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August 2011 / Learn Product Recall
A major producer of pain relief medicine has had to advise the publicvia the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products RegulatoryAgency) alert system that packs of their product are to be returnedto the point of purchase.
The reason for the recall is that some rogue packets had been foundto contain tablets or capsules of Seroquel (used primarily to treatbipolar disorders) and Neurontin (an epilepsy treatment).
Clients might think they don'tneed product recall insurance
It is estimated that 250,000 units are being recalled, amounting to
but have they thought aboutsupplier, regulatory and
approximately eight million tablets, and production has been
A spokesman from the firm said: "Sabotage is suspected and we are
working with the police on a formal investigation to find the person orpersons responsible.”
latest ProductRecall Bulletin, produced forChartis by our expert food
This recent incident highlights the real issues may companies face.
Given the sheer size of the numbers involved, this single event could
cost the manufacturer dearly, not only from a profitability point of
view but also in terms of damage to their brand and reputation.
Clearly, responsive handling of the logistics and a quick resolution of
the cause is critical to the recall operation.
both within the UK andacross the European Union.
You can learn more about in the comicstrip to the right. Find Out More or Apply
the volume recalls or border rejections across awide range of products. The graphic short story on the right hand
side helps illustrate how important it is to consider supplier,
Training Days
Various training courses are available that are suitable for
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food/beverage and consumer product industry clients, as well as any
broker dealing with this type of account.
Designed to be informative and practical and in some instancesincorporating group exercises to ensure maximum output. There area wide range of courses available which will cater for all needs, or ifrequired a bespoke training programme can be sourced.[01/12/2011 15:56:40]
Get a quote, today
For a quick indication of likely premium(s) for Product Recallprotection for your clients, please call one of the Crisis ManagementTeam on 020 7954 8868 or 020 7954 8373:
Or complete a indication proposal and email us at
Chartis Insurance UK Limited The Chartis Building, 58 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4AB. This insurance is underwritten by ChartisInsurance UK Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA number 202628).
This information can be checked by visiting the FSA website (
Registered in England: company number 1486260.
Registered address: The Chartis Building, 58 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 4AB. Chartis, Inc.
Data Protection Policy: We currently hold your name, the name of the business for which you work, your job title and your contact details onour databases. We use our databases to send out marketing materials which we consider are of interest to you and for associated marketingpurposes. We will not give your information to third parties other than those processing the information on our behalf who are committed tomaintaining the privacy of your information. Chartis Insurance UK Limited is a member company of Chartis, Inc., one of the world's leadinginternational insurance and financial services organisations and, as such, information about you may be passed to our other offices outside ofthe European Economic Area.
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The effects of doxorubicin and PXD101 on diffuse large B-cell lymphoma cell lines DB and SUFirst of all, I would like to thank my research methods and biotechnology teacher at Tucson High Magnet School, Margaret Wilch for all of her support, mentoring, and guidance. She taught me basic laboratory techniques that were vital to my research, edited, and gave me suggestions on all of my research pap
M A N F R E D I S A E L I E U R O P E A N C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E E T S T U D I O R U M INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Manfredi Saeli Ingegnere edile ed Architetto, Dottore di Ricerca Cultore SSD ICAR 10 “Architettura Tecnica” Via Ambleri, 66 – 90126 Palermo - Italy [email protected] FORMAZIONE • 28 Giugno 2011 – Nomina a Cultore del SSD ICAR 1