Why do montagu's harriers disturb foraging sessions of white storks in south-east poland
Abstract. Montagus Harriers nest sympatrically with White Storks in SE Poland. Most of Montagus Harrier
females are capable of modifying the foraging efficiency of White Storks by performing selective dives on
foraging birds in habitat patches, which are optimal for foraging the raptor. In such habitats storks are fiercely
attacked, their foraging sessions are shortened and their foraging efficiency is reduced. This phenomenon may
reflect simultaneous tendency of both species for optimal habitat monopolisation during breeding. It is may be
related to observed nest site fidelity of considered species.
Key words: White Stork, Ciconia ciconia, Montagus Harrier, Circus pygargus, behaviour, foraging.
Address: Department of Nature Conservation, Institute of Biology, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University,
Akademicka 19, PL 20-033 Lublin, Poland; e-mail: [email protected].
Ïî÷åìó ëóãîâûå ëóíè ìåøàþò êîðìèòüñÿ áåëûì àèñòàì íà þãî-âîñòîêå Ïîëüøè? - È. Êèòîâ-
ñêèé. - Áåðêóò. 16 (1). 2007. - Íà þãî-âîñòîêå Ïîëüøè îáà âèäà ãíåçäÿòñÿ ñèìïàòðè÷íî. Áîëüøèíñòâî
ñàìîê ëóíÿ ìîãóò âëèÿòü íà ðåçóëüòàòèâíîñòü êîðìåæêè àèñòîâ, àòàêóÿ ïòèö, ñîáèðàþùèõ êîðì íà ó÷àñò-
êàõ, îïòèìàëüíûõ äëÿ îõîòû ñàìèõ õèùíèêîâ.  òàêèõ ìåñòàõ ëóíè ÷àñòî íàïàäàþò íà êîðìÿùèõñÿ àèñ-
òîâ, èõ êîðìîâûå ñåññèè ñîêðàùàþòñÿ, à ðåçóëüòàòèâíîñòü êîðìåæêè ñíèæàåòñÿ. Ýòî ÿâëåíèå ìîæåò îò-
ðàæàòü òåíäåíöèþ ìîíîïîëèçàöèè îïòèìàëüíûõ êîðìîâûõ áèîòîïîâ â ãíåçäîâîé ïåðèîä.
prefer insects, whereas in the northern breed-
ing area a basic component of their diet are
The process of selecting a patch of habitat insects and small vertebrates (Lazaro, 1982;
for foraging involves choosing among habitat Muzinic, Rasajski, 1992; Tsachalidis et al.,
patches there that differ in the probability of 2002; Kosicki et al., 2006). Moreover, it has
attack of predators. Some habitat patches pro- been proven for both species in northern Eu-
vide the highest rate of energetic gain but these rope the abundance of Common Vole (Micro-
may be dangerous because the risk of being tus arvalis) is ultimate factor controlling a
killed, hurt, or having a foraging session dis- breeding success (Creutz, 1988; Pinowska et
rupted (Bryant, Grant, 1995; Goldberg et al., al., 1991; Pinowski et al., 1991; Tryjanowski,
2001; Ovadia , Dohna, 2003). In such condi- Kuzniak, 2002) c.f. (Krogulec, 1992; Butet,
tion foragers to maximise energetic gain have Leroux, 1993; Salamolard et al., 2000). Also
to trade off between foraging and aggression it has been proven that meadows, especially
in profitable patches (Lima, Dill, 1990; Brown, when cut regularly, and pastures are basic for-
aging habitats for both species (Schipper,
In some areas of Europe White Stork (Ci- 1977; Clarke, 1996; Salamolard et al., 2000;
conia ciconia) (hereafter stork) and Montagus Latus, Kujawa, 2005; Rachel, 2006). Cases of
Harrier (Circus pygargus) (hereafter harrier) predation of Storks on Montagus Harrier nest-
are sympatric. Nevertheless their social rela- lings were observed in Spain (B. Arroyo, pers.
tion on foraging areas have not been studied com.). On the other hand attacks Montagus
in detail. It has been known that both species Harrier on White Storks have been reported
display similar preferences for open habitats (Kitowski, 1994; Kitowski, 2003a). In the
and their feeding preferences are also much southeastern Poland, at major breeding sites
alike (Schipper, 1977; Clarke, 1996; Salamo- Harriers occur with Storks ( Piotrowska, 2000;
lard et al, 2000; Latus, Kujawa, 2005; Rachel, Kitowski, 2002; Tomialojc, Stawarczyk,
2006). Both species on southern breeding sites 2003). This paper attempts reveal pattern of
Montagus Harriers and White Storks in SE Poland
Habitats of 378 foraging sessions of White Storks (first seen peck of foraging individual)
Áèîòîïû 378 ñëó÷àåâ êîðìåæêè áåëîãî àèñòà (ïî ïåðâîìó êëåâêó êîðìÿùåéñÿ îñîáè)
the impact of Montagus Harriers on the for- al., 2006). The following habitat types were
aging tactic of White Storks, especially regard- defined: a) meadows; b) pastures, areas grazed
by cattle; c) arable lands; d) wetlands involv-
ing marshes, water filled ground excavations
and drainage ditches. The distribution of these
habitats in the study area was mapped and cal-
In 20002003 I studied 812 nesting pairs culated their surface areas with a digital
of Storks in the villages Plawanice, Kroczyn, planimeter from a high-resolution aerial photo.
trict, SE Poland). They are close Roskosz Re- if they were cut two or more times per year,
serve (51° 08´ N, 23° 37´ E, SE Poland) where non intensively cut meadows were cut once a
in 20002003 nested approximately 912 pairs year. Behavioural events were timed with an
of Harriers (Kitowski, 2002; Kitowski, unpubl. electronic stop-watch. Averages were com-
data). Observations were performed every year pared using the Students t test and ANOVA
from 15 April 15 August. Harriers were re- (parametric data, given in the text as mean ±
cognised as foraging if when the first observed SD) and Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-
they were crusing or hovering (Clarke, 1996; Wallis ANOVA (non-parametric data given in
Kitowski, Wojtak, 2001; Kitowski, 2003b). the text as mean ± SE) (Sokal, Rohlf, 1981;
Habitat use of foraging Storks was measured Fowler, Cohen, 1992).
by recording the amount time spent foraging
in a particular place. Prey availability was not
assessed. Areas less than 2.5 km from semico-
lonies of Harriers were classed as nearby for-
aging patches of Storks (Johst et al., 2001).
The hunting areas of 2.55 km from Harrier
Totally 378 Storks foraging session were
semicolonies were classed as remote forag- observed. Storks when foraging near the
ing patches for Storks (Johst et al., 2001). semicolonies of harriers (n = 161) preferred
Analyses of Stork foraging efficiency were meadows and pasture (Table 1). Far from
only calculated for bouts of predation involv- semicolony (n = 217) storks also tended to for-
ing capture vertebrate. This because the bio- age on meadows and pastures. Wetlands were
mass of vertebrates is so much greater and their seldom exploited, but were used in proportion
energy value is so much higher the those in- to their availability (Table 1). In 12 cases
vertebrates (Antczak et al., 2002; Kosicki et (63.1 % of n = 19 bouts) used drainage ditches.
Number caught vertebrates prey (when swallowing was observed) by White Storks
Êîëè÷åñòâî ïîéìàííûõ áåëûìè àèñòàìè ïîçâîíî÷íûõ (íàáëþäàëîñü ïðîãëàòûâàíèå)
In case of use of Mann-Whitney U-test data are given as mean ± SE, for Students t-test was
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.
More vertebrate prey were captures per ses-
sion by Storks on foraging areas near Harrier near Montagus Harriers semicolonies
semicolonies (Table 2). However, for both for-
aging area the number of prey caught depended
on habitat class with a significant preference semicolonies 97 (60.2 %) sessions did not in-
of meadows. This was there near harrier volved interaction with harriers. And its fin-
semicolonies (nearby foraging patches) ished by intrinsic patch-leaving decision of the
cated foraging area (remote foraging patches) (39.7 %). Stork foraging sessions were dis-
turbed by animals and people (no intrinsic
patch leaving decision of individual). Among
Table 3 the disturbed sessions, a number of 58 (90.6 %,
n = 64) involved harriers (Table 3). The re-
Frequency of attacks on 58 individuals of maining disturbances were by: Red Foxes (Vul-
White Stork in relation to habitat of foraging
pes vulpes) (n = 2), other storks (n = 1), people
×àñòîòà àòàê íà 58 îñîáåé áåëîãî àèñòà â (n = 2) and cattle (n = 1). When compared to
çàâèñèìîñòè îò êîðìîâîãî áèîòîïà
attacks by males 6 bouts (10.3 %, n = 58), har-
rier females (52 bouts, 89.7 %, n = 58) attack
more frequently foraging storks. Differences
were statistically significant (χ2 = 36.5, df =1,
p < 0.0001). Female harriers harassed forag-
ing storks more severely, performing 3.3 ± 1.4
dives (range: 15 dives) also lasting 32.6 ±
6.9 sec (range: 3 40 sec.). While males per-
formed 1.8 ± 1.6 dives (range 15 dives last-
ing 30.7 ± 15.2 sec. (range: 3 49 sec.). The
differences in the number of performed dives
Montagus Harriers and White Storks in SE Poland
were found significant (Mann-Whitney U test:
Z = 2.11, n = 52, n = 6, p < 0.035), but dif-
ferences in time of these harassments (Mann- Dives of Montagus Harrier addressed into
Whitney U test: Z = 1.27, n = 52, n = 6, n.s.) White Stork individuals close semicolony
Females harriers were more likely to inter- Íàïàäåíèÿ ëóãîâûõ ëóíåé íà áåëûõ àèñòîâ
rupt stork foraging sessions in late nestling and âîçëå ïîëóêîëîíèè
early post-fledging periods (from 15 June till
15 July) compared to other phases of breed-
ing of the raptor (37 events vs. 15 events: χ2 =
9.3, p < 0.002). During disturbed foraging ses-
likely to occur on intensive cut meadows 17
(73.9 %) vs 6 (26.1 %), χ2 = 5.2, p < 0.02. For
other foraging sessions on meadows near Har-
rier semicolonies, storks preferred regularly cut
meadows: 27(65.9 %) vs 14 (34,1 %), χ2 =
4.12, p < 0.04). Habitat types exploited by harrier dives at storks foraging differed sig-
storks foraging near harriers colonies was re- nificantly for particular patches. The highest
lated to the number of caught vertebrates if number of dives was performed on storks for-
the sessions were not disturbed by Harrier aging on meadows and pastures (Kruskal-
(ANOVA: F = 24.51, p < 0.001). Similar Wallis ANOVA: H = 14.56, df = 3, p < 0.001)
relation were not found when foraging was (Table 4). Storks, during interrupted foraging
interrupted by no-intrinsic patch-leaving de- sessions near Harrier colonies (nearby forag-
cision of an individual: Kruskal-Wallis ing areas), tended to forage in shorter bouts
ANOVA: H = 0.81, df = 3, n.s. (data for calcu- and catch fewer vertebrate prey when com-
lation included in Table 2). The number of pared to uninterrupted sessions performed
Comparison of foraging time sessions of White Storks in two contexts
Ñðàâíåíèå âðåìåíè êîðìåæêè áåëûõ àèñòîâ â äâóõ êîíòåêñòàõ
Data are given as mean ± SE for Mann-Whitney U-test and mean ± SD for Students t-test.
Comparison of number of vertebrate prey caught during foraging sessions of White Storks
Ñðàâíåíèå êîëè÷åñòâà äîáûòûõ ïîçâîíî÷íûõ âî âðåìÿ êîðìåæêè áåëûìè àèñòàìè âîçëå
ïîëóêîëîíèè ëóãîâûõ ëóíåé
Data are given as mean ± SE for Mann-Whitney U-test and mean ± SD for Students t-test.
(Table 5, 6). Uninterrupted Storks foraging meadows, they exhibited stronger preference
sessions were observed mainly in June (n = for pecking on frequently cut meadows than
21) and July (n = 23). Interrupted sessions took foraging on no- intensively managed meadows:
place in April (n = 3), May (n = 4), and Au- 83 (71.6 %) vs. 33 (28.4 %) , χ2 = 21.5, df = 1,
gust (n = 7). The frequency of uninterrupted p < 0.001. Here only 19 (8.7 %) sessions were
foraging sessions in particular months of ob- disturbed by interactions, which 9 (4.1 %) were
servations diverged from the expected one (χ2 interactions with adult males of Montagus
= 32.0, df = 4, p < 0.001). During study n = 3 Harrier, and all occurred on frequently cut
communal defences were also observed into meadows. The remaining were interactions
which 4.25 ± 0.96 (range: 35 individuals) with a Red Fox (n =1), a Marsh Harrier (Cir-
Montagus Harriers individuals were involved, cus aeruginosus) male (n =1), other storks (n
which in the duration of 122 ± 55 sec. (range: =2), people on foot (n = 2), agricultural ma-
84201 sec.) performed 3.7 ± 0.96 dives chinery (n = 4). One case, in which storks for-
aged for at least 57 minutes followed tractor
plowing was excluded from this calculation.
Female of harrier used to forage closer to
Stork foraging sessions (n = 217) on areas the their semicolonies, and tended to prefer
further than 2.5 km from harrier semicolonies meadows and pastures, avoiding arable lands
(remote foraging areas) (Table 1) lasted longer and wetlands (Table 8). Due to hunting duties
(Table 7) than sessions performed near harrier males rarely foraged near semicolonies and
colonies but the number of vertebrate prey exploited habitat patches in proportion to their
caught per unit time was smaller (Table 2) and presence. The exception was that wetlands
in which were foraging bouts near harriers co- which were quite distinctly avoided (Table 8).
lonies on meadows and pastures 190 (87.6 %, Harrier foraging preferences in areas far from
n = 217) (Table 1, 2, 7). If storks foraged on semicolonies were reported elsewhere. There
Montagus Harriers and White Storks in SE Poland
Comparison of the time lasting foraging sessions of White Storks
Ñðàâíåíèå ïðîäîëæèòåëüíîñòè êîðìîâûõ ñåññèé áåëûõ àèñòîâ
Data are given as mean ± SE for Mann-Whitney U-test and mean ± SD for Students t-test.
* p < 0.034, ** p < 0.0003, *** p < 0.0001.
was a distinct preference for regularly cut have been helpful in understanding why harri-
meadows and pasture lands (Kitowski, Wojtak, ers interfere with foraging storks in habitat
patches covered with short vegetation (regu-
larly cut meadows). White Storks (Creutz,
1988; Alonso et al., 1991; Struwe, Tomsen,
1991; Johst et al., 2001; Moritzi et al., 2001)
Many studies have demonstrated the effects and Montagus Harriers (Nieboer, 1973;
of spatial and temporal clumping of resources Clarke, 1996; Kitowski, 2003b) prefer open
on the frequency of competitive aggression areas with short vegetation. Here, prey is more
(Grant, Guha 1993; Bryant, Grant, 1995; Gold- accessible for harriers (Clark, Stanley, 1976)
berg et al., 2001; Plesner et al., 2005). These and storks (Moritzi et al., 2001) than in areas
Foraging sessions Montagus Harrier females and males close semicolony
Êîðìîâûå ñåññèè ñàìîê è ñàìöîâ ëóãîâûõ ëóíåé âîçëå ïîëóêîëîíèè
Data based on every 30 minutes scaning first seen foraging individuals.
with tall grass, where vegetation provides hides
Most of the foraging sessions interrupted
for prey. Increasing food patch quality (easier storks (76 %) occurred in June and July. This
prey accessibility) results in a decrease in the can be accounted to the increased rate of ver-
intrinsic patch-leaving rate and an increase in tebrates in total prey biomass of storks as the
the rate of aggressive interactions involving reproductive season advances. Observations
the White Storks and Montagus Harriers. supported by other authors (Struwe, Thomsen,
Storks and harriers seem to able to asses, at 1991; Antczak et al., 2002) including those and
least in part, the quality of patch habitats in performed in south-eastern Poland confirm that
which foraging. The quality of the foraging in this time frequency small vertebrates in-
habitat impact in harriers in the clutch size and creases in storks diet (Kitowski, unpubl. data).
the number of young fledged (Butet, Leroux,
It has been demonstrated statistically that
1993; Arroyo, 1997; Salamolard et al., 2000). foraging storks suffer more from being ha-
In storks quality of habitat near the nesting site rassed harrier females than males. This results
is significant factors affecting on breeding den- from females being more regular present near
sity (Latus et al., 2000; Latus, Kujawa, 2005). semicolonies their in late nestling and early
Other studies suggest that where food is post-fledging period (Kitowski, 2003a;
more predictable in space, there is a strong Kitowski, unpubl. data). When nestlings do not
tendency for monopolisation of foraging ar- need to be brooded, females are know to for-
eas and defence prevalence increases abruptly age within the area of about 1.5 km their nests,
with prey concentration or vulnerability (Grant, a males foraging further. This in turn results
Grant, 1994; Bryant, Grant, 1995). A situa- from the spatial separation of hunting areas or
tion like this occurs in the study area Common used varying habitat types related to the re-
Voles populations fluctuate from season to sea- verse sexual sized dimorphism, which itself
son because, in this species population explo- serves to reduce prey competition between
sions (vole years) and depressions ( non- individuals of opposite sexes (Newton, 1979;
vole years) are observed every 34 years Temeles, 1985). Surprising, this spatial sepa-
(Pucek, 1984). Nevertheless patches where ration of the hunting areas of males and fe-
prey is more accessible (such as regularly cut males of Montagus Harriers partialy deter-
meadows) can persisted over many years and mines the foraging efficiency of White Storks.
the probability of finding better access for food Females of harriers, having a limited time and
even in time non-vole years is greater here area available for hunting due to their defen-
compared to other areas. The distribution of sive duties (Kitowski, 2003a), must choose
food can be partially predictable in for harri- most effective patches for hunting. These must
ers and storks. Harriers probably become more also be located near nests. These patches hap-
aggressive towards storks learn which habitat pen, also to be good nearby foraging patches
patches are predictably offer prey. They then of storks.
monopolising these patch during future repro-
ductive cycles as has been observed in some voles performed on study area (Trociuk, 1987;
other birds (Grant, Kramer, 1992; Grant, Grant, Maruchniak, 1988) showed that meadows im-
1994; Goldberg et al., 2001). Undoubtedly, mediately adjacent to the harriers semicolo-
harriers benefit by invest energy in monopo- nies were heavy depleted of voles due to the
lising better quality patch habitats. The high exploitation by nesting harriers contrary of the
probability of aggression of harriers to storks areas further away from semicolonies serves
is also supported by observed nest site fidelity as the remote foraging patches of storks. Fe-
both species (Profus, 1991; Krogulec, 1992; male harriers quickly remove competitor in-
Kitowski 2000; Kitowski, unpubl. data). In cluding White Storks, from the areas which
storks such fidelity is reflected by strong ten- they exploit. These factors contribute to higher
dency to return to the nest of last year breed- rates of early departure of foraging White
ing ( not to the nest of the birth) (Profus, 1991). Storks. This raises their foraging costs. As sug-
Montagus Harriers and White Storks in SE Poland
gested White Stork foraging involves a trade Arroyo B.E. (1997): Diet of Montagus Harrier Circus
off between highly effective foraging (espe-
pygargus in central Spain: analysis of temporal and
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and peck (Struwe, Thomsen, 1991), particu-
(Circus pygargus). - Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 50: 109-
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dators breeding succes. A 7-year on Common Vole
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fences only toward those species which were
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fidelity observed in both considered species.
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476 Nefrologi – Urologi Sjukdomar i manliga genitalia och Urologkliniken, Kärnsjukhuset, SkövdeSvullnaden kan vara så kraftig att detalj- Inledning palpation inte är möjlig. Symtomen kanvara snabbt insättande och är ofta förenade Erektil dysfunktion och godartad prostata- förstoring är vanliga tillstånd och prostata- cancer har den högsta incidensen av alla cancerfor
Names 2007, 3rd France-Russia Seminar “Vegetable acids” for selective precipitation of metallic cations : a green chemistry application Rup S.a,b, Zimmermann F.a,b, Meux E.b*, Sindt M.a, Oget N.a* a Laboratoire de Chimie et de Méthodologies pour l'Environnement (LCME) EA 4164 b Laboratoire d'Electrochimie des Matériaux (LEM) UMR CNRS 7555 Université Paul Verlaine-Metz -