Providers - request form for long-acting injectable atypical antipsychotics
Physician Request Form for Long-Acting Injectable Atypical Antipsychotics Risperdal Consta (Risperidone): 12.5 mg/2ml, 25 mg/2ml, 37.5 mg/2ml, 50 mg/2ml Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone): 39mg, 78mg, 117mg, 156mg, 234mg Fax to Pharmacy Services at 855-811-9332, or to speak to a Representative, call 888-602-3741. Form must be completed for processing.
Patient Name: ____________________________________________________________
Patient ID#: ____________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Apt # or Suite #: ________________________________
City: _______________________________________________ State: __________________
Zip Code: ____________________________________
Phone #: __________________________________________
Birth Date: _____________________________________
Physician Name: ____________________________________________________________ NPI #: _________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Apt # or Suite #: _________________________________
City: ____________________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: ______________________________________ Contact Person: ___________________________________ Phone #: ___________________ Fax #: _________________________________________ Physician Signature: _________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________
Drug Name: ____________________________________Dosage:_________________________, Frequency of administration:__________________________________ Diagnosis: ______________________________________________________
Please indicate where the medication is being administered: Physician Office_____ Other (Please specify)________________________________
For initial therapy request please fill out Part A, for renewal request please fill out Part B. Part A- Attach Additional Information as Necessary
1. Does the patient have a history of noncompliance with the prior oral anti-psychotic regimen? (circle answer)
If yes, has the patient been on a drug adherence plan and/or have attempts been made to improve the patients’ compliance (i.e. reminders, self-monitoring tools)?
If Yes, please attach adherence treatment plan or document what adherence measures were done in an attempt to improve compliance:
2. Has the patient in the past received oral Risperdal or oral Invega without any significant side effects? (circle answer) Yes or
If yes, please indicate which medication at the dose given. If no, please indicate the complications and provide documentation as needed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Does the patient have renal and/or hepatic impairment? (circle answer)
If yes, for patients requesting Risperdal Consta, please provide documentation indicating the patient has been able to tolerate at least 2 mg of Risperdal therapy
______________.____________________________________________________________________________._______________________________ Part B- Attach Additional Information as Necessary
1. Has the patient been receiving and tolerating treatment (please attach documentation as needed)? (circle answer) Yes or No If no, please explain:
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Provide documentation indicating how the patient has clinically benefited from the treatment:
R O M A N I A JUDETUL MURES COMUNA BREAZA CONSILIUL LOCAL PROCES VERBAL incheiat azi 19.05.2009 cu ocazia sedintei ordinare a consiliului local La sedinta au participat toti consilierii, sedinta fiind declarata statutara. Toti membrii consiliului local, au fost anuntati de data, ora, ordinea de zi si locul de desfasurare a sedintei in termenele prevazute de lege. D-na secret
Miner Electrolyte Metab. 1985;11(1):5-13. Effect of low doses of stable strontium on bone metabolism in rats. Marie PJ , Garba MT , Hott M , Miravet L . The effects of low doses of oral stable strontium (0.19-0.40% of strontium chloride ) on mineral and bone metabolism were examined in normal rats using biochemical and histomorphometrical methods. The strontium levels in