Immunization Division, Texas Department of Health 1100 West 49th St., Austin, TX 78756 (800) 252-9152 (512) 458-7544 fax Pertussis Case Track Record FINAL STATUS : NETSS CASE #:
Patient’s Name: ______________________________________________________
Reported By: ___________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
Agency: _______________________________________________
Phone:( )___________________________________________
City: ________________________ County: _______________ Zip: ____________
Region: _________ Phone:( ) ______________________________________
Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________________
Report Given to: _______________________________________
Organization: ___________________________________________
Physician: _______________________________Phone:( ) _______________
Physician’s Address: __________________________________________________
Phone: ( ) __________________________________________
DEMOGRAPHICS: DATE OF BIRTH: _____/_____/_____ AGE: ______ SEX: o Male o Female o Unknown
RACE: o White o Black o Asian/Pacific Islander o Native American o Unknown o Other: _________________________
o Cough - Onset Date: ____/____/____ Final Cough Duration:______ # of Days
Were antibiotics given? o Yes o No
o Paroxysmal Cough - Onset Date: _______/________/_______
o Erythromycin: Date Started:_____/_____/_____for _____ Days
o Cotrimoxazole: Date Started:_____/____/_____for ______ Days
o Apnea (Exclude Cyanotic Episode) o Cyanosis after Paroxysm
o Azithromycin: Date Started:_____/_____/_____for _____ Days
o Pneumonia: Chest X-Ray o + o - o Seizures (Focal or Generalized)
o Tetracycline: Date Started:_____/_____/_____for _____ Days
Date Started:_____/_____/_____for _____ Days
Is patient still coughing at final interview? o Yes o No Date: ___/_____/____
o Other:_________ Date Started:____/____/____for ______ Days
o Hospitalized at: __________________________________________________
o Other:_________ Date Started:____/____/____for ______ Days
Admitted: _____/_____/_____ Discharged: _____/_____/_____ # Days_______
OUTCOME:o Survived o Died o Unknown Physician Diagnosis:_________________________________________________
If Deceased, Date of Death: ____/_____/_____Note: A Pertussis Death Worksheet must also be submitted to TDH. INFECTION TIMELINE: Enter onset of cough. Count backwards and forwards to enter dates for probable exposure and communicable periods.
P e r i o d o f C o m m u n i c a b i l i t y
o 1 DTP: ____/____/____ Type: o DTP o DTaP o DTP-Hib o DT Manufacturer: __________________ Lot #:_____________
o 2 DTP: ____/____/____ Type: o DTP o DTaP o DTP-Hib o DT Manufacturer: __________________ Lot #:_____________
o 3 DTP: ____/____/____ Type: o DTP o DTaP o DTP-Hib o DT Manufacturer: __________________ Lot #:_____________
o 4 DTP: ____/____/____ Type: o DTP o DTaP o DTP-Hib o DT Manufacturer: __________________ Lot #:_____________
o 5 DTP: ____/____/____ Type: o DTP o DTaP o DTP-Hib o DT Manufacturer: __________________ Lot #:_____________
If no, indicate reason: o Religious exemption o Medical Contraindication o Evidence of immunity o Previous Disease - Lab Confirmed
o Previous Disease - MD Diagnosed o Under Age o Parental Refusal o Unknown o Other: ____________________________
Name: ________________________________________
LABORATORY DATA:Was laboratory testing done? o Yes o No o Unknown LABORATORY: o TDH o Other: ________________________________________________ Phone:( ) ________________________
o Culture: Date specimen collected: _____/_____/_____ Result: ________________
o PCR: Date specimen collected: _____/_____/_____ Result: ________________
o DFA: Date specimen collected: _____/_____/_____ Result: ________________
o IgA o IgG: Date of acute specimen: _____/_____/_____ Result: ________________
Date of convalescent specimen: _____/_____/_____ Result: ________________
Note: A four-fold rise in titer level from acute specimen to convalescent sample may be considered positive serology for pertussis. Results from a single specimen are not accepted as laboratory confirmation of a suspected pertussis case.
Results called to local investigator: o Yes o No o Unknown
Person Contacted: Date Called: _____/_____/_____ Initials: _________
SOURCE OF INFECTION: o No exposure Identified o Close contact with a known or suspected case.
____________________________ ( )____________________ __________
o Is case epidemiologically linked to a culture-confirmed case? o Yes o No o Unknown
o Where did this case acquire pertussis?: o Day-care o School o College o Work o Home o Dr Office o Hospital ER o Hospital Inpatient o Hospital Outpatient o Military o Jail o Church o International Travel o Unknown o Other: _____________ Name(s) of Setting:__________________________________________________________________________________________________
o Has any travel occurred within the exposure period? o Yes o No o Unknown If yes, list location: __________________________
o Importation Class: o Indigenous o International o Out-of-state o Unknown If imported, from what country/state:________________
o Is case traceable within 2 generations to international import? o Yes o No o Unknown
o Is case part of an outbreak?: o Yes o No o Unknown If yes, list outbreak name: _________________________________________
Total number of contacts in any settings recommended antibiotics: _________________ HOUSEHOLD CONTACTS: Were control activities initiated?: o Yes o No o Unknown If no, explain: __________________________ *Symptoms/Date of Onset
______________________ _______________ _____
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*Investigations must be completed on all contacts with symptoms POSSIBLE SPREAD CONTACT: Setting: o No Spread o Day -care o School o College o Work o Home o Dr. Office o Hospital ER o Hospital Inpatient o Hospital Outpatient o Military o Jail o Church o International Travel o Unknown o Other: ___________________________ Name (s) of Settings: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name *Symptoms/Date of Onset
______________________ _______________ _____
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*Investigations must be completed on all contacts with symptoms
Investigator's Name: _____________________________________________ Agency name: _________________________________________
Phone:( ) ______________________ Date Investigation Initiated: _____/_____/_____ Date Investigation Completed: ____/_____/____
PREPARAÇÃO PARA VIDEOCOLONOSCOPIA TOTAL A Colonoscopia é um exame que permite a observação de todo o intestino grosso (cólon) através da introdução de tubo flexível pelo ânus. Uma boa preparação permite uma colonoscopia mais fácil e eficaz. Adquira na farmácia Dulcolax , Endofalk (6 saquetas) e Clyss-Go Cuidados a ter: - Suspender medicamentos com ácido acetilsalicí
The Carriwell Maternity Support Band has been tested by leading midwife Sister Lilian and has been found to dramatically reduce ligament pain, back ache and abdominal pressure during pregnancy. An expectant mom’s mid-section is extremely prone to aches and pains during pregnancy, and these are as many and varied in nature as the woman herself. The reasons for this discomfort include incr