetes prevalence was in urban areas
aimed at reducing insulin resistance by lifestyle modification
indicating that, for the Mexican population, city living is a high
Gac Méd Méx Vol. 145 No. 4, 2009
Problemas globales de salud de impacto local
risk factor for diabetes. These figures suggest that the major
Table 1. 2007 and 2025 prevalence estimates for diabetes in
public health risk reduction strategies in addressing the risk
factors and the social determinants of diabetes should befocused on cities. Unless solutions are found, the problem is
projected to increase so that by 2025 it is estimated that thenumbers with diabetes will have risen to 10.8 million. It is very
likely that these numbers are an under-estimate as all previous
global projections since 1985 have been exceeded. It should
also be noted that more women than men (ratio 1.54) have
diabetes and this has significant social implications for family
welfare and gender equity issues. The figures also bear out the
fact that type 2 diabetes is no longer a disease of the elderly.
In 2007, the estimates indicate that 3.9 million (62.3 %) are in
the 20-59 year age group, which includes the reproductive
years and the most economically productive age group. Children, obesity, the metabolic syndrome and diabetes
deaths attributable to communicable and non-communicabledisease are similar in number and these countries struggle
The health of children should be seen as a national asset. It
with a double burden of disease. In the middle income and
is distressing the high number of children who fulfill the IDF
upper income countries, non-communicable diseases are
criteria for having the metabolic syndrome (increased waist
responsible for the largest burden of disease and far outweigh
circumference, elevated blood pressure, decreased plasma
the burden of communicable diseases. Diabetes now is
HDL cholesterol, raised plasma triglyceride levels and elevated
responsible globally for 3.8 million deaths, which exceeds
fasting or 2 hour glucose tolerance levels).5-7 Their risk of
those for HIV/AIDS (2.6 million) and malaria (1.2 million)
developing frank diabetes and cardiovascular disease in
combined. In terms of DALYs (Disability Adjusted Life Years)
adulthood is greatly increased. Clinically, the metabolic
diabetes is estimated to be responsible for 55.6 million life
syndrome in children may also be suspected by the presence
years lost compared to 168.4 million for cardiovascular disease,
of acanthosis nigricans, a brown discolouration along the
70.8 million for HIV/AIDS and 39.9 million for malaria.1
neck line, in the axillae and in pressure areas on the elbows,
The financial crisis which declared itself in 2008, together
knees and knuckles, which indicates the presence of insulin
with environmental factors such as climate change, will
resistance (Figure 1). Girls with the metabolic syndrome or
undoubtedly have a major impact on chronic disease. The
type 2 diabetes may be further affected by having the
consequences of the global economic recession (the “Great
polycystic ovarian syndrome which causes menstrual
Recession”), rising food prices, the failure of food crops due to
irregularities and hirsutism, with male type hair pattern on
climate change, the diversion of food crops to bio-fuels will
increase unemployment and reduce access to more healthy
Accurate data on the prevalence type 2 diabetes in
foods and reduce affordability of essential medicines for
adolescence are not available however, in Japan, type 2 dia-betes is 4 times more common than type 1 diabetes.8 In theUSA and Australia 20-30 % of newly diagnosed diabetes inadolescence is type 2 diabetes. Type 2 may present with veryhigh blood glucose levels as well as acidosis and is far froma benign condition. Insulin therapy is required in approximately20-25% and long-term intensive medical management isneeded to maintain good control. The risks for the diabetes-specific microvascular complications of blindness and nervedisease are at least as high as for type 1 diabetes, withJapanese data suggesting that the risk for kidney disease iseven higher.9
The economic burden of diabetes
The World Health Organization’s World Health Report in 2005pointed out that 60 % of the burden of diabetes and otherchronic diseases occurs in the low and middle incomecountries.10 It is only in the low income countries where the
Figure 1. Acanthosis nigricans. Gac Méd Méx Vol. 145 No. 4, 2009
diabetes, blood pressure and lipid control. During economic
made the decision that everyone is at risk of non-communi-
downturns, the health of a country’s population worsens due
cable diseases and that nationwide public health measures
to lowered household income and reduced access to health
are warranted.13 In some developed countries with well
care. The poor in low-income countries are most affected
developed health care systems, the emphasis has been on
because they pay a large portion of their health-care costs out-
identifying individuals at risk by using self-applied health-risk
of-pocket without the benefit of social safety nets.
score instruments. Randomized control studies have
The economic impact of cardiovascular disease, stroke
demonstrated that weight loss in those overweight, together
and diabetes on developing countries is immense. The WHO
with a modest increase in physical activity is able to reduce
estimates that the mortality from diabetes, heart disease and
by half the conversion of people with impaired glucose
stroke cost about 250 billion International dollars (ID) in
tolerance to diabetes.14,15 Those at high risk of diabetes and
China, ID 225 billion in the Russian Federation, and ID 210
cardiovascular disease would be encouraged to visit their
billion in India. Much of the heart disease and stroke in these
doctor for assessment, given dietary and lifestyle modification
estimates was linked to diabetes. WHO estimates that
advice and, if needed, prescribed medication such as
diabetes, heart disease and stroke together will cost about ID
metformin, aspirin and treatment for hypertension and lipid
555 billion in lost income in China over 2005-2010, ID 303
elevation.4,15 Those with morbid obesity could be considered
billion in the Russian Federation, ID 337 billion in China and
for bariatric surgery (gastric banding, gastric sleeve resection
ID 2.5 billion even in a very poor country like Tanzania. These
or in extreme circumstances, pancreatico-biliary by-pass
estimates are based on lost productivity, resulting primarily
surgery). The scale and urgency of the non-communicable
from premature death. Accounting for disability might double
disease epidemics in low and middle income countries
exceeds their capacity to pay for strategies focusing on
The direct health care costs of people with diabetes are
individual risk factors and individual treatments.
generally 2-3 fold greater than for those without diabetes and
Population-based methods will be more cost-effective
4-8 fold more if diabetes complications are present.1 Indirect
but much research will be needed to optimize public health
costs of diabetes become increasingly more important in low
strategies to promote healthy eating and physical activity,
income countries when costs such as the cost of travel to
breast feeding, school sport and eating programs, tobacco
clinics and loss of earnings have a greater impact on the
reduction, government controls over inappropriate advertising,
whole family. Newer health economic research has identified
urban design and transport. In addition, whole-of-government
this ripple effect on low income families who bear a greater
population based strategies will need to address the social
proportion of healthcare costs as out-of-pocket expenses.
gradients in health within countries “caused by the unequal
Often the greatest impact is on the children, especially girls,
distribution of power, income, goods, and services, globally,
who are denied educational and vocational training and are
and nationally, the consequent unfairness in the immediate,
at greater risk of turning to crime and prostitution. Clearly
visible circumstances of people’s lives – their access to
diabetes in the bread-winner in the family has an obvious
health care, schools, and education, their conditions of work
effect on reducing household income, but because of the
and leisure, their homes, communities, towns, or cities – and
extended family structure in developing countries, the impact
their chances of leading a flourishing life “as outlined in the
of chronic disease on the elderly is also significant as they
2008 report of the WHO Commission on Social Determinants
fulfil an important role in freeing the breadwinners from
childcare duties. There are good data on the impact of
For the secondary prevention of diabetic complications,
diabetes on Mexico with one report indicating a 26 %
the World Bank has identified the following four treatments
increase in health care costs between 2003 and 2005, with
which were not only cost-effective but actually cost-saving if
140 million dollars spent on direct and 177 million dollars on
applied in any country: improved glucose control for those with
indirect costs and another report outlining the high proportion
a HBA1c > 9.0 %, blood pressure reduction to below 160/95,
of out-of-pocket expenses in diabetes care.11,12
foot care for those with a high-risk diabetic foot, and pre-pregnancy care in women known to have diabetes.17 Thesewould be regarded as minimal care and current glucose control
Prevention of diabetes
recommendations aim to achieve HbA1c < 6.5 %, BP < 130/80,
and its complications
normal blood lipids, regular screening for eye, kidney, nerveand vascular disease with intervention to prevent progression
Prevention of diabetes itself (primary prevention) and its
complications (secondary prevention) are largely feasibleand clearly desirable. Globally, the benefits of preventing 7million more people having diabetes annually would be
International recognition of impact
immense. Most developed economies are already spending
of diabetes
10-12 % of their health-care budgets on diabetes.1 ForMexico, the projected number of people developing diabetes
Globally, the potential role of diabetes and other non-
communicable diseases in subverting economic development
Strategies to prevent this rise can be directed at the
is beginning to be recognized. Even though the 2000-2015 UN
individual or more generally at the population. Finland has
Millennium Development Goals do not contain any reference
Gac Méd Méx Vol. 145 No. 4, 2009
Problemas globales de salud de impacto local
to the impact of non-communicable diseases, the UN General
of glucose, blood pressure and lipids needs to be made
Assembly in 2006 adopted UN Resolution 61/225 which
available to all to prevent the progression of costly complications
recognized that “diabetes is a chronic, debilitating and costly
in diabetes and other non-communicable diseases.
disease associated with severe complications, which posessevere risks for families, Member States and the entire worldand serious challenges to the achievement of internationally
agreed development goals, including the MillenniumDevelopment Goals”. In 2008, the World Health Assembly
1. International Diabetes Federation. Diabetes Atlas. 3rd edition. Brussels, Bel-
gium: International Diabetes Federation; 2006.
endorsed the Action Plan to achieve the recommendations of
2. DCCT Research Group. Effect of intensive diabetes treatment on the develop-
the 2004 World Health Assembly Resolution 57/17 (“Global
ment and progression of long-term complications in insulin-dependent diabetes
Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health”). Yet despite
mellitus. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. N EnglJ Med 1993;329:977-986.
this, international funding for global action on non-
3. Alberti G, Zimmet P, Shaw J, Bloomgarden Z, Kaufman F, Silink M. Type
communicable diseases remains very low. WHO and PAHO
2 diabetes in the young: the evolving epidemic: the International Diabetes
funding for non-communicable diseases is only 10 % of that
Federation Consensus Workshop. Diabetes Care 2004;27:1798-1811.
4. International Diabetes Federation. Global guideline for type 2 diabetes.
for communicable diseases and international aid funding
Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation; 2005.
(government and philanthropic) for non-communicable
5. Zimmet P, Alberti KGMM, Kaufman F, Tajima N, Silink M, Arslanian S, Wong G, Bennett P, Shaw J, Caprio S. IDF Consensus Group. The metabolic
diseases in the developing world is virtually non-existent.
syndrome in children and adolescents. An IDF consensus report. PediatricDiabetes 2007;8:299-306.
6. Weiss R, Dziura J, Burgert TS, Tamborlane WV, Taksali SE, Yeckel CW, Conclusions et al. Obesity and the metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents. N Engl J Med 2004;350:2362-2374.
7. Cruz ML, Weigensberg MJ, Huang TT, Ball G, Shaibi GQ, Goran MI. The
Diabetes is one of the world’s most important causes of health-
metabolic syndrome in overweight Hispanic youth and the role of insulinsensitivity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004;89:108-113.
care expenditure, mortality, morbidity and lost economic
8. Urakami T, Kubota S, Nitadori Y, Harada K, Owada M, Kitagawa T. Annual
growth. The type 2 diabetes epidemic has profound societal
incidence and clinical characteristics of type 2 diabetes in children as detectedby urine glucose screening in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Diabetes Care
and economic implications and threatens to subvert the
economic development in low and middle-income countries.
9. Yokoyama H, Okudaira M, Otani,T, Sato A, Miura H, Takaike H, et al.
Even though much research still needs to be done, we know
Higher incidence of diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes than in type 1diabetes in early-onset diabetes in Japan. Kidney Int 2000;58(1):302-311.
enough to be able to make evidence-based recommendations
10. World Health Organization. Preventing Chronic Diseases. A Vital Investment.
for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and its complications. The
World Health Report, 2005. Disponible en
prevention of diabetes and of its complications will not be easy
11. Arredondo A, Zúniga A. Economic consequences of epidemiological chan-
and will involve the acceptance of both societal and individual
ges in diabetes in middle-income countries. The Mexican case. Diabetes Care
responsibility. Individual responsibility in maintaining normal
12. Arredondo A, Barcelo A. The economic burden of out-of-pocket medical
body weight, a healthy diet and regular physical activity is
expenditures for patients seeking diabetes care in Mexico. Diabetologia
essential but cannot be achieved by government decree and
will not be successful unless there is governmental attention
13. Finnish Diabetes Association. Development Programme for the Prevention
and Care of Diabetes in Finland DEHKO 2000-2010. Disponible en http://
to the social determinants of health. Promotion of government
and societal involvement in the UN World Diabetes Day
14. Tuomilehto J, Lindstrom J, Eriksson J, Valle T, Hamalainen H, Ilanne-
(November 14) and other awareness-raising activities has the
parikka P, et al. Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus by changes in lifestyle among subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. N Engl J Med 2001;344:1343-
potential of enhancing societal engagement and provide the
incentive for translating knowledge into behaviour change.
15. Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE, Hamman RF, Lachin JM, Walker EA, et al. Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle
Active strategies to engage civil society and provide them with
intervention or metformin. N Engl J Med 2002;346:393-403.
ownership and leadership opportunities in public health
16. Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Closing the gap in a generation:
campaigns are more likely to have an effect than passive
Health equity through action on the social determinants of health. Geneva:World Health Organization; 2008. Disponible en
educational messages. People with diabetes should be
encouraged to be part of the solution and not simply be
17. Jamison DT, Breman JG, Measham AR, Alleyne G, Claeson M, Evans DB,
regarded as the problem. Affordable access to primary health
et al. Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press/World Bank; 2006. Disponible en
care services and access to low cost medication for the control
Gac Méd Méx Vol. 145 No. 4, 2009
Textos Escolhidos de Cultura e Arte Populares, vol.4. n. 1, 2007. LUTANDO PELA INCLUSÃO sociabilidade e cidadania através do carnaval (de 1890 aos tempos de Vargas) As manifestações populares na festa carnavalesca dos anos 1890 aos tem-pos de Vargas constituem-se em objeto de minha reflexão. Busco mostrarcomo, limitados em termos de ocupação espacial e excluídos de participa-ç�
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